renesas-rx / amazon-freertos

A fork/prototype of the Amazon FreeRTOS to support Renesas RX MCUs. Please refer to our wiki for more details.
MIT License
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Rx65n ota experimental / rebuild the whole of file structure #7

Closed HirokiIshiguro closed 5 years ago

HirokiIshiguro commented 5 years ago


[ADDED] RX65N RSK Bootloader project (CCRX/e2 studio) [ADDED] RX65N RSK user application project (CCRX/e2 studio) [ADDED] mot file convertor project (visual studio) [REMOVED] unnecessary files from /demos/renesas/rx65n-rsk/e2studio/ [CHANGED] mcu vendor library directory structure like /lib/third_party/mcu_vendor/renesas/rx_mcu_boards/rx_driver_package/v115_customed
