renard / papersave

Backup small important files to paper
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Please make libertine optional not mandatory #4

Open m040601 opened 3 years ago

m040601 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your work in this vey interesting project. I could not yet get it installed because of the excessive size of the mandatory dependencies.

In addition to the 500 MB go compiler, I had to hunt and peck for latex dependencies in a lot of different packages.

These are my suggestions to make optional what does not need to be mandatory. This should make this tool more available for a wide group of users

Any suggestions are welcome. Requirements

Make sure xelatex is installed (on MacOS you can use MacTeX) is following packages:


All those packages should come with standard LiveTeX packaging.

I'm on Arch Linux, so please don't assume everyone will be using a Mac.

All those packages should come with standard LiveTeX packaging.

This is not the case.

For the basics I had to install 400 MEGA with

local/texlive-bin 2021.58686-3
    TeX Live binaries
local/texlive-core 2021.58710-2 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live core distribution

This is acceptable.

Though it was not enough. Because of fancyhdr I still needed more 50 MEGA

local/texlive-latexextra 2021.58668-2 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.

And finaly because of "libertine" I still needed

Repository      : extra
Name            : texlive-fontsextra
Version         : 2021.58704-1
Description     : TeX Live - all sorts of extra fonts
Download Size   : 535.82 MiB
Installed Size  : 1438.96 MiB.

At this point I decided not to install it because I was only installing 2 Gigabytes of latex only because of this tool.

Could you some how make this optional ? Thanks in advance

renard commented 3 years ago

There are many things that can be done to improve papersave indeed.

I plan to use golang embed feature to extract the templates out of the code and make their usage / modification more flexible. The embed feature wasn't available at time of writing the code.

One other feature would be to provide several exporters so the user would do anything he wants.