renard / o-blog

Standalone orgmode blog exporter. DEPECATED, NOT MAINTAINED
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top navigation broken v2 #112

Closed jave closed 10 years ago

jave commented 10 years ago

the top navigation in v2 worked a couple of commits back but is now broken for me.

Also note the odd duplicated image.


renard commented 10 years ago

Have you tried the last master commits? I changed a few things in the menu and tag handling. Now they a build using json.

renard commented 10 years ago

If you need help please send me in private a link to your org file so I can debug.

renard commented 10 years ago

Hi Joakim, I found the issue, for the weird duplicated image. This has been fixed in 8bb7eb4

renard commented 10 years ago

Commit 162f86c should fix the odd menu display as well. Please let me know.

renard commented 10 years ago

BTW the "Footer Archives" snippet could be something like:

** Footer Archives
  :SNIPPET:  t

<h6><a href="{lisp}(ob:path-to-root){/lisp}/tips/index.html">Tips</a></h6>
<span class="ob-articles" data-source="{lisp}(ob:path-to-root){/lisp}/articles.js" data-path-to-root="{lisp}(ob:path-to-root){/lisp}" data-category="tips"/>

Have a look at for further documentation about JS widgets.

jave commented 10 years ago

the duplicate image issue is fixed now. thanks! the oddness with the menu remains

jave commented 10 years ago

heres my oblog file:

it uses a lot of references to other org files though, so you wont be able to replicate the blog in its entirey.

renard commented 10 years ago

Hi Joakim,

Sorry for the delay.

Please use last master commit 8a2bb01 and that patch on your file:

@@ -80,8 +79,7 @@

 # this doesnt seem to work, but works in
-# - [[file:#][/icon-file icon-white/ Thoughts]]
-#   - [[file:{lisp}(format "%s/%s" (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile (ob:get-last-post "Thoughs" 1))){/lisp}][{lisp}(ob:post-title (ob:get-last-post "Thoughts" 0)){/lisp}]]
+- [[file:#][/icon-file icon-white/ Thoughts]] @@html:<span class="ob-articles" data-source="{lisp}(ob:path-to-root){/lisp}/articles.js" data-path-to-root="{lisp}(ob:path-to-root){/lisp}" data-category="thoughts"/>@@

 - [[file:{lisp}(ob:path-to-root){/lisp}/tags.html][/icon-tags icon-white/ Tags]]

This worked for me.

The new versions of o-blog use JSON to populate menus. My goal is to build only required posts at the end.

jave commented 10 years ago

With your latest commits my site now works!

Thansk for the hard work!