rems-project / sail

Sail architecture definition language
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Add clarity about deprecation of "{| |}" #602

Closed ThinkOpenly closed 4 days ago

ThinkOpenly commented 4 days ago

In "Numeric types and bits", there is a note:

NOTE: In older Sail versions the numeric set type would have been
denoted `{|32, 64|}`.

This leaves the status of this syntax for current Sail versions unsaid.

Per src/lib/parser.mly, this syntax is deprecated:

  | LcurlyBar num_list RcurlyBar
    { set_syntax_deprecated (loc $startpos $endpos);
      mk_typ (ATyp_nset $2) $startpos $endpos }

Add "This syntax is now deprecated" to the above note for clarity.

Alasdair commented 4 days ago

Thanks I will re-generate the manual