renebigot / XlsxReaderWriter

XlsxReaderWriter is an Objective-C library for iPhone / iPad and Mac. It parses and writes MS Excel XLSX files.
MIT License
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COCOAPODS is OUTDATED v 1.0.11 (Fix) #88

Open charlymr opened 6 years ago

charlymr commented 6 years ago

Cocoapods is outdated v 1.0.11, and apprently it is not possible to update it anymore:

if you want to fix it and use the latest version, add this to your PodFile (at the top)

source '' 

Then you can get the latest version 2.3.2

     pod 'XlsxReaderWriter', '~> 2.3.2'

And yes it work in with swift and in Xcode 9, you just need to add 'use_frameworks!'

@renebigot If you want access to that specs (and eventually start merging your pull request) please let me know.

mobile3000 commented 6 years ago

It's not working.

charlymr commented 6 years ago

Did you do ‘pod repo update’ ?

charlymr commented 5 years ago

A much faster fix is, just bare in mind it is pointing to a Beta branch so you may want to check on a regular basis. This branch is stable enough so I will probably release this one once I get feedback (or not) on it.

pod 'XlsxReaderWriter', podspec: ''