renaud / neuroNER

named entity recognizer for neuronal cells, based on UIMA Ruta rules
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Proposal for identifying ephys terms #19

Closed renaud closed 9 years ago

renaud commented 9 years ago

Define the following as an electrophysiology trigger:

DECLARE EphysTrigger;
"(?i)((non[- ]?)?(spik(ing|e)|firing|bursting|stuttering|chattering|accomm?odating|adapting)” ->   EphysTrigger;

DECLARE NeuronProperty EphysProp;

After defining the Ephys Trigger term, we need to find EphysProp terms which come before or after the trigger word, like those in the modifying terms list below.

modifying terms:

continuous irregular regular spontaneous delay/late classical intrinsic fast non-fast

etc. More terms in the .robo file:

But unlike for Protein, we need to give an ontology id for the terms in the EphysTrigger too (if a neuron is characterized as bursting, we need to know that too).

Test cases:

[fast regular-spiking] cell [MOD] [MOD] [TRIG]

[adapting] cell []

non-accommodating cell non-accomodating cell irregular spiking cell irregular bursting cell irregularly spiking cell cell irregularly bursting slowly adapting cell

slow non-adapting spiking cell [mod][trig?][trig][neuron trigger]

renaud commented 9 years ago