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Container crashed immediately without any logs when lauching (Running in a lxc container on Proxmox VE) #546

Open dev-techmoe opened 8 months ago

dev-techmoe commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug I think to make redroid running in a lxc container would get a perfect memory usage than running in a VM, so I tried to do this.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Proxmox VE is a Linux distribution based on Debian, so I firstly ensure some essential kernel modules enabled in host.
    # lsmod | grep binder
    binder_linux          212991  0
    # lsmod | grep ashmem
    ashmem_linux           20481  0
  2. Create a privileged lxc container (Debian 12)
  3. Install docker-ce in lxc container
  4. Make sure kernel modules are visible in lxc container
    # lsmod | grep binder
    binder_linux          212991  0
    # lsmod | grep ashmem
    ashmem_linux           20481  0
  5. Check binder devices exists in /dev of lxc container, but I found it's not in /dev folder, so I choice to create and mount it manually
    mkdir /dev/binderfs
    mount -t binder binder /dev/binderfs
  6. Try to launch ReDroid container
    docker run -it --privileged     
                --pull always     
                -v /dev/binderfs/binder:/dev/binder     
                -v /dev/binderfs/hwbinder:/dev/hwbinder     
                -v /dev/binderfs/vndbinder:/dev/vndbinder     
                -v ~/data8:/data     
                -p 5555:5555   
  7. I got container crashed immediately without any logs.

dmesg -T just only

[Thu Dec 21 03:23:04 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered blocking state
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:04 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered disabled state
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:04 2023] device veth0e65d09 entered promiscuous mode
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:05 2023] eth0: renamed from vethc2533da
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:05 2023] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth0e65d09: link becomes ready
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:05 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered blocking state
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:05 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered forwarding state
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:07 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered disabled state
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:07 2023] vethc2533da: renamed from eth0
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:08 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered disabled state
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:08 2023] device veth0e65d09 left promiscuous mode
[Thu Dec 21 03:23:08 2023] docker0: port 1(veth0e65d09) entered disabled state

docker logs redroid8 got nothing.

make sure the required kernel modules present

collect debug logs curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- [CONTAINER] omit CONTAINER if not exist any more.

see info above, I have some privacy concern about this, please let me know if you need more information, sorry.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

zhouziyang commented 8 months ago

How about run redroid via docker / podman directly on your host? Since binderfs supported by your platform, -v /dev/binderfs/binder:/dev/binder ... bind mounts are not needed.

BTW, check #411 for lxc support.

dev-techmoe commented 8 months ago

How about run redroid via docker / podman directly on your host? Since binderfs supported by your platform, -v /dev/binderfs/binder:/dev/binder ... bind mounts are not needed.

BTW, check #411 for lxc support.

Hey @zhouziyang , thank you for your reply.

I use lxc because Proxmox VE (PVE) has a built-in lxc support, It has a very easy experience for controlling resource usage of containers, such as CPU core, RAM usage, etc, I need to make sure my server doesn't go boom because it has a very poor hardware platform 🤣.

411 I saw that but sadly the author was not give others a clear solution for this issue.

I think I need some more tips for debugging redroid because I can't find any useful logs of this issue, could you give me some hints for debugging in this case? Thank you.

zhouziyang commented 8 months ago

Well, I will take a look at lxc / libvirt support. Stay tuned~

zhouziyang commented 8 months ago


dev-techmoe commented 8 months ago


@zhouziyang thank you for taking time on this, I tried this and got lxc container up, but I can't get network connection in container and also can't get the adb connection.

Here is some logs

# lxc-info redroid11

Name:           redroid11
State:          RUNNING
PID:            44564

process list

# nsenter -t `lxc-info redroid11 -p | awk '{print $2}'` -a ps -ef
UID             PID   PPID C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root              1      0 0 08:30 136:4    00:00:00 init second_stage androidboot.hardware=redroid androidboot.redroid_gpu_mode=guest
root              3      1 0 08:30 ?        00:00:00 init subcontext u:r:vendor_init:s0 14
root              5      1 0 08:30 ?        00:00:00 ueventd
logd             13      1 0 08:31 ?        00:00:00 logd
lmkd             14      1 0 08:31 ?        00:00:00 lmkd
system           15      1 0 08:31 ?        00:00:01 servicemanager
system           16      1 0 08:31 ?        00:00:00 hwservicemanager
shell            17      1 0 08:31 ?        00:00:00 sh
root             18      1 0 08:31 136:4    00:00:00 vold --blkid_context=u:r:blkid:s0 --blkid_untrusted_context=u:r:blkid_untrusted:s0 --fsck_context=u:r:fsck:s0 --fsck_un+
system           29      1 0 08:32 136:4    00:00:00 android.system.suspend@1.0-service
nobody           30      1 0 08:32 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service
tombstoned       43      1 0 08:33 136:4    00:00:00 tombstoned
system           54      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service
audioserver      55      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00
bluetooth        56      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.sim
media            57      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.cas@1.2-service
system           58      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00
system           59      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.gnss@2.1-service
system           60      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00
system           61      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00
system           62      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00
system           66      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.power.stats@1.0-service.mock
system           67      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.sensors@2.1-service.mock
wifi             69      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service
nobody           70      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 android.hardware.power-service.example
audioserver      71      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 audioserver
credstore        73      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 credstore /data/misc/credstore
gpu_service      74      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:00 gpuservice
system           75      1 0 08:35 136:4    00:00:01 surfaceflinger
shell           114      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 adbd --root_seclabel=u:r:su:s0
nobody          116      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 traced_probes
nobody          117      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 traced
root            120      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:01 zygote64
root            127      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:01 zygote
cameraserver    128      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 cameraserver
drm             129      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 drmserver
incidentd       131      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 incidentd
root            132      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 installd
keystore        133      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 keystore /data/misc/keystore
mediaex         134      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 media.extractor aextractor
media           135      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 media.metrics diametrics
media           136      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 mediaserver
root            137      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 netd
root            138      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 storaged
wifi            139      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 wificond
mediacodec      140      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 media.codec hw/
radio           141      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 rild
mediacodec      142      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 media.swcodec
statsd          143      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 statsd
mdnsr           204      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 mdnsd
system          205      1 0 08:36 136:4    00:00:00 gatekeeperd /data/misc/gatekeeper
system          207    120 3 08:37 136:4    00:00:10 system_server
bluetooth       368    120 0 08:42 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a108         390    120 1 08:42 136:4    00:00:03
u0_a115         406    120 0 08:42 136:4    00:00:00
webview_zyg+    606    127 0 08:42 136:4    00:00:00 webview_zygote
network_sta+    624    120 0 08:43 136:4    00:00:00
secure_elem+    653    120 0 08:43 136:4    00:00:00
radio           681    120 0 08:43 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a109         742    120 2 08:43 136:4    00:00:04
system          768    120 0 08:43 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a104         908    120 0 08:44 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a111         931    120 0 08:44 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a96          938    120 0 08:44 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a110        1021    120 0 08:45 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a88         1116    120 0 08:45 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a64         1241    120 0 08:46 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a61         1262    120 0 08:46 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a67         1288    120 0 08:46 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a112        1349    120 0 08:46 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a93         1442    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
system         1466    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a97         1487    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a91         1533    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a74         1560    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
system         1582    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
shell          1609    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
u0_a84         1632    120 0 08:48 136:4    00:00:00
root           1691      0 3 13:48 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

ping and (host ip)

# nsenter -t `lxc-info redroid11 -p | awk '{print $2}'` -a ping
connect: Network is unreachable
# nsenter -t `lxc-info redroid11 -p | awk '{print $2}'` -a ping
connect: Network is unreachable


lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.654 INFO     lxccontainer - lxccontainer.c:do_lxcapi_start:997 - Set process title to [lxc monitor] /var/lib/lxc redroid11
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.654 DEBUG    lxccontainer - lxccontainer.c:wait_on_daemonized_start:858 - First child 44562 exited
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.655 INFO     lsm - lsm/lsm.c:lsm_init_static:38 - Initialized LSM security driver AppArmor
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.656 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_init:884 - Container "redroid11" is initialized
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.681 INFO     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:cgfsng_monitor_create:1028 - The monitor process uses "lxc/redroid11/monitor" as cgroup
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.682 DEBUG    storage - storage/storage.c:get_storage_by_name:209 - Detected rootfs type "dir"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.682 INFO     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:cgfsng_payload_create:1136 - The container process uses "lxc/redroid11/payload" as inner and "lxc/redroid11/payload" as limit cgroup
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1765 - Cloned CLONE_NEWNS
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1765 - Cloned CLONE_NEWPID
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1765 - Cloned CLONE_NEWUTS
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1765 - Cloned CLONE_NEWIPC
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1765 - Cloned CLONE_NEWNET
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1765 - Cloned CLONE_NEWCGROUP
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 DEBUG    start - start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved mnt namespace via fd 21 and stashed path as mnt:/proc/44563/fd/21
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 DEBUG    start - start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved pid namespace via fd 22 and stashed path as pid:/proc/44563/fd/22
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 DEBUG    start - start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved uts namespace via fd 23 and stashed path as uts:/proc/44563/fd/23
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 DEBUG    start - start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved ipc namespace via fd 24 and stashed path as ipc:/proc/44563/fd/24
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 DEBUG    start - start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved net namespace via fd 25 and stashed path as net:/proc/44563/fd/25
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.683 DEBUG    start - start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved cgroup namespace via fd 26 and stashed path as cgroup:/proc/44563/fd/26
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_mount_rootfs:1432 - Mounted rootfs "/var/lib/lxc/redroid11/rootfs" onto "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs" with options "(null)"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 INFO     conf - conf.c:setup_utsname:875 - Set hostname to "redroid11"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 DEBUG    network - network.c:lxc_network_setup_in_child_namespaces_common:3948 - Network device "lo" has been setup
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 INFO     network - network.c:lxc_setup_network_in_child_namespaces:4005 - Finished setting up network devices with caller assigned names
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 INFO     conf - conf.c:mount_autodev:1215 - Preparing "/dev"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 INFO     conf - conf.c:mount_autodev:1276 - Prepared "/dev"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_mount_auto_mounts:735 - Invalid argument - Tried to ensure procfs is unmounted
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.684 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_mount_auto_mounts:758 - Invalid argument - Tried to ensure sysfs is unmounted
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2412 - Remounting "/root/data-redroid11" on "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs/data" to respect bind or remount options
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2431 - Flags for "/root/data-redroid11" were 4096, required extra flags are 0
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2440 - Mountflags already were 4096, skipping remount
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2475 - Mounted "/root/data-redroid11" on "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs/data" with filesystem type "none"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:__cgroupfs_mount:1541 - Mounted cgroup filesystem cgroup2 onto 23((null))
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1313 - Populating "/dev"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1322 - Created device node "full"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1322 - Created device node "null"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1322 - Created device node "random"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1322 - Created device node "tty"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1322 - Created device node "urandom"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1322 - Created device node "zero"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1401 - Populated "/dev"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_transient_proc:3771 - Caller's PID is 1; /proc/self points to 1
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_devpts_child:1691 - No new devpts instance will be mounted since no pts devices are required
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.685 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_ttys:1072 - Finished setting up 0 /dev/tty device(s)
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:setup_personality:1907 - Retaining original personality
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:capabilities_deny:3199 - Capabilities have been setup
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 NOTICE   conf - conf.c:lxc_setup:4464 - The container "redroid11" is set up
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 INFO     apparmor - lsm/apparmor.c:apparmor_process_label_set_at:1186 - Set AppArmor label to "unconfined"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 INFO     apparmor - lsm/apparmor.c:apparmor_process_label_set:1231 - Changed AppArmor profile to unconfined
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_send_devpts_to_parent:1889 - No devpts file descriptor will be sent since no pts devices are requested
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 DEBUG    terminal - terminal.c:lxc_terminal_peer_default:695 - No such device - The process does not have a controlling terminal
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 NOTICE   utils - utils.c:lxc_drop_groups:1365 - Dropped supplimentary groups
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.686 NOTICE   start - start.c:start:2161 - Exec'ing "/init"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020830.688 NOTICE   start - start.c:post_start:2172 - Started "/init" with pid "44564"
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020837.351 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable cpuacct controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020837.351 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable blkio controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020838.839 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable cpuacct controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020838.839 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable blkio controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020839.590 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable cpuacct controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229020839.590 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable blkio controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229021241.636 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable cpuacct controller
lxc-start redroid11 20231229021241.636 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:get_hierarchy:142 - There is no useable blkio controller

lxc version

lxc (1:4.0.6-2+deb11u2 Debian:11.8/oldstable [amd64])
dev-techmoe commented 8 months ago

cat /var/lib/lxc/redroid11/config = empty
lxc.rootfs.path = dir:/var/lib/lxc/redroid11/rootfs
lxc.execute.cmd = '"/init" "androidboot.hardware=redroid" ' = proc:mixed sys:mixed cgroup:mixed
lxc.environment = = redroid11
lxc.init.uid = 0
lxc.init.gid = 0
lxc.init.cwd = /
### hacked
lxc.init.cmd = /init androidboot.hardware=redroid androidboot.redroid_gpu_mode=guest
lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined
lxc.autodev = 1
lxc.autodev.tmpfs.size = 25000000
lxc.mount.entry = /root/data-redroid11 data none bind 0 0

is possible = empty cause this problem?

zhouziyang commented 8 months ago

Check lxc-net, and make sure container networkings are properly configured.

foreverigor commented 8 months ago

@dev-techmoe hello, can I ask which Proxmox version do you use ? Did the kernel modules come preinstalled or you had to add them ?

dev-techmoe commented 8 months ago

@dev-techmoe hello, can I ask which Proxmox version do you use ? Did the kernel modules come preinstalled or you had to add them ?

PVE Version: 7.2-3

uname -a: Linux lu 5.15.30-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.15.30-3 (Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:08:27 +0200) x86_64 GNU/Linux

All kernel modules are built in this default kernel, I'm not adding anything to this kernel.

I'm busy working recently, and I will continue try to fix this LXC container running on PVE when I free.

foreverigor commented 7 months ago
  1. Try to launch ReDroid container
docker run -it --privileged     
                --pull always     
                -v /dev/binderfs/binder:/dev/binder     
                -v /dev/binderfs/hwbinder:/dev/hwbinder     
                -v /dev/binderfs/vndbinder:/dev/vndbinder     
                -v ~/data8:/data     
                -p 5555:5555   
  1. I got container crashed immediately without any logs.

Ok, so it seems to start redroid in Docker IN LXC in Proxmox you just add lxc.apparmor.profile: unconfined to the pve lxc conf. However I now have the same issue as you with the network connect: Network is unreachable

wrinklytesties commented 3 months ago

curious if anyone got this working natively in proxmox using pct rather than the lxc methods linked?

aur3l14no commented 2 months ago

curios if anyone got this working with gpu accel androidboot.redroid_gpu_mode=host?

I added

lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow = c 226:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow = c 226:128 rwm
lxc.mount.entry = /dev/dri/renderD128 dev/dri/renderD128 none bind,optional,create=file

But the init process crashes every time. redroid11.log shows

lxc-start redroid11 20240626030842.781 NOTICE   start - ../src/lxc/start.c:post_start:2212 - Started "/init" with pid "39363"
lxc-start redroid11 20240626030842.797 DEBUG    start - ../src/lxc/start.c:signal_handler:465 - Container init process 39363 exited
lxc-start redroid11 20240626030842.798 DEBUG    start - ../src/lxc/start.c:__lxc_start:2147 - Hangup(1) - Container "redroid11" is rebooting
lxc-start redroid11 20240626030842.798 INFO     error - ../src/lxc/error.c:lxc_error_set_and_log:34 - Child <39363> ended on signal Hangup(1)