remote-android / redroid-modules

redroid kernel modules (binderfs, ashmem etc.)
GNU General Public License v2.0
87 stars 58 forks source link

failed to run at UOS Huawei Kunpeng 920 #5

Closed hermithuang closed 2 years ago

hermithuang commented 2 years ago

有些问题请您帮忙看看,使用的是arm64那个64only的docker,connect后offline,vnc 5900也连不上,谢谢了。 日至如下:

root@localhost:~# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="UnionTech OS Desktop 20 Pro"
root@localhost:~# cat /etc/os-version 
SystemName=UnionTech OS Desktop
root@localhost:~# lscpu
Architecture:        aarch64
Byte Order:          Little Endian
CPU(s):              4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3
Thread(s) per core:  1
Core(s) per socket:  1
Socket(s):           4
NUMA node(s):        1
Vendor ID:           0x48
Model:               0
Model name:          HUAWEI Kunpeng 920 5251K
Stepping:            0x1
BogoMIPS:            200.00
L1d cache:           64K
L1i cache:           64K
L2 cache:            512K
L3 cache:            32768K
NUMA node0 CPU(s):   0-3
Flags:               half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt lpae evtstrm
root@localhost:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
a61be881f8bc        redroid:12.0.0_64only-arm64   "/init qemu=1 androi…"   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>5555/tcp,>5900/tcp   angry_tu
root@localhost:~# lsmod | grep linux
binder_linux          192512  44
ashmem_linux           20480  0
root@localhost:~# docker exec -it a61be881f8bc sh
a61be881f8bc:/ # ps -A                                                                                                                                                                                              
USER           PID  PPID     VSZ    RSS WCHAN            ADDR S NAME                       
root             1     0 10975408  9076 ep_poll             0 S init
root             7     1 10866740  6000 do_sys_po+          0 S init
root             9     1 10837276  6164 do_sys_po+          0 S ueventd
logd            27     1 10922400  5812 sigsuspend          0 S logd
lmkd            28     1 10841728  2468 ep_poll             0 S lmkd
system          29     1 10915988  5096 ep_poll             0 S servicemanager
system          30     1 10864488  6024 ep_poll             0 S hwservicemanager
shell           31     1 10809592  3088 wait_woken          0 S sh
root            32     1 11003520  7832 binder_th+          0 S vold
system          42     1 10845404  5352 binder_th+          0 S android.system.suspend@1.0-service
keystore        43     1 11030956 13708 binder_th+          0 S keystore2
nobody          44     1 10898568  6708 binder_th+          0 S android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service
tombstoned      49     1 10836536  2172 ep_poll             0 S tombstoned
system          75     1 10843376  4284 binder_th+          0 S android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service
media           77     1 10896028  6444 binder_th+          0 S android.hardware.cas@1.2-service
system          78     1 10911104  5516 binder_th+          0 S
system          80     1 10863468 10228 binder_th+          0 S
system          81     1 10869532  5140 ep_poll             0 S
wifi            82     1 10886976  8932 binder_th+          0 S android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service
nobody          83     1 10866364  4340 binder_th+          0 S android.hardware.power-service.example
credstore       85     1 10859316  7160 binder_th+          0 S credstore
gpu_service     86     1 10930504  6876 binder_th+          0 S gpuservice
root            89     1 10934156  9280 futex_wai+          0 S vncserver
shell           93     1 10957076  5552 ep_poll             0 S adbd
nobody          96     1 10817164  3404 do_sys_po+          0 S traced_probes
nobody          97     1 10803824  3368 do_sys_po+          0 S traced
system         101     1 10939256  5404 binder_th+          0 S idmap2d
incidentd      103     1 10848660  4948 ep_poll             0 S incidentd
root           104     1 10923712  5500 binder_th+          0 S installd
mediaex        105     1 11065404 25376 binder_th+          0 S media.extractor
media          106     1 10954788  7304 binder_th+          0 S media.metrics
root           111     1 10902008  4824 binder_th+          0 S storaged
radio          114     1 10922712  5412 hrtimer_n+          0 S rild
mediacodec     122     1 10967824 13280 binder_th+          0 S media.swcodec
statsd         124     1 10910196  4640 ep_poll             0 S statsd
system         126     1 10869312  5792 binder_th+          0 S gatekeeperd
mdnsr          130     1 8674092    968 do_select           0 S mdnsd
llkd           137     1 10791956  3140 hrtimer_n+          0 S llkd
root          7543     1 14679008 177216 do_sys_po+         0 S zygote64
audioserver   7544     1 11133216 24364 hrtimer_n+          0 S audioserver
audioserver   7545     1 10974160  9356 binder_th+          0 S
cameraserver  7551     1 11230148 23656 hrtimer_n+          0 S cameraserver
media         7559     1 11341412 23500 binder_th+          0 S mediaserver
root          7562     1 11137680  8564 binder_th+          0 S netd
wifi          7563     1 10914408  6636 ep_poll             0 S wificond
root          7572  7562 10806060  2228 pipe_wait           0 S iptables-restore
root          7573  7562 10832684  2396 pipe_wait           0 S ip6tables-restore
system        7593  7543 15474916 169280 futex_wai+         0 S system_server
root          7638     0 10838264  3160 sigsuspend          0 S sh
root          7649  7638 10820344  3208 0                   0 R ps
a61be881f8bc:/ # getprop                                                                                                                                                                                            
[apexd.status]: [ready]
[bpf.progs_loaded]: [1]
[build.version.extensions.r]: [1]
[build.version.extensions.s]: [1]
[cache_key.is_compat_change_enabled]: [-4318524092761102501]
[cache_key.is_interactive]: [3788095072977464383]
[cache_key.is_power_save_mode]: [3788095072977464382]
[dalvik.vm.appimageformat]: [lz4]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx]: [512m]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-max-image-block-size]: [524288]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-minidebuginfo]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-resolve-startup-strings]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-updatable-bcp-packages-file]: [/system/etc/updatable-bcp-packages.txt]
[dalvik.vm.dexopt.secondary]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.dexopt.thermal-cutoff]: [2]
[dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [256m]
[dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree]: [32m]
[dalvik.vm.heapminfree]: [8m]
[dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [512m]
[dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [16m]
[dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization]: [0.5]
[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features]: [default]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant]: [generic]
[dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold]: [500]
[dalvik.vm.madvise.artfile.size]: [4294967295]
[dalvik.vm.madvise.odexfile.size]: [104857600]
[dalvik.vm.madvise.vdexfile.size]: [104857600]
[dalvik.vm.minidebuginfo]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.usejit]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles]: [true]
[debug.atrace.tags.enableflags]: [0]
[debug.renderengine.backend]: [gles]
[debug.sf.nobootanimation]: [1]
[debug.stagefright.ccodec]: [0]
[external_storage.casefold.enabled]: [1]
[external_storage.projid.enabled]: [1]
[external_storage.sdcardfs.enabled]: [0]
[gralloc.gbm.device]: [/dev/dri/renderD128]
[graphics.display.kernel_idle_timer.enabled]: [false]
[gsid.image_installed]: [0]
[hwservicemanager.ready]: [true]
[init.svc.adbd]: [running]
[init.svc.apexd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.apexd-bootstrap]: [stopped]
[init.svc.apexd-snapshotde]: [stopped]
[init.svc.audioserver]: [running]
[init.svc.boringssl_self_test64]: [stopped]
[init.svc.boringssl_self_test64_vendor]: [stopped]
[init.svc.boringssl_self_test_apex64]: [stopped]
[init.svc.bpfloader]: [stopped]
[init.svc.cameraserver]: [running]
[init.svc.console]: [running]
[init.svc.credstore]: [running]
[init.svc.derive_classpath]: [stopped]
[init.svc.derive_sdk]: [stopped]
[init.svc.gatekeeperd]: [running]
[init.svc.gpu]: [running]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.heapprofd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.hidl_memory]: [running]
[init.svc.hwservicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.idmap2d]: [running]
[init.svc.incidentd]: [running]
[init.svc.installd]: [running]
[init.svc.keystore2]: [running]
[init.svc.llkd-1]: [running]
[init.svc.lmkd]: [running]
[init.svc.logd]: [running]
[init.svc.logd-reinit]: [stopped]
[init.svc.mdnsd]: [running]
[]: [running]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.mediadrm]: [running]
[init.svc.mediaextractor]: [running]
[init.svc.mediametrics]: [running]
[init.svc.netd]: [running]
[init.svc.odsign]: [stopped]
[init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.statsd]: [running]
[init.svc.storaged]: [running]
[init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [restarting]
[init.svc.system_suspend]: [running]
[init.svc.tombstoned]: [running]
[init.svc.traced]: [running]
[init.svc.traced_perf]: [stopped]
[init.svc.traced_probes]: [running]
[init.svc.ueventd]: [running]
[init.svc.usbd]: [stopped]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.vendor.cas-hal-1-2]: [running]
[init.svc.vendor.gatekeeper-1-0]: [running]
[init.svc.vendor.gralloc-2-0]: [restarting]
[init.svc.vendor.hwcomposer-2-1]: [running]
[init.svc.vendor.keymaster-3-0]: [running]
[init.svc.vendor.power-default]: [running]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.vendor.wifi_hal_legacy]: [running]
[init.svc.vncserver]: [running]
[init.svc.vold]: [running]
[init.svc.wificond]: [running]
[init.svc.zygote]: [running]
[init.svc_debug_pid.adbd]: [93]
[init.svc_debug_pid.apexd]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.apexd-bootstrap]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.apexd-snapshotde]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.audioserver]: [7763]
[init.svc_debug_pid.boringssl_self_test64]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.boringssl_self_test64_vendor]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.boringssl_self_test_apex64]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.bpfloader]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.cameraserver]: [7777]
[init.svc_debug_pid.console]: [31]
[init.svc_debug_pid.credstore]: [85]
[init.svc_debug_pid.derive_classpath]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.derive_sdk]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.gatekeeperd]: [126]
[init.svc_debug_pid.gpu]: [86]
[]: [81]
[init.svc_debug_pid.heapprofd]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.hidl_memory]: [75]
[init.svc_debug_pid.hwservicemanager]: [30]
[init.svc_debug_pid.idmap2d]: [101]
[init.svc_debug_pid.incidentd]: [103]
[init.svc_debug_pid.installd]: [104]
[init.svc_debug_pid.keystore2]: [43]
[init.svc_debug_pid.llkd-1]: [137]
[init.svc_debug_pid.lmkd]: [28]
[init.svc_debug_pid.logd]: [27]
[init.svc_debug_pid.logd-reinit]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.mdnsd]: [130]
[]: [7780]
[]: [122]
[init.svc_debug_pid.mediaextractor]: [105]
[init.svc_debug_pid.mediametrics]: [106]
[init.svc_debug_pid.netd]: [7781]
[init.svc_debug_pid.odsign]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.servicemanager]: [29]
[init.svc_debug_pid.statsd]: [124]
[init.svc_debug_pid.storaged]: [111]
[init.svc_debug_pid.surfaceflinger]: [7756]
[init.svc_debug_pid.system_suspend]: [42]
[init.svc_debug_pid.tombstoned]: [49]
[init.svc_debug_pid.traced]: [97]
[init.svc_debug_pid.traced_perf]: []
[init.svc_debug_pid.traced_probes]: [96]
[init.svc_debug_pid.ueventd]: [9]
[init.svc_debug_pid.usbd]: []
[]: [7764]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.cas-hal-1-2]: [77]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.gatekeeper-1-0]: [78]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.gralloc-2-0]: [7757]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.hwcomposer-2-1]: [80]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.keymaster-3-0]: [44]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.power-default]: [83]
[]: [114]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vendor.wifi_hal_legacy]: [82]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vncserver]: [89]
[init.svc_debug_pid.vold]: [32]
[init.svc_debug_pid.wificond]: [7782]
[init.svc_debug_pid.zygote]: [7762]
[keystore.boot_level]: [1000000000]
[keystore.crash_count]: [0]
[khungtask.enable]: [false]
[llk.enable]: [false]
[log.tag.APM_AudioPolicyManager]: [D]
[log.tag.stats_log]: [I]
[logd.logpersistd.enable]: [true]
[]: [Android]
[net.tcp_def_init_rwnd]: [60]
[odsign.key.done]: [1]
[odsign.verification.done]: [1]
[odsign.verification.success]: [0]
[persist.adb.wifi.guid]: [adb-gxCcQEEdYyCTkqp4-g7ncSs]
[persist.debug.dalvik.vm.core_platform_api_policy]: [just-warn]
[persist.device_config.attempted_boot_count]: [3]
[persist.sys.boot.reason]: []
[persist.sys.boot.reason.history]: [reboot,1643167604
[persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: []
[persist.sys.disable_rescue]: [true]
[persist.sys.fuse]: [true]
[persist.sys.timezone]: [GMT]
[persist.sys.usb.config]: [adb]
[persist.traced.enable]: [1]
[pm.dexopt.ab-ota]: [speed-profile]
[]: [speed-profile]
[pm.dexopt.boot-after-ota]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.cmdline]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.first-boot]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.inactive]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.install]: [speed-profile]
[pm.dexopt.install-bulk]: [speed-profile]
[pm.dexopt.install-bulk-downgraded]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.install-bulk-secondary]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.install-bulk-secondary-downgraded]: [extract]
[pm.dexopt.install-fast]: [skip]
[]: [extract]
[pm.dexopt.shared]: [speed]
[ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled]: [true]
[]: [0]
[ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
[ro.baseband]: [unknown]
[ro.bionic.2nd_arch]: []
[ro.bionic.2nd_cpu_variant]: []
[ro.bionic.arch]: [arm64]
[ro.bionic.cpu_variant]: [generic]
[ro.board.platform]: []
[ro.boot.hardware]: [redroid]
[ro.bootloader]: [unknown]
[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
[ro.boottime.adbd]: [546921899653]
[ro.boottime.apexd]: [546501276760]
[ro.boottime.apexd-bootstrap]: [544850723301]
[ro.boottime.apexd-snapshotde]: [546696571751]
[ro.boottime.audioserver]: [546887146100]
[ro.boottime.boringssl_self_test64]: [544935527111]
[ro.boottime.boringssl_self_test64_vendor]: [544992616597]
[ro.boottime.boringssl_self_test_apex64]: [546898775471]
[ro.boottime.bpfloader]: [546761877564]
[ro.boottime.cameraserver]: [546942067160]
[ro.boottime.console]: [545174064569]
[ro.boottime.credstore]: [546888482527]
[ro.boottime.derive_classpath]: [546607320477]
[ro.boottime.derive_sdk]: [546549761451]
[ro.boottime.gatekeeperd]: [546998105158]
[ro.boottime.gpu]: [546890002335]
[]: [546883004156]
[ro.boottime.hidl_memory]: [546874253321]
[ro.boottime.hwservicemanager]: [545172608121]
[ro.boottime.idmap2d]: [546944506396]
[ro.boottime.incidentd]: [546946396103]
[ro.boottime.init]: [544452507027]
[ro.boottime.installd]: [546948307830]
[ro.boottime.keystore2]: [546211889994]
[ro.boottime.llkd-1]: [547035984006]
[ro.boottime.lmkd]: [545169606036]
[ro.boottime.logd]: [545167651829]
[ro.boottime.logd-reinit]: [546738455012]
[ro.boottime.mdnsd]: [547020113582]
[]: [546954426750]
[]: [546990542251]
[ro.boottime.mediaextractor]: [546950247416]
[ro.boottime.mediametrics]: [546952637523]
[ro.boottime.netd]: [546956481386]
[ro.boottime.odsign]: [546654744029]
[ro.boottime.servicemanager]: [545171083734]
[ro.boottime.statsd]: [546994719464]
[ro.boottime.storaged]: [546959118282]
[ro.boottime.surfaceflinger]: [546891896622]
[ro.boottime.system_suspend]: [546210521777]
[ro.boottime.tombstoned]: [546252294258]
[ro.boottime.traced]: [546934974481]
[ro.boottime.traced_probes]: [546926691895]
[ro.boottime.ueventd]: [544849257884]
[ro.boottime.usbd]: [547006761864]
[]: [546875642218]
[ro.boottime.vendor.cas-hal-1-2]: [546877366006]
[ro.boottime.vendor.gatekeeper-1-0]: [546878924143]
[ro.boottime.vendor.gralloc-2-0]: [546880265281]
[ro.boottime.vendor.hwcomposer-2-1]: [546881638519]
[ro.boottime.vendor.keymaster-3-0]: [546214368920]
[ro.boottime.vendor.power-default]: [546885764132]
[]: [546977501062]
[ro.boottime.vendor.wifi_hal_legacy]: [546884289754]
[ro.boottime.vncserver]: [546895179466]
[ro.boottime.vold]: [545182445105]
[ro.boottime.wificond]: [546974274537]
[ro.boottime.zygote]: [546939075165]
[]: [default]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only-userdebug 12 SQ1D.211205.016.A5 eng.frank.20220107.152520 test-keys]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only-userdebug 12 SQ1D.211205.016.A5 eng.frank.20220107.152520 test-keys]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/eng.frank.20220107.152520:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only-userdebug]
[]: [redroid-builder]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [frank]
[]: [REL]
[]: []
[]: [REL]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [23]
[]: [0]
[]: [REL]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[]: [2021-12-05]
[ro.carrier]: [unknown]
[ro.cold_boot_done]: [true]
[ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]
[ro.config.notification_sound]: [OnTheHunt.ogg]
[ro.config.ringtone]: [Ring_Synth_04.ogg]
[ro.control_privapp_permissions]: [disable]
[ro.cp_system_other_odex]: [0]
[ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge]: [0]
[ro.debuggable]: [1]
[ro.gsid.image_running]: [0]
[ro.hardware]: [redroid]
[ro.hardware.egl]: [mesa]
[ro.hardware.gralloc]: [gbm]
[ro.hardware.vulkan]: [virtio]
[ro.hwui.use_vulkan]: []
[ro.iorapd.enable]: [true]
[ro.kernel.androidboot.hardware]: [redroid]
[ro.kernel.qemu]: [1]
[ro.kernel.redroid.fps]: [30]
[ro.kernel.redroid.vncserver]: [1]
[ro.logd.kernel]: [true]
[ro.logd.size.stats]: [64K]
[ro.nnapi.extensions.deny_on_product]: [true]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/frank01071523:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[ro.odm.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.odm.product.cpu.abilist32]: []
[ro.odm.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.persistent_properties.ready]: [true]
[ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix]: [/system]
[ro.product.board]: []
[ro.product.brand]: [redroid]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/frank01071523:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: []
[ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.debugfs_restrictions.enabled]: [true]
[ro.product.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.first_api_level]: [31]
[ro.product.locale]: [en-US]
[ro.product.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.odm.brand]: [redroid]
[ro.product.odm.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.odm.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.odm.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.product.brand]: [redroid]
[ro.product.product.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.product.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.product.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.system.brand]: [redroid]
[ro.product.system.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.system.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.system.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.system_ext.brand]: [redroid]
[ro.product.system_ext.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.system_ext.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.system_ext.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.vendor.brand]: [redroid]
[ro.product.vendor.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.vendor.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.vendor.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.vendor_dlkm.brand]: [redroid]
[ro.product.vendor_dlkm.device]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.vendor_dlkm.manufacturer]: [redroid]
[ro.product.vendor_dlkm.model]: [redroid12_arm64_only]
[]: [redroid_arm64_only]
[ro.product.vndk.version]: [31]
[ro.property_service.version]: [2]
[]: [yes]
[ro.revision]: [0]
[]: [1]
[ro.sf.lcd_density]: [320]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/frank01071523:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[ro.system.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.system.product.cpu.abilist32]: []
[ro.system.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/frank01071523:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[ro.treble.enabled]: [true]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/frank01071523:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: []
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[ro.vendor.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.vendor.product.cpu.abilist32]: []
[ro.vendor.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[]: [Fri Jan  7 15:23:06 UTC 2022]
[]: [1641568986]
[]: [redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/frank01071523:userdebug/test-keys]
[]: [SQ1D.211205.016.A5]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [eng.frank.20220107.152520]
[]: [12]
[]: [12]
[]: [31]
[ro.vndk.version]: [31]
[ro.wifi.channels]: []
[ro.zygote]: [zygote64]
[security.perf_harden]: [1]
[sys.boot.reason]: [reboot]
[sys.boot.reason.last]: [reboot]
[sys.bootstat.first_boot_completed]: [0]
[sys.init.perf_lsm_hooks]: [1]
[sys.lmk.reportkills]: [1]
[sys.rescue_boot_count]: [2]
[sys.rescue_boot_start]: [903486]
[sys.system_server.start_count]: [71]
[sys.system_server.start_elapsed]: [913275]
[sys.system_server.start_uptime]: [913275]
[sys.usb.config]: [adb]
[sys.usb.configfs]: [0]
[sys.usb.state]: [adb]
[sys.use_memfd]: [false]
[sys.wifitracing.started]: [0]
[tombstoned.max_tombstone_count]: [50]
[vold.has_adoptable]: [0]
[vold.has_compress]: [0]
[vold.has_quota]: [0]
[vold.has_reserved]: [0]
a61be881f8bc:/ # logcat
01-26 03:35:37.257 11351 11351 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:37.257    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:37.258    29 11396 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:37.258    29 11396 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:37.523    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:37.524    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:37.525    29 11397 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:37.525    29 11397 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:38.258 11351 11351 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:38.258    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:38.259    29 11398 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:38.259    29 11398 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:38.524    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:38.525    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:38.530    29 11399 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:38.530    29 11399 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:39.259 11351 11351 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:39.259    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:39.270    29 11400 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:39.270    29 11400 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:39.525    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:39.526    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:39.531    29 11401 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:39.531    29 11401 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:39.670 11403 11403 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.700 11402 11402 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.701    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.701 11402 11402 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.701 11402 11402 E SurfaceFlinger: Failed to set SurfaceFlinger binder threadpool priority to SCHED_FIFO
01-26 03:35:39.701 11402 11402 I SurfaceFlinger: Using HWComposer service: default
01-26 03:35:39.701 11402 11402 I SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger is starting
01-26 03:35:39.701    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.701 11402 11402 I SurfaceFlinger: Disabling blur effects, they are not supported.
01-26 03:35:39.702 11402 11402 I SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
01-26 03:35:39.702 11402 11402 D RenderEngine: RenderEngine with GLES Backend
01-26 03:35:39.708 11402 11402 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
01-26 03:35:39.709 11402 11402 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
01-26 03:35:39.709 11403 11403 E GRALLOC-GBM: failed to create gbm device
01-26 03:35:39.709 11403 11403 E AllocatorHal: failed to open gralloc0 device: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.709 11403 11403 E HidlServiceManagement: Could not find instance 'default' in library Keeping library open.
01-26 03:35:39.709 11403 11403 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for
01-26 03:35:39.710 11402 11402 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
01-26 03:35:39.774 11302 11302 I r_submix: adev_close()
01-26 03:35:39.777    32    32 D vold    : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/54/abort
01-26 03:35:39.777    32    32 W vold    : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/54/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.777    32    32 D vold    : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/52/abort
01-26 03:35:39.777    32    32 W vold    : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/52/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.948 11410 11410 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.948 11410 11410 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.954 11410 11410 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
01-26 03:35:39.954 11410 11410 I HidlServiceManagement: Removing namespace from process name to audio.service.
01-26 03:35:39.954 11410 11410 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
01-26 03:35:39.956 11410 11410 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
01-26 03:35:39.956 11410 11410 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
01-26 03:35:39.956    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.3::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.956 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.3::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-26 03:35:39.956    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.956 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-26 03:35:39.957    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-26 03:35:39.957    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 W audiohalservice: Could not register Soundtrigger API
01-26 03:35:39.957    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for
01-26 03:35:39.957    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 W audiohalservice: Could not register Bluetooth Audio API
01-26 03:35:39.957    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0::IBluetoothAudioOffload/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0::IBluetoothAudioOffload/default.
01-26 03:35:39.957 11410 11410 W audiohalservice: Could not register Bluetooth Audio Offload API
01-26 03:35:39.973 11409 11409 I FastMixerState: sMaxFastTracks = 8
01-26 03:35:39.973 11408 11408 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
01-26 03:35:39.977 11409 11409 V MediaUtils: physMem: 8353652736
01-26 03:35:39.977 11409 11409 V MediaUtils: requested limit: 536870912
01-26 03:35:39.977 11409 11409 I libc    : malloc_limit: Allocation limit enabled, max size 536870912 bytes
01-26 03:35:39.977 11409 11409 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.977 11409 11409 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:39.978 11409 11409 I audioserver: ServiceManager: 0xea58ad4eee80
01-26 03:35:39.978 11408 11408 I AndroidRuntime: Using default boot image
01-26 03:35:39.978 11408 11408 I AndroidRuntime: Leaving lock profiling enabled
01-26 03:35:39.978 11409 11409 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[0]=-Xzygote
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[1]=-Xdeny-art-apex-data-files
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[2]=exit
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[3]=vfprintf
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[4]=sensitiveThread
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[5]=-verbose:gc
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[6]=-XX:PerfettoHprof=true
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[7]=-XX:PerfettoJavaHeapStackProf=true
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[8]=-Xprimaryzygote
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[9]=-Xms16m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[10]=-Xmx512m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[11]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=256m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[12]=-XX:HeapMinFree=8m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[13]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=32m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[14]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.5
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[15]=-Xusejit:true
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[16]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[17]=-XMadviseWillNeedVdexFileSize:104857600
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[18]=-XMadviseWillNeedOdexFileSize:104857600
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[19]=-XMadviseWillNeedArtFileSize:4294967295
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[20]=-XjdwpOptions:suspend=n,server=y
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[21]=-XjdwpProvider:default
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[22]=-Xopaque-jni-ids:swapable
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[23]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[24]=-Xcompiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[25]=--instruction-set-variant=generic
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[26]=-Xcompiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[27]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[28]=-Xcompiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[29]=--generate-mini-debug-info
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[30]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[31]=--runtime-arg
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[32]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[33]=-Xms64m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[34]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[35]=--runtime-arg
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[36]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[37]=-Xmx64m
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[38]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[39]=--dirty-image-objects=/system/etc/dirty-image-objects
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[40]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[41]=--instruction-set-variant=generic
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[42]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[43]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[44]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[45]=--generate-mini-debug-info
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[46]=-Duser.locale=en-US
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[47]=--cpu-abilist=arm64-v8a
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[48]=-Xcore-platform-api-policy:just-warn
01-26 03:35:39.979 11408 11408 I zygote64: option[49]=-Xfingerprint:redroid/redroid_arm64_only/redroid_arm64_only:12/SQ1D.211205.016.A5/eng.frank.20220107.152520:userdebug/test-keys
01-26 03:35:39.981 11408 11408 W zygote64: ART APEX data files are untrusted.
01-26 03:35:39.981 11408 11408 I zygote64: Core platform API reporting enabled, enforcing=false
01-26 03:35:39.991 11409 11409 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
01-26 03:35:39.991   106   234 W AudioAnalytics: (key=audio.flinger) Audioflinger constructor event detected
01-26 03:35:39.994 11409 11409 D APM_EngineLoader: Loaded engine from
01-26 03:35:39.994 11409 11409 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig: No configuration found, using default matching phone experience.
01-26 03:35:39.996 11409 11409 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig: No configuration of AUDIO_STREAM_CALL_ASSISTANT found, using default volume configuration
01-26 03:35:39.998 11409 11409 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface, handle 10
01-26 03:35:39.998 11409 11409 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0xea599d4fea00, module 10 Device type:0x2,@:, SamplingRate 44100, Format 0x000001, Channels 0x3, flags 0x2
01-26 03:35:39.999 11409 11409 W AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size is 441 frames but AudioMixer requires multiples of 16 frames
01-26 03:35:39.999 11409 11409 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 441 frames, normal sink buffer size 896 frames
01-26 03:35:40.005 11409 11409 I BufferProvider: found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
01-26 03:35:40.005 11409 11409 D AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
01-26 03:35:40.006 11409 11425 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xea5b346a7a70 tid=11425 ready to run
01-26 03:35:40.006 11409 11425 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
01-26 03:35:40.006 11409 11425 D AudioFlinger: is ignored since no output device is set
01-26 03:35:40.007 11409 11425 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
01-26 03:35:40.007 11409 11425 D AudioFlinger: is ignored since no output device is set
01-26 03:35:40.009 11410 11414 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_voice_volume: Function not implemented
01-26 03:35:40.010 11409 11409 W AudioFlinger: moveEffects() bad srcOutput 0
01-26 03:35:40.029 11427 11427 I netdClient: Skipping libnetd_client init since *we* are netd
01-26 03:35:40.031 11427 11427 I netd    : netd 1.0 starting
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : Pid file removed
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : SIGPIPE is blocked
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : setCloseOnExec(dnsproxyd)
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : setCloseOnExec(fwmarkd)
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : setCloseOnExec(mdns)
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : BPF programs are loaded
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : NetlinkManager instanced
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : enter NetworkController ctor
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : leave NetworkController ctor
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : enter TetherController ctor
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
01-26 03:35:40.032 11427 11427 I netd    : leave TetherController ctor
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Creating child chains: 71us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Setting up OEM hooks: 52us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Setting up FirewallController hooks: 10us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Setting up TetherController hooks: 18us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Setting up BandwidthController hooks: 24us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Setting up IdletimerController hooks: 7us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Setting up StrictController hooks: 71us
01-26 03:35:40.034 11427 11427 I netd    : Initializing ClatdController: 40us
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 I netd    : Initializing traffic control: 6344us
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 I netd    : Enabling bandwidth control: 85us
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 E netd    : cannot find interface dummy0: No such device
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 I netd    : Initializing RouteController: 563us
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 D XfrmController: XfrmController::ipSecAddXfrmInterface, line=1479
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 D XfrmController: XfrmController::ipSecRemoveTunnelInterface, line=1692
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 D XfrmController: deviceName=ipsec_test
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 D XfrmController: Sending Netlink XFRM Message: XFRM_MSG_FLUSHSA
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 D XfrmController: Sending Netlink XFRM Message: XFRM_MSG_FLUSHPOLICY
01-26 03:35:40.041 11427 11427 I netd    : Initializing XfrmController: 182us
01-26 03:35:40.042 11427 11427 E Netd    : Unable to create netlink socket for family 5: Protocol not supported
01-26 03:35:40.042 11427 11427 W Netd    : Unable to open qlog quota socket, check if xt_quota2 can send via UeventHandler
01-26 03:35:40.042 11427 11427 E Netd    : Failed NFULNL_CFG_CMD_PF_UNBIND: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.042 11427 11427 E Netd    : Unable to open strict socket
01-26 03:35:40.042 11427 11427 I libnetd_resolv: resolv_init: Initializing resolver
01-26 03:35:40.042 11427 11427 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.043 11427 11427 D MDnsDS  : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
01-26 03:35:40.044 11427 11427 I netd    : Registering NetdNativeService: 665us
01-26 03:35:40.044 11427 11427 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.045 11427 11427 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
01-26 03:35:40.045 11427 11427 I netd    : Registering NetdHwService: 1182us
01-26 03:35:40.045 11427 11427 I netd    : Netd started in 13622us
01-26 03:35:40.053 11428 11428 I wificond: wificond is starting up...
01-26 03:35:40.054 11428 11428 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.055 11428 11428 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.056 11428 11428 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default
01-26 03:35:40.059 11409 11432 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xea5b345cdc60 tid=11432 ready to run
01-26 03:35:40.060 11410 11410 I r_submix: adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
01-26 03:35:40.061 11410 11410 I r_submix: adev_init_check()
01-26 03:35:40.061 11409 11409 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface, handle 18
01-26 03:35:40.061 11410 11410 D r_submix: adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
01-26 03:35:40.061 11410 11410 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
01-26 03:35:40.061 11410 11410 D r_submix:   now using address 0 for route 9
01-26 03:35:40.062 11409 11445 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xea5b345cdc60 tid=11445 ready to run
01-26 03:35:40.062 11410 11410 I r_submix: in_standby()
01-26 03:35:40.063 11409 11445 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
01-26 03:35:40.063 11410 11410 I r_submix: in_standby()
01-26 03:35:40.065 11409 11445 W AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
01-26 03:35:40.065 11410 11410 D r_submix: adev_close_input_stream()
01-26 03:35:40.065 11410 11410 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
01-26 03:35:40.065 11410 11410 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
01-26 03:35:40.065 11408 11408 D zygote64: Time zone APEX ICU file found: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.065 11408 11408 D zygote64: I18n APEX ICU file found: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.067 11409 11409 I audioserver: Waiting for activity service
01-26 03:35:40.068 11427 11440 D MDnsDS  : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
01-26 03:35:40.068 11427 11440 D MDnsDS  : Going to poll with pollCount 1
01-26 03:35:40.068 11427 11437 E NetlinkListener: unhandled netlink message: nlmsghdr[len: 0x30, type: 0x2, flags: 0x0, seq: 0x0, pid: 0x932569a4] Slice[base: 0xea12f04a8050, limit: 0xea12f04a8070, size: 0x20] eaffffff19000000010401000000000000000000000000000500010004000000
01-26 03:35:40.068 11427 11437 E NetlinkListener: unhandled netlink message: nlmsghdr[len: 0x30, type: 0x2, flags: 0x0, seq: 0x0, pid: 0x932569a4] Slice[base: 0xea12f04a8050, limit: 0xea12f04a8070, size: 0x20] eaffffff19000000010401000000000000000000000000030500010001000000
01-26 03:35:40.068 11427 11437 E NetlinkListener: unhandled netlink message: nlmsghdr[len: 0x34, type: 0x2, flags: 0x0, seq: 0x0, pid: 0x932569a4] Slice[base: 0xea12f04a8050, limit: 0xea12f04a8074, size: 0x24] eaffffff1e000000010401000000000000000000000000030a0002000000003c
01-26 03:35:40.068 11427 11437 E NetlinkListener: 02000000
01-26 03:35:40.072 11408 11408 I zygote64: fcntl(F_ADD_SEALS) failed: Invalid argument, no memfd support.
01-26 03:35:40.072 11408 11408 I zygote64: Falling back to ashmem implementation for JIT zygote mapping
01-26 03:35:40.079 11426 11426 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.079 11426 11426 I mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xf5dd3b694d90
01-26 03:35:40.080 11426 11426 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-26 03:35:40.081 11426 11426 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-26 03:35:40.083 11426 11426 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.087 11416 11416 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.087 11416 11416 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.087 11416 11416 I cameraserver: ServiceManager: 0xe8f278ddc150
01-26 03:35:40.087 11416 11416 I CameraService: CameraService started (pid=11416)
01-26 03:35:40.087 11416 11416 I CameraService: CameraService process starting
01-26 03:35:40.088 11416 11416 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-26 03:35:40.089 11416 11416 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
01-26 03:35:40.090 11416 11416 I cameraserver: Waiting for activity service
01-26 03:35:40.091 11408 11408 D Zygote  : begin preload
01-26 03:35:40.091 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Calling ZygoteHooks.beginPreload()
01-26 03:35:40.126 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: BeginPreload took to complete: 35ms
01-26 03:35:40.127 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Preloading classes...
01-26 03:35:40.162 11408 11408 I Typeface: Preloading /system/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
01-26 03:35:40.162 11408 11408 I Typeface: Preloading /system/fonts/RobotoStatic-Regular.ttf
01-26 03:35:40.193 11408 11408 E ActivityRecognitionHardware: activity_recognition HAL is deprecated. class_init is effectively a no-op
01-26 03:35:40.336 11408 11448 I zygote64: Verified 2763 classes from mainline modules in 219.362ms
01-26 03:35:40.454 11408 11408 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
01-26 03:35:40.468 11408 11408 I zygote64: Thread[1,tid=11408,Native,Thread*=0xee48e882c380,peer=0x13980078,"main"] recursive attempt to load library ""
01-26 03:35:40.513 11408 11408 W Zygote  : Class not found for preloading: android.view.SurfaceView$2
01-26 03:35:40.526    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:40.527    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:40.528    29 11456 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:40.528    29 11456 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:40.593 11408 11408 I Zygote  : ...preloaded 13903 classes in 466ms.
01-26 03:35:40.593 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: PreloadClasses took to complete: 466ms
01-26 03:35:40.594 11408 11408 D ApplicationLoaders: Created zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar
01-26 03:35:40.595 11408 11408 D ApplicationLoaders: Created zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar
01-26 03:35:40.597 11408 11408 D ApplicationLoaders: Created zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
01-26 03:35:40.597 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: CacheNonBootClasspathClassLoaders took to complete: 4ms
01-26 03:35:40.597 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Preloading resources...
01-26 03:35:40.600 11408 11408 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080285 (android:drawable/dialog_background_material) that varies with configuration!!
01-26 03:35:40.607 11408 11408 I Zygote  : ...preloaded 64 resources in 11ms.
01-26 03:35:40.609 11408 11408 I Zygote  : ...preloaded 41 resources in 2ms.
01-26 03:35:40.609 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: PreloadResources took to complete: 13ms
01-26 03:35:40.616 11408 11408 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
01-26 03:35:40.617 11408 11408 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
01-26 03:35:40.618 11408 11408 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
01-26 03:35:40.623 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Preloading shared libraries...
01-26 03:35:40.625 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Called ZygoteHooks.endPreload()
01-26 03:35:40.626 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Installed AndroidKeyStoreProvider in 0ms.
01-26 03:35:40.628 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Warmed up JCA providers in 3ms.
01-26 03:35:40.628 11408 11408 D Zygote  : end preload
01-26 03:35:40.628 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: ZygotePreload took to complete: 537ms
01-26 03:35:40.661 11408 11408 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 132248(6905KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(76KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 9069KB/35MB, paused 19us,7us total 32.827ms
01-26 03:35:40.691 11408 11408 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 2376(126KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(28KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 8947KB/34MB, paused 12us,7us total 28.873ms
01-26 03:35:40.691 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: PostZygoteInitGC took to complete: 63ms
01-26 03:35:40.691 11408 11408 D Zygote64Timing: ZygoteInit took to complete: 603ms
01-26 03:35:40.789 11408 11408 D Zygote  : Forked child process 11457
01-26 03:35:40.789 11408 11408 I Zygote  : System server process 11457 has been created
01-26 03:35:40.790 11408 11408 I Zygote  : Accepting command socket connections
01-26 03:35:40.818 11457 11457 I Zygote  : seccomp disabled by setenforce 0
01-26 03:35:40.820 11457 11457 W system_server: Failed to upload odrefresh metrics: metrics file '/data/misc/odrefresh/odrefresh-metrics.txt' could not be opened: No such file or directory
01-26 03:35:40.821    93   121 I adbd    : jdwp connection from 11457
01-26 03:35:40.824 11457 11457 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:40.826   104   335 V installd: DexInv: --- BEGIN '/apex/' ---
01-26 03:35:40.826   104   335 V installd: Running /apex/ in=service-appsearch.jar out=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/
01-26 03:35:40.828 11471 11471 E installd: execv(/apex/ failed: No such file or directory
01-26 03:35:40.829   104   335 V installd: DexInv: --- END '/apex/' --- status=0x4800, process failed
01-26 03:35:40.830   104   335 E installd: Dex2oat invocation for /apex/ failed: exec(dex2oat) (18432)
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  : Failed compiling classpath element for system server: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  : android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Dex2oat invocation for /apex/ failed: exec(dex2oat) (code 18432)
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.createException(
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.IInstalld$Stub$Proxy.dexopt(
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.830 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.832   104   335 V installd: DexInv: --- BEGIN '/apex/' ---
01-26 03:35:40.832   104   335 V installd: Running /apex/ in=service-media-s.jar out=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/
01-26 03:35:40.832 11472 11472 E installd: execv(/apex/ failed: No such file or directory
01-26 03:35:40.834   104   335 V installd: DexInv: --- END '/apex/' --- status=0x4800, process failed
01-26 03:35:40.834   104   335 E installd: Dex2oat invocation for /apex/ failed: exec(dex2oat) (18432)
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  : Failed compiling classpath element for system server: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  : android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Dex2oat invocation for /apex/ failed: exec(dex2oat) (code 18432)
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.createException(
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.IInstalld$Stub$Proxy.dexopt(
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.834 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.836   104   335 V installd: DexInv: --- BEGIN '/apex/' ---
01-26 03:35:40.836   104   335 V installd: Running /apex/ in=service-permission.jar out=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/
01-26 03:35:40.837 11473 11473 E installd: execv(/apex/ failed: No such file or directory
01-26 03:35:40.838   104   335 V installd: DexInv: --- END '/apex/' --- status=0x4800, process failed
01-26 03:35:40.838   104   335 E installd: Dex2oat invocation for /apex/ failed: exec(dex2oat) (18432)
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  : Failed compiling classpath element for system server: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  : android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Dex2oat invocation for /apex/ failed: exec(dex2oat) (code 18432)
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.createException(
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at android.os.IInstalld$Stub$Proxy.dexopt(
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.838 11457 11457 W Zygote  :      at
01-26 03:35:40.840 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: InitBeforeStartServices
01-26 03:35:40.841 11457 11457 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
01-26 03:35:40.895 11457 11457 E UsbAlsaJackDetectorJNI: Can't register UsbAlsaJackDetector native methods
01-26 03:35:40.903 11457 11457 I SystemServerInitThreadPool: Creating instance with 4 threads
01-26 03:35:40.974 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: InitBeforeStartServices took to complete: 133ms
01-26 03:35:40.974 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartServices
01-26 03:35:40.974 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: startBootstrapServices
01-26 03:35:40.974 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartWatchdog
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartWatchdog took to complete: 2ms
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11457 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: ReadingSystemConfig
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: ReadingSystemConfig took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: PlatformCompat
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11484 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:ReadingSystemConfig
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11484 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing ReadingSystemConfig
01-26 03:35:40.976 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/framework-platform-compat-config.xml
01-26 03:35:40.977 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
01-26 03:35:40.977 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.977 11457 11484 I incfs   : Initial API level of the device: 31
01-26 03:35:40.977 11457 11484 I incfs   : ro.incremental.enable: on
01-26 03:35:40.977 11457 11484 I incfs   : isFsAvailable: false
01-26 03:35:40.977 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.978 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.979 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.980 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.981 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.982 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.983 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.983 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.983 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.983 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.983 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.983 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/services-platform-compat-config.xml
01-26 03:35:40.984 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform.xml
01-26 03:35:40.984 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-full-base.xml
01-26 03:35:40.984 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.984 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/framework-sysconfig.xml
01-26 03:35:40.985 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.985 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.985 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.test.mock.xml
01-26 03:35:40.985 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.test.runner.xml
01-26 03:35:40.985 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-platform.xml
01-26 03:35:40.985 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.986 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.987 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.988 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.989 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/documents-ui-compat-config.xml
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/calendar-provider-compat-config.xml
01-26 03:35:40.990 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.991 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/icu4j-platform-compat-config.xml
01-26 03:35:40.991 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.991 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/system_ext/etc/compatconfig/settings-platform-compat-config.xml
01-26 03:35:40.991 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.992 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/javax.obex.xml
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.993 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: Adding:
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.test.base.xml
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11457 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/org.apache.http.legacy.xml
01-26 03:35:40.994 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.995 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.995 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.995 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.995 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.995 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.995 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
01-26 03:35:40.996 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.ethernet.xml
01-26 03:35:40.997 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.997 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.xml
01-26 03:35:40.997 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-overlays.xml
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: PlatformCompat took to complete: 21ms
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartFileIntegrityService
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-handheld-product.xml
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11484 W SystemConfig: No directory /system_ext/etc/sysconfig, skipping
01-26 03:35:40.998 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.999 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.999 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.999 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:40.999 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/
01-26 03:35:41.000 11457 11484 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig: Failed to read public libraries file /vendor/etc/public.libraries.txt
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig: /vendor/etc/public.libraries.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at<init>(
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at<init>(
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at<init>(
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at$$ Source:0)
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at$submitTask$0$SystemServerInitThreadPool(
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at$$ Source:6)
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at$1$
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at Method)
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  at
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 W SystemConfig:  ... 14 more
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 D SystemConfig: readAllPermissions took to complete: 24ms
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing ReadingSystemConfig
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11484 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:ReadingSystemConfig took to complete: 24ms
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartFileIntegrityService took to complete: 4ms
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartInstaller
01-26 03:35:41.001 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.003 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartInstaller took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.003 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService
01-26 03:35:41.003 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.004 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.004 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: UriGrantsManagerService
01-26 03:35:41.004 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
01-26 03:35:41.005 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: UriGrantsManagerService took to complete: 2ms
01-26 03:35:41.005 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartPowerStatsService
01-26 03:35:41.005 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.006    29    29 E servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.power.stats.IPowerStats/default in the VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.006 11457 11457 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
01-26 03:35:41.007    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.power.stats@1.0::IPowerStats/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.007 11457 11457 E PowerStatsService: Unable to get power.stats HAL service.
01-26 03:35:41.007 11457 11457 E PowerStatsService: nativeInit failed to connect to power.stats HAL
01-26 03:35:41.007 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartPowerStatsService took to complete: 2ms
01-26 03:35:41.007 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartIStatsService
01-26 03:35:41.007    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.008 11457 11457 E HidlServiceManagement: Service android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default must be in VINTF manifest in order to register/get.
01-26 03:35:41.008 11457 11457 W system_server: Cannot register HIDL android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats: -2147483648
01-26 03:35:41.008    29    29 I servicemanager: Found android.frameworks.stats.IStats/default in framework VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.008 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartIStatsService took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.008 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: MemtrackProxyService
01-26 03:35:41.009    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.009    29    29 E servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.memtrack.IMemtrack/default in the VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.009 11457 11457 I Stability: Interface set with vintf stability wire protocol version 1 downgraded to system stability wire protocol version 1 stability
01-26 03:35:41.010 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: MemtrackProxyService took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.010 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManager
01-26 03:35:41.010 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
01-26 03:35:41.012 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
01-26 03:35:41.013 11457 11457 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 256
01-26 03:35:41.014 11457 11486 I Binder  : Setting heavy hitter watcher config: false, 0, 0.0
01-26 03:35:41.016 11457 11457 E libpsi  : No kernel psi monitor support (errno=2)
01-26 03:35:41.016 11457 11457 E LowMemDetector: Failed to register psi trigger
01-26 03:35:41.026 11457 11457 E KernelSingleProcCpuThreadRdr: Failed to start tracking process CPU times for 11457
01-26 03:35:41.026 11457 11457 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
01-26 03:35:41.027    30    30 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.power.stats@1.0::IPowerStats/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.027 11457 11492 E BatteryStatsService: Unable to load Power.Stats.HAL. Setting rail availability to false
01-26 03:35:41.028 11457 11492 E BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null
01-26 03:35:41.028 11457 11492 E KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader: Failed to read /proc/uid_time_in_state: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /proc/uid_time_in_state
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuProcStringReader: File not found. It's normal if not implemented: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuUidFreqTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to start tracking
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuProcStringReader: File not found. It's normal if not implemented: /proc/uid_time_in_state
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuUidActiveTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to start tracking
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuProcStringReader: File not found. It's normal if not implemented: /proc/uid_concurrent_active_time
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuUidClusterTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to start tracking
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 W KernelCpuProcStringReader: File not found. It's normal if not implemented: /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 E system_server: Cannot obtain CPU frequency count
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 E system_server: Cannot obtain CPU frequency count
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 E system_server: Cannot obtain CPU frequency count
01-26 03:35:41.029 11457 11492 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for PID 11457
01-26 03:35:41.032 11457 11492 W KernelMemoryBandwidthStats: No kernel memory bandwidth stats available
01-26 03:35:41.061 11457 11457 I AppOps  : No existing app ops /data/system/appops.xml; starting empty
01-26 03:35:41.062 11457 11457 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
01-26 03:35:41.066 11457 11457 D AppOps  : AppOpsService published
01-26 03:35:41.066 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManager took to complete: 56ms
01-26 03:35:41.066 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartDataLoaderManagerService
01-26 03:35:41.066 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.068 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartDataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 2ms
01-26 03:35:41.069 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartIncrementalService
01-26 03:35:41.069 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartIncrementalService took to complete: 0ms
01-26 03:35:41.069 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartPowerManager
01-26 03:35:41.069 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.075    29    29 I servicemanager: Found android.hardware.power.IPower/default in device VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.076    30    30 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
01-26 03:35:41.077    83    83 I android.hardware.power-service.example: Power isModeSupported: 7
01-26 03:35:41.077    83    83 I android.hardware.power-service.example: Power isModeSupported: 0
01-26 03:35:41.078 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartPowerManager took to complete: 9ms
01-26 03:35:41.078 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartThermalManager
01-26 03:35:41.078 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.078 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartThermalManager took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.078 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartHintManager
01-26 03:35:41.078 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.080 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartHintManager took to complete: 2ms
01-26 03:35:41.080 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement
01-26 03:35:41.082 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement took to complete: 2ms
01-26 03:35:41.082 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartRecoverySystemService
01-26 03:35:41.082 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartRecoverySystemService took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11457 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: added new observer
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11457 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11457 I PackageWatchdog: Cancelling state sync, nothing to sync
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartLightsService
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.084 11457 11485 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file
01-26 03:35:41.085    29    29 E servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.light.ILights/default in the VINTF manifest.
01-26 03:35:41.086 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartLightsService took to complete: 1ms
01-26 03:35:41.086 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartSidekickService
01-26 03:35:41.086 11457 11457 D SystemServerTiming: StartSidekickService took to complete: 0ms
01-26 03:35:41.086 11457 11457 I SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayManager
01-26 03:35:41.086 11457 11457 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
01-26 03:35:41.087    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:41.089    29 11500 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:41.089    29 11500 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:41.527    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:41.528    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:41.529    29 11501 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:41.529    29 11501 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:42.088 11457 11457 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:42.089    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:42.090    29 11502 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:42.090    29 11502 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:42.528    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:42.529    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:42.530    29 11505 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:42.530    29 11505 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:43.089 11457 11457 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:43.090    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:43.091    29 11506 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:43.091    29 11506 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:43.530    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:43.530    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:43.535    29 11507 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:43.535    29 11507 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:44.090 11457 11457 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:44.091    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:44.096    29 11508 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:44.096    29 11508 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
01-26 03:35:44.531    89    89 W ServiceManager: Waited one second for SurfaceFlinger (is service started? are binder threads started and available?)
01-26 03:35:44.532    29    29 I servicemanager: Since 'SurfaceFlinger' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service
01-26 03:35:44.536    29 11509 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/SurfaceFlinger": error code: 0x20
01-26 03:35:44.536    29 11509 I servicemanager: Tried to start aidl service SurfaceFlinger as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.
zhouziyang commented 2 years ago

please file issues in redroid/redroid-doc repo.

regarding your issue: graphics.allocator service cannot start. please provide the following info:

you can try docker run ... redroid.gpu.mode=guest