rempsyc / check_outliers_paper

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Open rempsyc opened 1 year ago

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

How could I structure an academic paper to be published in the journal "Mathematics", looking at the detection of statistical outliers, in particular using the functions from easystats' "performance" R package?

An academic paper published in a mathematics journal should generally follow the standard structure of an academic paper, which includes the following sections:

  1. Introduction: This section should provide an overview of the research problem you are addressing and the motivation for your study. You should also briefly describe the functions from easystats' "performance" R package that you will be using to detect statistical outliers.
  2. Literature review: In this section, you should review relevant literature on the topic of statistical outliers and the methods that have been used to detect them. You should also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and how they compare to the methods you will be using in your study.
  3. Methodology: This section should describe the research design and data collection methods you used for your study. You should also provide details on how you used the functions from easystats' "performance" R package to detect statistical outliers.
  4. Results: In this section, you should present the findings of your study, including any graphs, tables, or other visualizations that may be relevant. You should also provide a detailed description of how the functions from easystats' "performance" R package were used to detect statistical outliers in your data.
  5. Discussion: In this section, you should interpret the results of your study and discuss their implications for future research. You should also discuss any limitations of your study and how they may have impacted your results.
  6. Conclusion: This section should summarize the main findings of your study and highlight the contributions of your work to the field of statistical outlier detection. You should also suggest areas for future research.
  7. References: This section should list all the sources you cited in your paper, using the appropriate citation style for the journal you are submitting to.

It is also a good idea to include an abstract at the beginning of your paper, which should provide a brief summary of your research problem, methods, results, and conclusions. This will give readers a general overview of your paper and help them decide whether to read the full article.

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

You're very good. Where did you learn all this?

As an AI language model, I was designed to be able to generate human-like text and assist users in a wide range of tasks. I was trained on a large dataset of texts, including academic papers, so I have learned about the structure and content of academic papers through that training. I do not have personal experiences or attend school, but rather I have been programmed to process and generate text based on patterns present in the data I was trained on. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

How would you change the first answer I gave you if I told you that I would only use the check_outliers() function from the 'performance' package when guiding my writing of the paper?

If you are only using the check_outliers() function from the 'performance' R package in your study, then you would need to modify the Introduction and Methodology sections of the paper to reflect this.

In the Introduction, you would need to provide a more detailed description of the check_outliers() function and how it is used to detect statistical outliers. You might also want to mention any specific assumptions or limitations of the function and how it compares to other methods for detecting statistical outliers.

In the Methodology section, you would need to describe the specific steps you took to use the check_outliers() function in your study, including any relevant parameter settings or customization you may have applied. You should also provide information on the data you used and any preprocessing steps that were necessary.

Other than these changes, the rest of the paper structure would likely remain the same, with sections on literature review, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that in this paper, I won't be working with my own data, because it is a paper that should be leaning more toward a tutorial-style kind of paper. Additionally, I would like to specify that I would like to cover three types of outliers and outlier detection techniques: univariate outliers, multivariate outliers, and model-based outliers. Knowing this, how would you revise your answer?

If your paper is intended to be a tutorial-style paper that covers three types of outliers (univariate, multivariate, and model-based) and outlier detection techniques, then you may want to structure your paper as follows:

  1. Introduction: In this section, you should provide an overview of the different types of outliers that you will be covering in your paper (univariate, multivariate, and model-based). You should also describe the motivation for your tutorial and explain why it is important to be able to detect statistical outliers.
  2. Literature review: In this section, you should review relevant literature on the topic of statistical outliers and the methods that have been used to detect them. You should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and how they can be applied to the different types of outliers you will be covering in your paper.
  3. Methodology: This section should describe the different outlier detection techniques you will be covering in your paper and provide a high-level overview of how they work. You should also provide details on the specific functions or packages you will be using to demonstrate these techniques, including the check_outliers() function from the 'performance' R package.
  4. Results: In this section, you should provide examples of how to use the different outlier detection techniques to detect univariate, multivariate, and model-based outliers. You should use the check_outliers() function and any other relevant functions or packages to demonstrate these techniques using example data. You should also provide a detailed description of how these techniques work and how to interpret the results.
  5. Discussion: In this section, you should discuss the strengths and limitations of the different outlier detection techniques you covered in your paper. You should also suggest areas for future research and provide recommendations for when to use each technique.
  6. Conclusion: This section should summarize the main points of your tutorial and highlight the key takeaways for readers.
  7. References: This section should list all the sources you cited in your paper, using the appropriate citation style for the journal you are submitting to.

It is also a good idea to include an abstract at the beginning of your paper, which should provide a brief summary of the different types of outliers and outlier detection techniques you covered in your tutorial, as well as the main points and conclusions of your paper. This will give readers a general overview of your paper and help them decide whether to read the full article.

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

Sounds good. How many words or pages do you think this paper should take?

It is difficult to give a specific word or page count for an academic paper, as the length of a paper will depend on the specific requirements of the journal you are submitting to and the complexity of the topic you are covering. In general, however, academic papers published in mathematics journals tend to be fairly concise, with many papers falling within the range of 15-30 pages.

That being said, the length of your paper will also depend on the level of detail you need to go into in order to clearly explain the outlier detection techniques you are covering. If you are providing detailed examples and code to demonstrate how to use these techniques, your paper may be longer. On the other hand, if you are writing a more high-level tutorial that covers the basics of outlier detection, your paper may be shorter.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to provide a clear and concise explanation of the topic you are covering and to support your arguments with evidence and references. As long as you are able to do this effectively, the length of your paper should not be a major concern.

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

I have coauthors that will also review the paper before we send it for review and publication. How perfect or complete should my draft be before I decide to share it with my colleagues for feedback? In other words, what approximate percentage readiness should justify taking a break from the paper and asking for help?

It is generally a good idea to have a fairly complete and well-structured draft of your paper before seeking feedback from your coauthors or colleagues. This will allow them to provide more detailed and helpful feedback on the overall direction and content of your paper.

In terms of how complete your draft should be, this will depend on your specific goals and the stage of the writing process you are in. If you are seeking feedback on your outline or overall structure, you may want to share a less complete draft with your coauthors. On the other hand, if you are seeking feedback on the details of your paper, you may want to have a more complete draft that includes all the sections and a majority of the content you plan to include in the final version of your paper.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be clear with your coauthors about what type of feedback you are seeking and to provide them with enough context and information to give helpful and constructive feedback. As long as you are able to do this, you can seek feedback at any stage of the writing process.

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

This paper is for a special issue called "Advances in Statistical Computing". Here is the description of the special issue:

"The goal of this special issue is to showcase exciting new developments in the field of statistical computing. These developments, from new algorithms and methods to a deep dive into interdisciplinary team-based development or normative discussions on open science, need not be exclusively “mathematical” in nature. That is, though authors may certainly rely heavily on mathematics if desired, the goal of this Special Issue is more broadly focused on fostering a discussion surrounding the rapid and exciting development of the field of statistical computing, broadly defined. Such an effort will necessarily include a range of submissions such as high-level discussions pushing the field to consider significant challenges and opportunities, technical papers that introduce and unpack new methods, or even a reimagining of an existing paradigm. It is our hope that a wide selection of papers will contribute to a thorough treatment of where we are as a field, and the boundless potential of where we are headed. Of note, the development and advancement of statistical computing is occurring everywhere, both in and out of academia. As such, scholars at all stages from graduate students to faculty members and those in industry are encouraged to submit to this Special Issue to incorporate as many voices and perspectives in this critical topic as possible."

Alas, I'm afraid my mathematical skills are lacking. What challenges might I be facing, and how might I adapt to still produce a high-quality paper for this special issue?

It is completely normal to feel a bit intimidated when writing an academic paper, especially if you are writing for a special issue on a topic that is outside of your comfort zone or expertise. Here are a few suggestions for how you can adapt and still produce a high-quality paper for this special issue:

  1. Focus on the broader theme of the special issue: Although this special issue is focused on statistical computing, it is not necessarily limited to mathematical content. As such, you may want to focus on a topic that is more broadly related to the field of statistical computing, such as the development of new algorithms or methods, the challenges and opportunities facing the field, or the role of interdisciplinary team-based development in advancing the field.
  2. Seek out resources and guidance: If you are feeling uncertain about your mathematical skills, you may want to seek out resources and guidance to help you better understand the topic you are writing about. This could include consulting with a mathematician or statistician, reading relevant literature, or attending workshops or seminars on the topic.
  3. Collaborate with others: One of the key goals of this special issue is to incorporate a wide range of voices and perspectives. If you are feeling unsure about your mathematical skills, you may want to consider collaborating with others who have more expertise in this area. Collaborating with others can not only help you produce a higher-quality paper, but it can also provide you with valuable learning opportunities.
  4. Be clear and concise: It is important to be clear and concise in your writing, regardless of the topic you are covering. This is especially important if you are writing about a topic that may be outside of your comfort zone, as it will help you avoid confusion or misunderstanding. Make sure to carefully explain any technical terms or concepts and provide relevant examples to help illustrate your points.

Overall, the key is to stay focused on your goals and to be open to seeking help and guidance when you need it. With a bit of perseverance and collaboration, you should be able to produce a high-quality paper for this special issue.

rempsyc commented 1 year ago

I still feel a bit overwhelmed by this project. Now that you know everything there is to know about this paper, how would you suggest I get started?

It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed when starting a new academic paper, especially if you are tackling a complex or unfamiliar topic. Here are a few steps you can take to get started:

  1. Break your paper down into smaller tasks: Writing a paper can seem daunting, but it is often easier to tackle when you break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, you might start by outlining the structure of your paper and identifying the key points you want to make in each section. You can then work on filling in the details of each section one at a time.
  2. Gather your resources: Before you start writing, it is a good idea to gather all the resources you will need. This may include relevant literature, data sources, software packages, or any other materials that will help you complete your paper. Having these resources at hand will make it easier to focus on the writing process.
  3. Start with the easiest tasks first: If you are feeling overwhelmed, it can be helpful to start with the easiest tasks first. This can help build momentum and give you a sense of accomplishment as you work your way through the more challenging tasks.
  4. Seek help and guidance when needed: If you are struggling with a particular aspect of your paper, don't be afraid to seek help and guidance. You might consider consulting with a colleague, mentor, or supervisor, or you might look for resources online or in the library.
  5. Take breaks and manage your time: It is important to manage your time effectively and to take breaks when needed.

Working on a paper for long stretches without a break can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Try to find a balance between working and taking breaks to rest and recharge.

By following these steps and keeping a clear focus on your goals, you should be able to make steady progress on your paper and successfully complete it.