remote-android / redroid-doc

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arm64 container running but adb offline while netd service not start #479

Open OnlyZuri opened 10 months ago

OnlyZuri commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug I am running redroid-12.0.0-latest at my arrch64 machine, and something wrong happen like netd service.

make sure the required kernel modules present

collect debug logs curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- [CONTAINER] omit CONTAINER if not exist any more.

creating tmp dir: /tmp/tmp.RrxRY0eUaI
redroid-doc/ 27: getenforce: not found
libva info: VA-API version 1.15.0
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
vaInitialize failed with error code -1 (unknown libva error),exit
Error dumping service info status_t: DEAD_OBJECT dnsresolver
Can't find service: netd
Error dumping service info status_t: PERMISSION_DENIED stats
Can't find service: wifinl80211
Error: argument "eth0" is wrong: table id value is invalid

tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
all logs collected in /tmp/tmp.RrxRY0eUaI.tgz

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

  1. ps -A

    docker ps -A
    USER           PID  PPID     VSZ    RSS WCHAN            ADDR S NAME
    root             1     0 10862784  7688 ep_poll             0 S init
    root             7     1 10897724  4800 do_poll.c+          0 S init
    root             9     1 10874156  4964 do_poll.c+          0 S ueventd
    logd            17     1 10879412  5196 sigsuspend          0 S logd
    lmkd            18     1 10837652  2552 ep_poll             0 S lmkd
    system          19     1 10790952  4648 ep_poll             0 S servicemanager
    system          20     1 10858364  5568 ep_poll             0 S hwservicemanager
    shell           21     1 10807564  2588 wait_woken          0 S sh
    root            22     1 10951284  6736 hrtimer_n+          0 S vold
    system          32     1 10831088  4864 binder_wa+          0 S android.system.suspend@1.0-service
    keystore        33     1 11083224 12760 binder_wa+          0 S keystore2
    nobody          34     1 10874004  6048 binder_wa+          0 S android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service
    tombstoned      42     1 10797644  2320 ep_poll             0 S tombstoned
    system          73     1 10818820  4204 binder_wa+          0 S android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service
    bluetooth       75     1 10877416  5596 binder_wa+          0 S android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.sim
    system          77     1 10878348  4992 binder_wa+          0 S
    system          78     1 10860244  4872 binder_wa+          0 S
    system          79     1 10973584  5824 binder_wa+          0 S
    system          80     1 10801960  4892 ep_poll             0 S
    wifi            81     1 10903372  6780 binder_wa+          0 S android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service
    nobody          82     1 10823112  4364 binder_wa+          0 S android.hardware.power-service.example
    credstore       84     1 10853188  6208 binder_wa+          0 S credstore
    gpu_service     86     1 10949076  6300 binder_wa+          0 S gpuservice
    system          89     1 11224892 47168 ep_poll             0 S surfaceflinger
    root            95     1 10907932  5616 ep_poll             0 S adbd
    nobody         100     1 10880668  3480 do_poll.c+          0 S traced_probes
    nobody         103     1 10848896  3556 do_poll.c+          0 S traced
    system         107     1 10961548  5248 binder_wa+          0 S idmap2d
    incidentd      108     1 10864808  4992 ep_poll             0 S incidentd
    root           119     1 10891008  4972 binder_wa+          0 S installd
    mediaex        120     1 11243596 21180 binder_wa+          0 S media.extractor
    media          121     1 10857308  6096 binder_wa+          0 S media.metrics
    root           126     1 10940940  4712 binder_wa+          0 S storaged
    radio          130     1 10941156  5180 hrtimer_n+          0 S rild
    mediacodec     133     1 10870528 12000 binder_wa+          0 S media.swcodec
    statsd         135     1 10879488  4656 ep_poll             0 S statsd
    mdnsr          151     1 8674096    788 do_select           0 S mdnsd
    system         152     1 10848852  5508 binder_wa+          0 S gatekeeperd
    llkd           160     1 10834980  3208 hrtimer_n+          0 S llkd
    cameraserver  3465     1 11094992 20844 binder_wa+          0 S cameraserver
    root          3466     1 11100588  7772 binder_wa+          0 S netd
    wifi          3467     1 10996064  5852 ep_poll             0 S wificond
    root          3468  3466 10832704  2296 pipe_read           0 S iptables-restore
    root          3469  3466 10834752  2316 pipe_read           0 S ip6tables-restore
    root          3483     0 10834700  3128 0                   0 R ps
  2. dmesg

    docker dmesg

[ 2435.489187] init: Service 'netd' (pid 3740) received signal 9 [ 2435.489372] init: Service 'wificond' (pid 3741) received signal 9 [ 2435.489522] init: Service 'exec 152 (/system/bin/vdc volume abort_fuse)' (pid 3759) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 0.019000 seconds in background [ 2435.489532] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 152 (/system/bin/vdc volume abort_fuse)' (pid 3759) process group... [ 2435.489660] init: Untracked pid 3742 received signal 9 [ 2435.489681] init: Untracked pid 3743 received signal 9 [ 2435.489799] init: starting service 'audioserver'... [ 2435.491702] init: starting service ''... [ 2435.493180] init: starting service 'vendor.cas-hal-1-2'... [ 2435.494865] init: processing action (init.svc.audioserver=running) from (/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc:38) [ 2435.494905] init: Command 'start' action=init.svc.audioserver=running (/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc:40) took 0ms and failed: service not found [ 2435.494927] init: Command 'start audio_proxy_service' action=init.svc.audioserver=running (/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc:41) took 0ms and failed: service audio_proxy_service not found [ 2435.494942] init: Command 'start' action=init.svc.audioserver=running (/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc:43) took 0ms and failed: service not found [ 2435.494965] init: Command 'start audio-hal-2-0' action=init.svc.audioserver=running (/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc:44) took 0ms and failed: service audio-hal-2-0 not found [ 2435.497139] init: Service '' (pid 3761) exited with status 1 [ 2435.497152] init: Sending signal 9 to service '' (pid 3761) process group... [ 2435.497324] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'audioserver' (pid 3760) process group... [ 2435.503135] init: Service 'audioserver' (pid 3760) received signal 9 [ 2435.503157] init: Command 'restart' action=onrestart (<Service 'audioserver' onrestart>:2) took 0ms and failed: service not found [ 2435.503166] init: Command 'restart audio_proxy_service' action=onrestart (<Service 'audioserver' onrestart>:3) took 0ms and failed: service audio_proxy_service not found [ 2435.503174] init: Command 'restart' action=onrestart (<Service 'audioserver' onrestart>:4) took 0ms and failed: service not found [ 2435.503182] init: Command 'restart audio-hal-2-0' action=onrestart (<Service 'audioserver' onrestart>:5) took 0ms and failed: service audio-hal-2-0 not found [ 2435.503280] init: Service 'vendor.cas-hal-1-2' (pid 3762) exited with status 1 [ 2435.503287] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'vendor.cas-hal-1-2' (pid 3762) process group... [ 2435.503523] init: starting service ''... [ 2435.508773] init: Service '' (pid 3763) exited with status 1 [ 2435.508785] init: Sending signal 9 to service '' (pid 3763) process group... [ 2435.653197] init: starting service 'media'... [ 2435.655415] init: processing action ( from (/system/etc/init/mediaserver.rc:1) [ 2435.656492] init: Service 'media' (pid 3770) exited with status 1 [ 2435.656505] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'media' (pid 3770) process group... [ 2435.656796] init: processing action ( from (/system/etc/init/mediaserver.rc:1) [ 2435.805063] init: starting service 'cameraserver'... [ 2435.807918] init: starting service 'netd'... [ 2435.807976] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/dnsproxyd', mode 660, user 0, group 3003 [ 2435.808013] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/mdns', mode 660, user 0, group 1000 [ 2435.808042] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/fwmarkd', mode 660, user 0, group 3003 [ 2435.809448] init: starting service 'wificond'...

3. logcat
docker logcat

10-18 03:35:49.935  4042  4042 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default
10-18 03:35:54.311    22    30 D vold    : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/67/abort
10-18 03:35:54.311    22    30 W vold    : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/67/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
10-18 03:35:54.311    22    30 D vold    : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/61/abort
10-18 03:35:54.311    22    30 W vold    : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/61/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
10-18 03:35:54.311    22    30 D vold    : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/54/abort
10-18 03:35:54.311    22    30 W vold    : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/54/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
10-18 03:35:54.631  4068  4068 I wificond: wificond is starting up...
10-18 03:35:54.631  4068  4068 E wificond: Received error message: No such file or directory
10-18 03:35:54.631  4068  4068 E wificond: Failed to get NL80211 family info
10-18 03:35:54.631  4068  4068 E wificond: Failed to start netlink manager
10-18 03:35:54.631  4068  4068 E wificond: Received error message: No such file or directory
10-18 03:35:54.631  4068  4068 E wificond: Failed to get NL80211 family info
10-18 03:35:54.632  4067  4067 I netdClient: Skipping libnetd_client init since *we* are netd
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : netd 1.0 starting
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : Pid file removed
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : SIGPIPE is blocked
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : setCloseOnExec(dnsproxyd)
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : setCloseOnExec(fwmarkd)
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : setCloseOnExec(mdns)
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : BPF programs are loaded
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : NetlinkManager instanced
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : enter NetworkController ctor
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : leave NetworkController ctor
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 I netd    : enter TetherController ctor
10-18 03:35:54.636  4067  4067 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
10-18 03:35:54.637  4067  4067 I netd    : leave TetherController ctor
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Creating child chains: 65us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Setting up OEM hooks: 42us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Setting up FirewallController hooks: 9us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Setting up TetherController hooks: 19us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Setting up BandwidthController hooks: 23us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Setting up IdletimerController hooks: 8us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Setting up StrictController hooks: 76us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 E ClatdController: getClatEgress4MapFd() failure: Operation not permitted
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Initializing ClatdController: 7us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 E netd    : Failed to start trafficcontroller: (Status[code: 1, msg: "Pinned map not accessible or does not exist: (/sys/fs/bpf/map_netd_cookie_tag_map): Operation not permitted"])
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Initializing traffic control: 43us
10-18 03:35:54.638  4067  4067 I netd    : Enabling bandwidth control: 27us
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 E netd    : cannot find interface dummy0: No such device
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 I netd    : Initializing RouteController: 641us
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 D XfrmController: XfrmController::ipSecAddXfrmInterface, line=1479
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 D XfrmController: XfrmController::ipSecRemoveTunnelInterface, line=1692
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 D XfrmController: deviceName=ipsec_test
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 D XfrmController: Sending Netlink XFRM Message: XFRM_MSG_FLUSHSA
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 D XfrmController: Sending Netlink XFRM Message: XFRM_MSG_FLUSHPOLICY
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 I netd    : Initializing XfrmController: 189us
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 E Netd    : Unable to create netlink socket for family 5: Protocol not supported
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 W Netd    : Unable to open qlog quota socket, check if xt_quota2 can send via UeventHandler
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 E Netd    : Failed NFULNL_CFG_CMD_PF_UNBIND: Invalid argument
10-18 03:35:54.639  4067  4067 E Netd    : Unable to open strict socket
10-18 03:35:54.640  4067  4067 I libnetd_resolv: resolv_init: Initializing resolver
10-18 03:35:54.647  4067  4067 D MDnsDS  : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
10-18 03:35:54.648  4067  4067 I netd    : Registering NetdNativeService: 732us
10-18 03:35:54.648  4067  4077 D MDnsDS  : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
10-18 03:35:54.648  4067  4077 D MDnsDS  : Going to poll with pollCount 1
10-18 03:35:54.648  4067  4067 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
10-18 03:35:54.648  4067  4067 I netd    : Registering NetdHwService: 809us
10-18 03:35:54.648  4067  4067 I netd    : Netd started in 12465us
10-18 03:35:54.649  4067  4074 E NetlinkListener: unhandled netlink message: nlmsghdr[len: 0x30, type: 0x2, flags: 0x0, seq: 0x0, pid: 0xa78417e3] Slice[base: 0xb400ed566ccf7020, limit: 0xb400ed566ccf7040, size: 0x20] eaffffff19000000010401000000000000000000000000000500010004000000
10-18 03:35:54.650  4067  4074 E NetlinkListener: unhandled netlink message: nlmsghdr[len: 0x30, type: 0x2, flags: 0x0, seq: 0x0, pid: 0xa78417e3] Slice[base: 0xb400ed566ccf7020, limit: 0xb400ed566ccf7040, size: 0x20] eaffffff19000000010401000000000000000000000000030500010001000000
10-18 03:35:54.650  4067  4074 E NetlinkListener: unhandled netlink message: nlmsghdr[len: 0x34, type: 0x2, flags: 0x0, seq: 0x0, pid: 0xa78417e3] Slice[base: 0xb400ed566ccf7020, limit: 0xb400ed566ccf7044, size: 0x24] eaffffff1e000000010401000000000000000000000000030a0002000000003c
10-18 03:35:54.650  4067  4074 E NetlinkListener: 02000000
10-18 03:35:54.673  4066  4066 I cameraserver: ServiceManager: 0xb400fb760fe99a30
10-18 03:35:54.673  4066  4066 I CameraService: CameraService started (pid=4066)
10-18 03:35:54.673  4066  4066 I CameraService: CameraService process starting
10-18 03:35:54.674  4066  4066 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
10-18 03:35:54.675  4066  4066 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
10-18 03:35:54.677  4066  4066 I cameraserver: Waiting for activity service
10-18 03:35:54.932  4068  4068 E wificond: Failed to poll netlink fd: time out
10-18 03:35:54.932  4068  4068 E wificond: NL80211_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES failed
10-18 03:35:54.932  4068  4068 E wificond: Received error message: No such file or directory
10-18 03:35:54.932  4068  4068 E wificond: Failed to get NL80211 family info
10-18 03:35:54.934  4068  4068 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default
zhouziyang commented 10 months ago

Try 64only image, since only aarch64 supported by your platform.

OnlyZuri commented 10 months ago

yes, my server cpu is kunpeng920. I know it can run by 64only image, but I need to install some apk with arm32, and I have find the translator module named 'exagear' to translate arm32 instrustion set to arm64. So I try to run redroid12-latest (means redroid12-arm64).

If I use the 64only images, it seems like I can't install these apks becuase of 'ABIS not macth'. Did you have some idea to install 32 apks pass thought 'ABIS not match'?

BTW, how can you know 'only aarch64 supported by you platform'? I'm a newbie, your answer will help me learn more about it.

Thanks for you reply, appreciate highly.

zhouziyang commented 10 months ago

CPU op-mode(s): 64-bit from lscpu command.

You can add exagear (corresponding to Android release) to redroid (without re-compile from source).

OnlyZuri commented 10 months ago

Thanks for you reply, you means, build a new image like Or add the exagear at running redroid container?

Here is the reference document url :

zhanghengtime commented 5 months ago

CPU op-mode(s): 64-bit from lscpu command.

You can add exagear (corresponding to Android release) to redroid (without re-compile from source).

May I ask how to add exagear to redoid (without re-compile from source),I can‘t find reference document