rempsyc / busara_dashboard

The Missing Majority in Behavioural Science Dashboard
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Add a "Perspective" section that covers critical perspectives on the dashboard data #18

Closed rempsyc closed 6 months ago

rempsyc commented 6 months ago

It would be nice to add a "Perspective" section that covers critical perspectives on the dashboard data, which can cover some limitations of the dashboard, as well as thought-provoking ideas. Some of the limitations include:

1. The dashboard has lots of missing data, which is probably not random.

Explanation: Universities from the Global South are less likely to be correctly detected, and therefore included in the data, e.g., because of special characters in names or less well-known universities not included in data base.

2. The dashboard data are not per capita

Explanation: This could bias our estimations since we do not look at relative ratios.

3. The way in which we define which journals represent psychology as a whole is problematic

Explanation: Authors from non-English-speaking countries (including in the Global South, and especially Latin America) are more likely to publish in languages other than English (like Spanish or French journals), which are less well-known. Is it not a bit presumptous to say that only English-speaking journals represent "Psychology" as a whole? What about all the Spanish and French Psychology journals? Don't they represent psychology as well, even though English monolinguals cannot read them? That seems to be another ethnocentric problem in how we define the problem itself. I think we need a reflection on this as well.

rempsyc commented 6 months ago

For now, it is included in the Methods tab, in the newly named "Limitations" section