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Possible EXPORT to Bank issue in Windows 11 #50

Closed Andy1966uk closed 4 months ago

Andy1966uk commented 4 months ago

I have a 2.08 CSPECT image now running in VSCode, but on 1.11.0 onwards, of the extension, , when I EXPORT to BANK, the resultant bank file in only 1k in size and doesn't seem to work. I have to reverted back to 1.10.0 for the export to work properly. I am on Windows 11. The banks file just has the header in it..

On Next KS1 and KS2 hardware the txt2bas works in converting the banks as my bank files start :

bankfile ProcsBank1.bnk etc.

Removing the #bankfile from the ProcsBank1.txt, it then works in CSPECT environment. Maybe there is a way to ignore this line in CSPECT ?

NealeTools commented 4 months ago

Hi Andy, I tried this using the RunInCSpect option and it makes the .bnk fine (or appears to):

NealeTools commented 4 months ago

The file also seems good. I was able to load it into a bank, then bank MERGE it into main ram with no error:

remy commented 4 months ago

@Andy1966uk do you have a sample of code to replicate with?

If cspect was running 2.07 I would understand there would be problems (and I need to expose the settings to change the targeted OS), but (from what I understand), 2.08 can handle a 1k bank, instead of padded to 16k.

Andy1966uk commented 4 months ago

If I remove or REM out the first line of each bank excluding #bankfile ProcsBank1.bnk then it works , however my understanding is the line #bankfile ProcsBank1.bnk is needed on HW to convert text2bas as a BANK.

I can get round this by taking removing / rem'ing out the line and taking the BANKed data from the CSPECT image or taking the text files and running a "banking" program on HARDware. It would just have been nice for the Export to Bank to work the same as before, but no major deal... thx

Andy1966uk commented 4 months ago

I can work around this.

remy commented 4 months ago

@Andy1966uk if you manage to pare down some code that you're seeing it happen, you can share it with me and I can find out what's going on.

The Mac/Windows doesn't really make any difference because the process is running in JavaScript and it's running in the same engine (VS Code uses Chromium's JavaScript engine) - so because of this, it should (will!) behave the same.

Which is a long way of saying, what you're seeing is a legit bug - I just can't replicate because I don't have enough details.