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[Bug] Fix formatting for Harshdev098's PRs #1784

Open dougaitken opened 6 months ago

dougaitken commented 6 months ago

Hi @Harshdev098 I've opened this Issue for all this since you've helpfully opened 16 Pull Requests and I want to keep the conversation about resolving the failed checks in one place.

I haven't checked all of them but a quick look shows me you've either added more than one company, which isn't a problem overall but I prefer one addition per Pull Request. Secondly, you've changed the formatting. Please look at the Example company formatting - - I think the main formatting error for each entry is you have capitalised the headers. The checks will fail unless they match exactly and if you remove any. If there is nothing specific, please find something. The example Example region 1/2/3 can be removed but you need a main Region included.

Go through your Pull Requests, and ensure there are no duplicate entries, and fix the section headers. If there is more than one company, please include that in the PR title.


Harshdev098 commented 6 months ago

@dougaitken I have commited the changes and now all the checks have been passed!

dougaitken commented 6 months ago

@Harshdev098 Hey, can you check each PR contains only the valid file changes? For example, I've checked #1765 #1766 and #1767 and all contain the addition of as well as the company mentioned. Please update each PR to remove any unrelated changes. Thanks

Edit - all PRs contain the addition of and the matched change to the readme file so please update to remove that. Thanks.

Harshdev098 commented 4 months ago

@dougaitken I have removed all the unrelated changes in the PRs

dougaitken commented 4 months ago

Thanks @Harshdev098, they all have conflicts because of the removal but I can fix those with some time, thanks for the edits