renatomoor / storybook-tailwind-dark-mode

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Storybook 7 - docs-root does not exists to add `dark` class #14

Closed adityapant1286 closed 1 year ago

adityapant1286 commented 1 year ago

Hi @renatomoor,

Thank you for your efforts working on this package.

There is an error observed for Storybook 7. The element to add dark class is null as there is no such element exists with the id docs-root. This errors out when adding dark class. Changing the background of body element is working, but this is a hack. Please advise.

Receiving this error for Docs:


JReinhold commented 1 year ago

@renatomoor the element that had the id docs-root in 6.5, now has the id storybook-docs in 7.0. You could try changing the implementation to that and see if it fixes it. However I would expect it to be a breaking change to this addon, since it would make it only compatible with 7.0, but that's not for me to decide.

The change can be seen here

renatomoor commented 1 year ago

@JReinhold @adityapant1286.

@freddyamarante has made the fix and has also released the new version

adityapant1286 commented 1 year ago

Hi @freddyamarante , thank you for fixing it. Not sure it is an issue with storybook 7 or this case is failing.

The controls are showing correct colors for dark and light mode. However, the background color remains white.

Button in light-mode


Button in dark-mode


Perhaps need to update background color of the body element having .sb-show-main class.


preview.ts file for a reference

const preview: Preview = {
  globalTypes: {
    darkMode: {
      defaultValue: true, // Enable dark mode by default on all stories
  parameters: {
    actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },
    controls: {
      matchers: {
        color: /(background|color)$/i,
        date: /Date$/,
    darkMode: {
      current: 'light',
      dark: { ...themes.dark, appBg: '#171717' },
      light: { ...themes.normal, appBg: '#ffffff' }
freddyamarante commented 1 year ago

I'll take a look at it! I also think would be convenient to add a way to input what background color you want, I'll pr soon

adityapant1286 commented 1 year ago

Hi @renatomoor and @freddyamarante, this recent request is closed, would you advise moving to a new issue or mark this to 'open'.