renkun-ken / rlist

A Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation
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OAuth authorisation with rlist #81

Open pssguy opened 9 years ago

pssguy commented 9 years ago

I have been working through your github tutorial example and reached the rate limit. Would it be possible to incorporate the required codes as parameters in the list.load function or come up with some other solution. The same issue will apply to other APIs Tx

renkun-ken commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @pssguy! I think it is necessary for rlist to support OAuth to work with data APIs smoothly, but I don't have much experience on it. Would you please give some suggestions or send PR if you know how to do it. I also wonder if different data sources have different OAuth methods?

timelyportfolio commented 9 years ago

Would strongly suggest just plugging into the OAuth from httr rather than rebuilding. I can try to work up some examples.

renkun-ken commented 9 years ago

Thanks @timelyportfolio!

pssguy commented 9 years ago

Thanks tp. @renkun There was this stackoverflow question but may be out of date now

timelyportfolio commented 9 years ago

I forgot there is a httr OAuth demo specific to github.

renkun-ken commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @timelyportfolio! I tried the demo and it works for me :)

Let's see how we can make it easier in rlist.

jennybc commented 9 years ago

In this specific case, there is probably a way to combine usage of rlist and functions from the github package, which confusingly resides a repo named rgithub (note the r). github will handle the authentication this way, which doesn't seem like a natural fit for rlist.

renkun-ken commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @jennybc! It seems not straightforward to make it an one-click-and-go feature.

jennybc commented 9 years ago

@renkun-ken Do you mean it's hard to integrate Ouath into rlist or that you're skeptical about the suggestion to combine github and rlist? I keep the relevant GitHub access token in an envvar, create an explicit GitHub "context" (jargon from the github package), then simply use all the wrapped API calls w/o thinking about auth again. The authorization workflow will be so different for different APIs that I can't imagine you would want to get into that w/ rlist.

Here's a sketch where I am, shamefully, not using rlist, but I think you can see where rlist functions could be dropped in. Maybe you could add a suggestion to use github and authenticate if someone gets inspired by your tutorial and hits the rate-limit. I think API work is a very interesting application of rlist -- you know my struggles with traversing pages!

# GITHUB_TOKEN envvar is defined in my ~/.Renviron
ctx <- create.github.context(access_token = Sys.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN"))

# now do whatever I want w/ the API

# iss_dat <- …. a data.frame w/ one row per issue I need to open …..
foo <- alply(iss_dat, 1, function(x) {  
  # define line1, line2, etc.
  list(title = sprintf("Peer review of %s's %s by %s",
                       x[["reviewee"]], this_hw, x[["reviewer"]]),
       body = paste(line1, line2, line3, sep = "\n"),
       assignee = x[["reviewer_gitName"]],
       labels = c("peer-review", "hw02"),
       repo = paste0("zz_", x[["reviewee"]], "_STAT540_2015"))

# here's where I could have used
ret_val <- llply(foo, function(x) {
  repo <- x$repo
  x$repo <- NULL
  create.issue(owner = "STAT540-UBC", repo = repo, content = x)

# and here I could use list.mapv()?
ok <- laply(ret_val, function(x) x$ok)
renkun-ken commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your detailed and helpful information, @jennybc! It's great if rlist can make it easy to work with oauth, but shamefully I don't have much experience on it. I'll take a closer look at your examples and try to figure out a good way to do it.

jennybc commented 9 years ago

My advice is "don't get sucked into doing OAuth" within rlist. Instead, show it playing nicely with API wrapping packages. Which I think it does.

renkun-ken commented 9 years ago

Agree. In your example, there may be no need to load json data to data.frame.,, list.mapv may reduce some code for you.

foo <-, 
  title = sprintf("Peer review of %s's %s by %s", reviewee, this_hw, reviewer),
  body = paste(line1, line2, line3, sep = "\n"),
  assignee = reviewer_gitName,
  labels = c("peer-review", "hw02"),
  repo = paste0("zz_", reviewee, "_STAT540_2015"))
ret_val <-, 
  create.issue(owner = "STAT540-UBC", 
    repo = repo, 
    content = list.remove(., "repo")))
ok <- list.mapv(ret_val, ok)