renerocksai / sublimeless_zk

A note taking app, Markdown editor, and text browser, featuring ID based wiki style links, and #tags, intended for zettelkasten method users. Loaded with tons of features like sophisticated tag search, note transclusion, support for note templates, bibliography support, etc. to make working in your Zettelkasten a joy 😄
GNU General Public License v3.0
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noteid as command line parameter to open note in existing instance #80

Open 517qf opened 6 years ago

517qf commented 6 years ago

Another wild idea:

I think it might sometimes be useful to add relevant noteids into a textbox (or whatever) in a pdf-file. If you reread the relevant paragraph you could quickly jump to the relevant zettel: In Windows you could use Autohotkey/AHK that upon a clipboard change checks if the new contents match \d{14} and if so runs sublimeless_zk --reuse {ClipContent}. In Linux you might do something similar with xclip or a clipboard manager.

Besides pdfs you might embed the noteids in a word document as a comment?

Maybe put the noteids into the todo-software you use if you need a note on a certain date.

I use a spaced repetition software called Anki. I could imagine to put some contents from my notes into Anki so that I don't forget them. In Anki you usually apply the so-called Minimum information principle so that the flash cards are very short. Sometimes I forget even the context of a card. I can put the noteid into Anki. It would be much quicker if I could automatically switch to the relevant note in slzk using a short AHK script.

I don't advocate that slzk deals with other programs, only that I can send a note via cli to the current instance/window.

517qf commented 6 years ago

another use case: People who want to run sophisticated searches that filter by size, mtime, etc. could combine (command line) tools they know (like find, grep or more recent cross-plattform alternatives like fd, ripgrep, fzf or even their own scripts to narrow their search down to one file that could be handed over to slzk as a startup parameter.

P.S.: Thanks for notifying me about the improved find_in_files. It was instructional to see how a professional solves this problem.