renlok / WeBid

The official WeBid github fork
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How do we contact anyone at WeBid for support? #533

Open kiwiheretic opened 4 years ago

kiwiheretic commented 4 years ago

No form of contact even for commercial support. Were wondering what's involved in getting this to work with Stripe payment gateway and whether anyone can quote on that?

Nozlaf commented 4 years ago

you need to write it yourself the project is no-longer supported

gilligantech commented 4 years ago

Hi. Do to this fact, my company is trying to reactive this code. We are just starting now, keeping track of issues. If you are interested in participating in any way (helping with code or in need of custom help, let me know. Post here for now until more details are available.

kiwiheretic commented 3 years ago

We might be able to do some beta testing. Will there be a way of migrating existing database to the new version or is that not necessary?