remy / jsonbin

A personal JSON store as a RESTful service
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Limits #48

Closed umaar closed 4 years ago

umaar commented 4 years ago

Hey! This is a really cool service for the community thank you 👍🏼️

Any quotas/limits we should be aware of? For example would storing a small JSON payload every few minutes be an acceptable use of your service?

Just wanted to check I'm using this reasonably!

remy commented 4 years ago

Hey @umaar - so there's no limits on sending, but a limit of 1000000 bytes (yeah, sorry, daft number) is imposed on the entire json store (not the individual payloads).

It's currently running on a boosted glitch instance (which…I'm not so sure about).

The database is in a free tier mongodb and I've had an offline change that asks for a yearly subscription to help support the costs of database backups (i.e. free hosting is fine, but I want to be able to rely on the data) - perhaps I should put it up and make it voluntary (though that rarely pans out).

But be sensible with the service is all I ask. So maybe don't set a cronjob to run every 1 minute against the service :)

umaar commented 4 years ago

Got it! Thanks for explaining 👍️