Open remotelocal opened 9 years ago
XSS Locator
Inject this string, and in most cases where a script is vulnerable with no special XSS vector requirements the word "XSS" will pop up. Use this URL encoding calculator to encode the entire string. Tip: if you're in a rush and need to quickly check a page, often times injecting the depreciated "
XSS locator 2
If you don't have much space and know there is no vulnerable JavaScript on the page, this string is a nice compact XSS injection check. View source after injecting it and look for <XSS verses <XSS to see if it is vulnerable:
IMGタグのところ、XSS動作しなかった。 結局grave accent (`)で囲ったものがXSSとして動作してしまうのかどうか 分からなかった。 英文的にはa lot of XSS filters don't know about grave accent.なので、フィルタを通過するので動作しちゃうとおもうんだが。
Malformed A tagsから読む