renaudbedard / fez-1.12-issues

A public repository for FEZ 1.12 testers to log issues
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Stargate issues #150

Open renaudbedard opened 7 years ago

renaudbedard commented 7 years ago
flibitijibibo commented 7 years ago

Looked into the star gate flicker. The way the gate draws the white light overlay, it seems to make all the level AOs invisible, re-enable the rings to draw them in solid white (with opacity depending on time), then attempts to make all the objects visible right after. For whatever reason, the rings turn out to be invisible in what appear to be 17ms intervals.

One quick test is to simply take out the part where we set Visible to false, then the rings will always render but they'll always be rendering with the solid white texture, never returning to its original texture.

My guess is, the way that we're drawing the white overlay on top of the art objects is not sync'd to when the level art objects are actually drawn. We may have to find a way to draw the light overlay without disabling everything first (may be as simple as just calling Draw on the AO groups directly?).