remyroy / CDDA-Game-Launcher

A Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead launcher with additional features
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Prime Human Overhaul Mod Release #619

Open cataclysmsurvivalist opened 2 years ago

cataclysmsurvivalist commented 2 years ago

Gigachadicus - Prime Human Overhaul

A small mod that changes the Prime mutation path to be stronger, more in line with what I perceive to be what the advantages of hominids were like as we evolved. It was made for personal use, but since I finished and liked using it, I thought it would be convenient to upload it here for myself as well as for anyone who'd also like Primes to be stronger.

"Maybe this really is the end of the old world. But if those from the 'new world' want to usurp mankind's place as the inheritors of the Earth, they are in for a fun surprise."

Standard mutation changes:

-ALL stat traits now go to level 2 (Very Strong, Very Dextrous, Very Smart, and Very Perceptive)

-Weak Scent is no longer considered an Alpha mutation, now only found in the Elf-A branch. It really didn't add much to Prime mutants in terms of either gameplay style or lore, and if I kept it the character sheet would get too cluttered with good traits. I freely admit my mod might make them a bit OP, but I don't want them to get good stuff just for the sake of it; it has to fit!

-Little Sleep and Very Little Sleep are also Elf-A exclusive. While one of the strongest attributes of humanity is our stamina, sleeping less didn't really open up the gameplay in any interesting ways, especially since the Alpha branch doesn't have any night vision boosts and therefore staying up late at night isn't really advantageous.

-Indefatigable is now part of the Alpha mutation line, for obvious reasons.

-Strong Back is also an Alpha mutation now. Anyone with either prehistorical knowledge or interest in Metal Gear Solid V lore would know why a tough back was a huge deal for early hominids. It's what allowed bipedalism, and also gave us the chance to support a bigger brain. This would also make Prime the only branch that has Strong Back as a mutation... For now. I wouldn't be surprised if the devs are working on some sort of Horse/Centaur mutation branch. We can turn into rabbits, frogs and snails now, would it really be surprising?

-Good Memory is an Alpha mutation now, also for obvious reasons. We don't have an Elephant mutation yet to attach Good Memory to it instead, and this one I'm reasonably sure we're not getting!

-Beautiful is an Alpha mutation now. Not quite as sociable as Elf-A, but humans are still meant to be effective team players.

Prime Dexterity

Requires: Very Dextrous

"You are perfectly coordinated. The joints within your body are designed to operate at peak agility even when encumbered by gear. All body parts other than your head and mouth receive -5 less encumbrance when wearing any sort of clothing or armor."

Dex is the one I'm the most proud of. Out of all the mutation branches, which advantages do Prime, Elf, and Medical have over all others? They don't change your anatomy in the slightest. So, if Prime is supposed to be just "human but better", why not a trait that boosts your ability to wear armor effectively? All armor provides -5 encumbrance, making Prime humans the best armored units in the entire cataclysm. Don't think about doing something funny like wearing 1 encumbrance armor and going beneath 0 encumbrance for some crazy buff; I tested it, and going beneath zero doesn't give you any benefits.

Prime Strength

Requires: Very Strong, Strong Back

"Your muscles are perfectly developed, with your back in particular - the source of mankind's bipedalism - being densely packed with powerful muscles made for hard work. The maximum weight you can carry is increased by 50% and your mighty dashes break through any terrain 10% faster."

The gimmick of the Prime branch I'm trying to convey is how I play the game when trying to clear out a city; a mix between a 'scout' and a 'runner' that can fight effectively and leaving a pile of corpses before. Nothing in the same level as Bird, of course, but Prime humans should be able to get in while wearing good armor, hit hard, regenerate stamina quickly, and get away with good loot. Weight doesn't matter as much as storage space, but if you're grabbing some heavy metal sheets, hey, here you go.

Going back to my hominid comparisons, as a human, you're not the strongest, the fastest or even the smartest, but you're well-balanced across the board, have a lot of stamina, and in terms of tactics, you know when to hit them where it hurts before cutting losses and going back. The reason this stat doesn't give stamina is because I saved it for another one.

Prime Intelligence

Requires: Very Smart, Good Memory

"Your brain's problem-solving skills are extremely well-developed, while your memory is preserved with immense long-term effectiveness. Your skills erode twice as slowly and you remember terrain details for far longer."

Further going with the 'scout' gimmick, your memory is better than everyone else's save for Cephalopods (and elephants but they don't exist). You can take your time training your skills, knowing that they will pretty much never rust, especially if you have any other mods such as Stats Through Kills and buff up your intelligence even further after mutating. Prime Intelligence is even stronger than Good Memory, and you'll be able to remember what the map was like after a scouting mission for days before forgetting it.

Prime Perception

Requires: Very Perceptive, Good Hearing

"Your senses are perfectly honed. Your ears can detect sounds from significantly far away and your eyes are spotless, free of any faults and bright with life. Most people will react well to seeing them and are more likely to do as you ask."

This one goes into the second gimmick of the mod, which is... No drawbacks... Ok, every trait adding up is very overpowered. It's still fun, but I really couldn't find any particular weakness for Prime humans because humans are already the 'default' in the game. You're playing as a human. It's hard to find any weakness that is quintessentially 'human' because it all comes down to 'not being as strong as the other animals', which you already have because no human in the game can wrestle down bears from the get-go.

Anyways, the trait. Prime Perception replaces Good Hearing and improves it with 50% better hearing (1.50 in the file) compared to the regular 25% (1.25) that comes from Good Hearing. It doesn't improve your vision per see, but it removes both 'Near-Sighted' and 'Far-Sighted', hence the 'spotless' part. It also makes you more attractive and boosts your persuasion by 5. Even when combinated with Beautiful it's not even close to being as powerful as the Elf-A branch when crossing the Threshold, but it's another advantage to Prime compared to all other animal-type branches.

New Traits:

Stabilized Metabolism

Requires: Fast Metabolism, Nausea

"Your metabolism is slowly adapting to the post-cataclysm natural order. As an omnivore, you no longer become nauseous easily, and your body recovers stamina slightly faster while not requiring to eat excessively. You can also eat mutant flesh to an extent, but your stomach is still not completely used to the toxins."

Replaces the Fast Metabolism trait while keeping the 10% stamina regeneration, takes out Nausea and gives you the ability to eat mutated flesh, but removes only 50% of the toxins from it.

Prime Metabolism

Requires: Stabilized Metabolism, Disintegration

"Your metabolism is perfectly adapted to the post-cataclysm natural order. As a true omnivore, you don't feel bad about devouring inferior non-human humanoids, your body recovers stamina much faster, and you can consume anything other than rotten material or junk food to receive the full nutritional value from it. This includes mutant flesh and river water."

Just like what Prime Perception did to bad vision, Prime Metabolism completely removes any and all negative traits you have when it comes to eating. Hates Vegetables, Carnivore, Herbivore, Fructose Intolerance, you name it. It's removed and replaced with this trait. It's not all positive; You lose Cannibal (due to your growing affinity towards your species). You also gain the same properties as the Strict Humanitarian trait, due to adopting the view of all non-humans as lesser creatures meant to serve as either cattle or food.

You're also perfectly able of eating anything that you "should" eat, like milk, wheat, meat, and vegetables, but your body now rejects anything "improper" like junk food, rotten or tainted food (yes, the trait also turns off Saprovore) and meat from your fellow humans. Think of the Prime human in this stage as a sci-fi version of a vampire lord that drinks from fine blood on top of a castle in London while looking down on lesser humans, except in this case it's a buff chad eating integral, high-quality all-natural foods while cringing at the disgusting Mouse mutants eating zombie foods with sugar like freaking animals beneath him.

Oh, one last thing; I actually wanted Prime Metabolism to also include alcohol, just like the Alcohol Metabolism mutation, but I just couldn't find a way to, no matter how much I tried. An experienced user told me that it was hard-cored and I couldn't do it on any other trait, so as I decided to say "yeah fine, you can't have it all I suppose" and made Prime Metabolism cancel out the Alcohol Metabolism mutation (ALCMET). Which sucks because humans are the ones that love a pint... You win this one, troglobites.

To sum it up, what do you get from the Prime branch now:

-5 less encumbrance in all body parts

+50% carry weight

+10% movement speed

+If it's turned on, skill rust rate is halved

+2(?) map memory

+50% hearing distance

+6 total attractiveness to NPCs & +5 persuasion

+Can eat mutant meat

+Can eat humanoid meat

+Can drink river water

+25% stamina total

+25% stamina regeneration

+If you're near-sighted or far-sighted, those traits are automatically removed upon obtaining Prime Perception

+If you have any allergies or traits that limit what your character can eat, those traits are automatically removed upon obtaining Prime Metabolism

+2 Strength plus multiplier

+2 Dexterity plus multiplier

+2 Perception plus multiplier

+2 Intelligence plus multiplier

As for the downsides, you have...

-Can't eat junk food

-Can't metabolize alcohol, even by trying the Alcohol Metabolism mutation from the Troglobyte branch as it is cancelled by Prime Metabolism

-Can't be a cannibal

-Can't eat rotten or tainted food

Did I say that this mod was unbalanced yet? Yeah. As an extremely wise African warlord once said, "I'm completely biased, and I don't care." Anyways, if anyone else installs it, I hope you have fun! I know it's overpowered, but I personally had a complete blast breaking through cities as a powerful hairless ape with endless stamina.

JaegerJaeger commented 2 years ago

Hi there. I downloaded this mod, and I got some errors regarding 'max_stamina_regen' on one of the latest experimentals, 2022-03-17-5010. Having looked at the code for the similar mouse mutation in vanilla 'cardio_multiplier', it was an easy fix. I changed the values in the modded mutations.JSON in line 108 and line 145. I changed two lines, replacing 'max_stamina_regen' with 'cardio_multiplier'. Then the mod started working again.

I have zero experience with github, but I would like to merge or add this change myself if possible, so I can learn. Can somebody assist with this? This is the github for the game launcher right, not for the game itself? How do I add and merge my changes? I've linked the updated file but I'm not sure that's the correct method. I'd appreciate if somebody could give pointers how I could use github in a manner to do a pull request or however that works. .

cataclysmsurvivalist commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for tuning in. I myself even forgot I posted this here because I didn't think anyone downloaded it outside of Reddit, but I did actually update the mod for personal use after the changes to the stamina system.

Earlier, stamina used to be a plain modifier, but now it's 'cardio', which, at least to my experience, seems to instead modify how much your stamina increases as you exercise by running and fighting.

I also changed the stat work so that Prime Human has a better drawback; instead of getting stat boosts (Very Strong, Very Dextrous) before getting the Prime stat boosters, you first get lower stats as your characters mutates into a Prime human. So you get Very Low Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity/Perception until you cross the thresholds, and the negative traits are replaced with boosts.

Otherwise, the mod is unchanged. I have unfortunately yet to find a way to mod alcohol metabolism without relying on the 'ALCMET' trait, so unfortunately you still can't get fed from alcoholic drinks.

Here's the updated mod. If you find a way to merge it, it would be extremely joyous to me!

remyroy commented 2 years ago

This project is now unmaintained but there are a few alternatives if you look.

JaegerJaeger commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for tuning in. I myself even forgot I posted this here because I didn't think anyone downloaded it outside of Reddit, but I did actually update the mod for personal use after the changes to the stamina system.

Earlier, stamina used to be a plain modifier, but now it's 'cardio', which, at least to my experience, seems to instead modify how much your stamina increases as you exercise by running and fighting.

I also changed the stat work so that Prime Human has a better drawback; instead of getting stat boosts (Very Strong, Very Dextrous) before getting the Prime stat boosters, you first get lower stats as your characters mutates into a Prime human. So you get Very Low Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity/Perception until you cross the thresholds, and the negative traits are replaced with boosts.

Otherwise, the mod is unchanged. I have unfortunately yet to find a way to mod alcohol metabolism without relying on the 'ALCMET' trait, so unfortunately you still can't get fed from alcoholic drinks.

Here's the updated mod. If you find a way to merge it, it would be extremely joyous to me!

Seems like the problem is that you uploaded the mod as an issue in the CDDA game launcher project instead of as its own github project. I don't use this launcher myself. Then again, I don't know what the is regarded as best practise for CDDA mods; do they have their own project pages, or are they a part of the main CDDA project. It seems only some mods are included as part of the base game, and others as external github projects. I assume it's up to the developers what is included in the base game. If the mod had its own page, perhaps more would happen. I too felt like the prime branch of mutations lacked something with respect to how hard it is to obtain/craft. Then again, I literally had a character named 'Chad' when I found your mod, so I feel like we are on the same wavelength regarding the superhuman mutations.