renaud / neuroNER

named entity recognizer for neuronal cells, based on UIMA Ruta rules
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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consider approaches for improving neuroNER recall #32

Open stripathy opened 9 years ago

stripathy commented 9 years ago

These sentences contained in total 253 neuron properties, of which 207 could be recognized by neuroNER resulting in a 0.82 recall. Only 3 properties were incorrectly extracted, resulting in a 0.98 precision.

Here's some ideas:

  1. consider all terms within the same sentence phrase of a neuron trigger (i.e., cortical cells recorded in layer 2/3) as part of a neuron mention, even if there isn't an explicit rule for that.
  2. more part of speech info - terms which seem to modify the neuron trigger
  3. consider applying leon french's rules for normalization (e.g., somatostatin and martinotti cells = 2 neuron mentions)