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Installing hdfmonkey on mac #33

Closed jaymundy closed 3 years ago

jaymundy commented 3 years ago


From a tarball (see

tar xzf hdfmonkey-0.4.tar.gz
cd hdfmonkey-0.4
sudo make install

From git:

git clone
cd hdfmonkey
automake -a
sudo make install

From git into a Debian source package:

git clone
dpkg-source -b hdfmonkey

From git into Debian binary package:

git clone hdfmonkey-0.4.1
cd hdfmonkey-0.4.1
fakeroot debian/rules binary

========================== ... above are the installation instructions from the github link.... how to install on mac. I tried installing it somehow but keep getting hdfmonkey put failed error (possibly permission denied?) when selecting 'Run with cspect' from vscode.

This is the error I get: hdfmonkey put failed (possible bad path to hdfmonkey): /bin/sh: /Users/geraldinemundy/Desktop/ZXSpecNextDev/CSpect2_11_1/hdfmonkey.exe: Permission denied

remy commented 3 years ago

Okay, so:

  1. Download this URL:
  2. Unzip and move the file hdfmonkey into your home directory (or even /use/local/bin - but do what's easiest to you)

That's hdfmonkey installed.

Now in the extension, you need to enter the full path to hdfmonkey. So if my home directory is /Users/remy and hdfmonkey is in there, the full path is /Users/remy/hdfmonkey

jaymundy commented 3 years ago

OMG I can't believe it's actually working now after spending most of the day trying to figure it out. Thank you so much!!! Thanks also for posting this tutorial. This is gonna make my programming so much easier to be able to do it on the macbook instead of the Next hardware. You rock!

remy commented 3 years ago

You're welcome 👍