A note taking app, Markdown editor, and text browser, featuring ID based wiki style links, and #tags, intended for zettelkasten method users. Loaded with tons of features like sophisticated tag search, note transclusion, support for note templates, bibliography support, etc. to make working in your Zettelkasten a joy 😄
ich meine, das sei in dieser Situation passiert: Als ich im rename window escape gedrückt habe.
Noch ist das Fenster "sublimess_zk.exe has stopped working" auf. Gibt es hier für dich nützliche Informationen? Wenn ja, was soll ich machen?
Ich habe mal die "problem details" ausgeklappt - das ist windows 8.1 in einer alten VM, in der ich teste.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX64 Application Name: sublimeless_zk.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5a2e9f14 Fault Module Name: ucrtbase.DLL Fault Module Version: 10.0.16299.15 Fault Module Timestamp: 70f70cc4 Exception Offset: 000000000006b70e Exception Code: c0000409 Exception Data: 0000000000000007 OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 1651 Additional Information 2: 16515078e3e287fe46af671cfde7523f Additional Information 3: 54c1 Additional Information 4: 54c1483f99c3aae206cf5fa7a9777df2