remvze / moodist

🌲 Ambient sounds for focus and calm.
MIT License
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Docker image available when? #1

Closed mariushosting closed 6 months ago

mariushosting commented 6 months ago

Is there any time-line for Docker support?

Evigami commented 6 months ago

YES! Would love to self-host this...

remvze commented 6 months ago

Thanks to @javigomezo, Moodist now has a Dockerfile.

Melantrix commented 5 months ago

@remvze Can you add something like a pipeline to generate new docker images? I think the current image is not updated with the new sounds (on the there are 70, while the docker image has 54).

mariushosting commented 5 months ago


@remvze Can you add something like a pipeline to generate new docker images? I think the current image is not updated with the new sounds (on the there are 70, while the docker image has 54).

remvze commented 5 months ago

@Melantrix Hello! Moodist does have a workflow in place to generate and publish a new image with each new version, but I hadn't released one until now. Enjoy the new sounds!