renard314 / textfairy

Android OCR App
799 stars 294 forks source link

Make App work for blind users #90

Open renard314 opened 9 years ago

pvagner commented 7 years ago

Hello, Let me add a bit of feetback to this. From the accessibility stant point the app uses a lot of Android standard views in many places so I would say it's very accessible to me as a blind person with some rough edges here and there. When scanning multi column material the screen where I'm suppose to choose texts and pictures I wish to have added to the document is not accessible at all. It would be nice to at least set some kind of content description for these views for example saying picture 1, recognized text at page 1, recognized text at page 2 or something to that nature if the final text is not yet ready in this phase. The second biggest issue for me is that it is very difficult for me to take as you are calling it in the help videos a perfect shot. I know there is a video explaining this but adding a bit of documentation or a wiki page preciselly explaining how to take the picture, when to use flash, when not to use the flash, how to turn the physical document, how to centre the camera, how far to position it, how to make it static this all would be a nice stuff for blind people. And finally ability to export recognition results as a text file or perhaps an rtf file if some basic formatting can also be guessed.