remvze / moodist

🌲 Ambient sounds for focus and calm.
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Add github action to build docker image and docker-compose support #3

Closed baldator closed 6 months ago

remvze commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your contribution! However, after some consideration, I'm not entirely convinced about the necessity of publishing an image rather than simply providing a Dockerfile and docker-compose. Could you help me understand why that might not be enough?

aeonoea commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your contribution! However, after some consideration, I'm not entirely convinced about the necessity of publishing an image rather than simply providing a Dockerfile and docker-compose. Could you help me understand why that might not be enough?

Hi @remvze, can you maybe direct me to the docker-compose in this repo? I am struggling to install it on my NAS, which only offers the easy install methods via docker hub or a docker-compose yml file.

baldator commented 6 months ago

There are 2 approaches: building the image and publishing it and let final users build it themselves. I prefer the first one as it reduces the CPU need on the end users' computers and globally reduce the build time (as the image is only built once). Up to you to chose the approach, that was exactly why I asked you on Reddit if you were open to implement the feature.