remreren / CSE3063F21P1_GRP19

Ultimate course tracking system.
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Analysis Part #1

Open nesrinsimsek opened 2 years ago

nesrinsimsek commented 2 years ago

Use Cases & SRS.docx this will be updated

SSanary commented 2 years ago

Usecase: Register a Course Actors: Student, Advisor

First Iteration Plan:

  1. Student logs in.
  2. System checks semester of this registration.
  3. System lists only the courses that student didn't pass which are in current semester.
  4. Student selects courses.
  5. A student can select more than one courses.
  6. If student selects an elective course, system randomly assigns elective courses from elective courses pool.
  7. After course selection, student waits advisor approval. In some cases (such as full quota, insufficient credit conditions, etc.) advisor or the system may not approve some courses.
  8. Registration process is printed to the screen.
  9. After registration is completed, student exits. Alternatives: 1a. At step 1, If system fails to authorize student ID System warns the student to rewrite his/her student ID.

This is the updated version of usecase. You can make additions.

SSanary commented 2 years ago

Please check To Do list from Projects in here.

nesrinsimsek commented 2 years ago

REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS DOCUMENT Vision: This program simulates a course registration system. Students sees the courses which s/he can register and register courses.

Scope: Many students will be able to use the program and enroll courses. The system starts with user authorization and gets data from related student’s json file. After that system lists courses in related semester which is determined by the administrator. Student starts selecting courses. The system stores the taken courses data for each student. This registration continues until the student finishes the process. In some cases, failures may occur. The system also logs failures that occured during whole registration process in related student’s json file. Also system logs whole failure information for all students in a json file. After student exits, the system gives a feedback and terminates.

This is a draft for Software Requirement Specification Document(SRS). Must be updated.

ozgesaltan commented 2 years ago


SSanary commented 2 years ago

About the usecase part; should check the "UseCase Issue" for last version. Also Domain Diagram need to review. This document is not ready to share.

SSanary commented 2 years ago

Committed pdf file must be updated. PLEASE check the last issues for combine all together.

For example this part has been updated. CHECK THE ISSUES PARTS @ozgesaltan image