renaud / neuroNER

named entity recognizer for neuronal cells, based on UIMA Ruta rules
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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more permissive about missing terms that doesn't terminate the neuroNER prematurely #35

Open renaud opened 9 years ago

renaud commented 9 years ago

From Shreejoy:

_You can see a whole list of terms that I tried below (Based on hand-curated neuron-NER-compliant terms that I had my ugrad curator Brenna annotate based on neuroelectro articles, terms here: . The biggest thing is that the missing terms are very often brain region terms that are being not identified since we made the switch to ABA-only terms. These examples illustrate that I think we should be more permissive when terms are missing, and not terminate the neuroNER phrase at the first instance of a missing term, like sensorimotor or prelimbic or amplitude or whatever (ideally this would be done through part of speech info and identifying coherent sentence phrases). Of course this'll lose precision, but it'll gain recall, especially in getting us longer neuroNER phrases, which is kind of what our project is all about, right?_

Layer 6 sensorimotor cortexnonpyramidalVGluT1expressingneurons Layer 5primaryauditorycortexregularspikingneurons Layer 2/3 frontal pyramidalcell projecting perirhinal cortex Layer 2/3perirhinal cortexpyramidalcellprojecting to L5perirhinal cortexpyramidalcell somatosensorycortexlayer 5bpyramidalcell Layer 6somatosensorycortexpyramidalneurons Layer 5 medial prefrontal cortex prelimbic pyramidalneurons Layer 5neocortexpyramidalneuron Layer 5somatosensorycortexpyramidalneurons Layer 5visualcortexfastspikinginterneurons Layer 5 somatosensory cortex large amplitude pyramidalcells Layer 5asomatosensorybarrel cortexpyramidalneurons Regularspikinglayer Vpyramidalneuronsofsomatosensorycortex Layer 5 medial prefrontal prelimbic cortexpyramidalneurons Layer 5 medial prefrontal cortex infralimbic fastspikinginterneurons Layer 5 Fast Spikinginterneuronsexpressingparvalbuminpositive Layer 5 frontal pyramidalcells projecting perirhinal cortex Layer 2/3 sensorimotor cortexpyramidalneurons Layer 5 sensorimotor cortexpyramidalneurons Layer 4 sensorimotor cortexspinystellateneurons Hypothalamus GnRH-expressing neuron neostriatum NPY-expressingSOM-expressingnNOS-expressing GABAergic plateau-depolarization low-threshold spikeinterneurons neostriatumNPY-expressingGABAergicneurogliaformcell piriform cortexpyramidalneuron piriform cortexpyramidalneurons piriform cortexpyramidalneurons piriform cortexpyramidalneurons piriform cortexpyramidalneurons Layer 4 somatosensory cortex barrel column spinystellateneurons Layer 3 somatosensory barrel column pyramidalneurons Layer 2somatosensorybarrel cortexpyramidalneurons Layer 5a somatosensory cortex barrel column small tuft pyramidalneurons Layer 5b somatosensory cortex barrel column extensive tuft pyramidalneurons Layer 6 somatosensory cortex barrel column short pyramidalneurons CA1 Oriens-Lacunosum Moleculare Interneurons CA1 Oriens-Lacunosum Moleculare Interneurons Purkinjeneurons Layer 5somatosensorybarrel cortexpyramidalneurons RapheNeuron RapheNeuron RapheNeuron RapheNeuron stratum oriens interneurons stratum oriens interneurons stratum oriens interneurons stratum oriens interneurons Layer 5 frontal pyramidal corticalthalamic projecting cell Layer 2/3perirhinal cortexpyramidalcell projecting to Corticothalamic cellpyramidalcell Layer 5perirhinal cortexpyramidalcellprojecting to Layer 2/3perirhinal cortexpyramidalcell Layer 5 somatosensory cortex small amplitude pyramidalcells Layer 6somatosensorycortexpyramidalneurons Layer 5 medial prefrontal cortex prelimbic pyramidalneurons Layer 5 medial prefrontal cortex infralimbic pyramidalneurons Layer 5 medial prefrontal cortex infralimbic non-fastspikinginterneurons Layer 6 primaryvisualcortex corticofugalneurons Layer 5primaryauditorycortexintrinsicallyburstingneurons Layer 5somatosensorycortexregularfiringpyramidalneurons Layer 5somatosensorycortexburstfiringpyramidalneurons Layer 5 somatosensory cortex weak burstfiringpyramidalneurons Layer 5 somatosensory cortex strong burstfiringpyramidalneurons Layer 5visualcortexpyramidalneurons Substantia nigra pars reticulatadopaminergiccell Trigeminal ganglionneurons Trigeminal ganglionneurons Multipolarburstingcell Fast spikingmultipolarcells Magnocellular preoptic nucleus/substantia innominatacholinergicneurons Magnocellular preoptic nucleus/substantia innominatanoncholinergicneurons Normotopic pyramidalneurons Heterotopic pyramidalneurons PFC PyramidalNeurons PFC PyramidalNeurons PFC PyramidalNeurons Urethral AfferentNeuron Dorsal raphe nucleusserotonergicneuron Layer V Barrel CorticalNeuron Dorsal raphe nucleusnon-serotonergicneuron Layer 5 Somatosensory andmotorcortex of corticothalamic projecting pyramidalneurons Layer 5 somatosensory andmotorcortex of corticotrigeminal projecting pyramidalneurons Layer 5 somatosensory andmotorcortex corticostriatal projecting neurons Layer 5 somatosensory andmotorcortex of callosal projecting pyramidalneurons Hippocampus CA1 regularspikingpyramidalneurons Hippocampus CA1 Burstingpyramidalneurons Ventral wing serotoninreleasingneurons of dorsal raphe Lateral wing ofserotoninreleasing dorsal rapheneurons POR pyramidalneurons POR multipolarneurons POR bituftedneurons Regular-spiking POR neurons Fast-spiking POR neurons Low-threshold spiking POR neurons Lumbar flexor motoneurons Lumbar extensor motoneurons Stellate-like \u201cSag\u201d neuronsinlayer II of mEC Intermediate Sag neurons Pyramidallike \u201cNo Sag\u201d neuronsinlayer III of mEC Dorsal hippocampus CA1 pyramidalcell Ventral hippocampus CA1 pyramidalcell sensorimotor cortex sideways-oriented layer 2pyramidalcells Visualcortexlayer 5regularspikingpyramidalcell Visualcortexlayer 5burstingpyramidalcell ventromedial interneuron lumbar dorsal root ganglionneuron small dorsal root ganglioncell medium dorsal root ganglioncell Cerebral corticalneurons Non-bursting trigeminal principalsensoryneurons Bursting trigeminal principalsensoryneurons silent nucleus pontis caudalis neurons Spontaneuous firing nucleus pontis caudalis neurons Tonicfiring parasympathetic preganglionic lumbosacral neurons Phasic firing parasympathetic preganglionic lumbosacral neurons Petrosal Ganglia Geniculate Ganglia Layer IV Excitatory Barrel Neurons Layer IV Excitatory Barrel Neurons intermediolateral cell column sympathetic preganglionic neurons Vasomotor sympathetic preganglionic neurons thoracolumbar dorsal root ganglioncell lumbosacral dorsal root ganglioncell Hippocampal Medial Septal Diagonal Band Complex GABAnergic Neuron Hippocampal Medial Septal Diagonal Band Complex CholinergicNeuron Prefrontal CortexNeurons Striatal SpinyProjectionNeurons