remydubois / lsnms

Large Scale Non maximum Suppression. This project implements a O(nlog(n)) approach for non max suppression, useful for object detection ran on very large images such as satellite or histology, when the number of instances to prune becomes very large.
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RTree query area can not be > 0 if bboxes are not pixel coordinates #29

Closed yellowchocobo closed 6 months ago

yellowchocobo commented 6 months ago


First of all, thanks for this great repository and for sharing it publicly. I work with satellite images and deep learning, and the non-maximum suppression step is often the bottleneck during predictions in many of my used cases (especially in applications with many detections over large images). So the LSNMS is helping me a lot :)

When I am using nms fron lsnms, it usually works well, but I run into a specific case where, for some reason, it does not filter out overlapping boxes. I am attaching a csv file containing the bounding boxes and scores of this specific case. I am running it with iou_threshold of 0.20. Using the torchvision implementation of NMS (see returns 40954 of the original 48483 bounding boxes. When I use LSNMS, it does not filter out anything, despite some of the boxes overlapping. I tried to normalize my bounding boxes, but it did not help. I also tried to change the leaf size, but again it does not lead to any differences. I will keep digging from my side, but do you know what could be the problem? Thank you so much for your help.

Please find enclosed a csv file containing the scores and boxes.: overlaping_bboxes.csv

yellowchocobo commented 6 months ago

Using wbc with the same parameters returns the correct number of bounding boxes.

remydubois commented 6 months ago

Hey, thanks for the report and kind words.

I found the bug but won’t have time to fix it properly before end of week. If you are in a hurry you can:

  1. Multiply your array of bboxes by a large number (like 1.e5)
  2. Or: patch locally by cloning this repo, modifying this line and changing 1.0 to 0.0, then pip installing the local version

Option 2 should be the most durable way to fix your bug but i want to make sure it does not hurt performances before shipping a patched version publicly.

Note: this value of 1.0 is the minimal overlap area to consider when comparing boxes (and discarding some of them). The current 1.0 value comes from a misinterpretation from myself in which object detector should always fire bboxes of at least 1 pixel area ! I assume your bboxes coordinates are not in pixels but maybe real world coordinates.

yellowchocobo commented 6 months ago

Thank you so much for your quick reply, explanation and suggestions how to fix the problem. You are right, I am using world coordinates for the bounding box values. I will go for the option (2). Thank you so much again. All the best!

remydubois commented 6 months ago

Hey @yellowchocobo, version 0.4.4 available on pypi should fix your issue. Feel free to reopen if not !

yellowchocobo commented 6 months ago
