Open JamieP83 opened 5 years ago
Hey @jamiepryer ,
That Custom UI card was built using:
Custom UI Elements, applied to all cards using this in customize_glob.yaml:
custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
Extra sensor templates to get the hours and dynamic countdowns:
- platform: template
friendly_name: Bus to Market
icon_template: mdi:bus
value_template: >-
{% set countdown = states('sensor.home_to_market') | int(-1) %}
{% if countdown > 60 %}
{% set hours = (countdown / 60) | int %}
{% set minutes = countdown % 60 %}
{% if minutes < 10 %}
{% set minutes = '0' ~ minutes %}
{% endif %}
{% elif countdown >= 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Bus to Market
icon_template: mdi:bus
value_template: >-
{% set departure = state_attr('sensor.home_to_market', 'Origin Stop Departure Time') %}
{% if departure != None %}
{% set departure = departure.split(' ') %}
{% set hms = departure[1].split(':') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Card-level themes for 10-minutes and 5-minutes until departure highlights, applied through javascript processing inside the customize.yaml:
icon: mdi:cart
entity_id: sensor.home_to_market
theme: >-
var e = 'sensor.home_to_market';
if (entities[e] === undefined || entities[e].state === 'unknown') return null;
var v = parseInt(entities[e].state);
return v <= 5 ? 'card-critical'
: v <= 10 ? 'card-warning'
: null;
Hey, this is all awesome, thanks for sharing!
I have managed to get all my local train info, however how do i display it like you have sorry? eg:
i cant seem to work out what custom card you have to do this part?