The change is needed since even if ANTLR enables to have lower-case label names, but it will convert them to start with capital letter eventually, since the Context class created from them must be capital. Since the name of this Context class will be used by grammarinator-parse to create nodes from labelled rules, we need to ensure a common naming schema.
coverage: 84.026% (+1.7%) from 82.356%
when pulling 6dfacc467dad4c1b040716025fda55e54fabc3cc on label-up
into 7bb95561e8da431d972e2d8b88c801960854dccf on master.
The change is needed since even if ANTLR enables to have lower-case label names, but it will convert them to start with capital letter eventually, since the Context class created from them must be capital. Since the name of this Context class will be used by grammarinator-parse to create nodes from labelled rules, we need to ensure a common naming schema.