rennu / dpg

OpenMVG + OpenMVS Pipeline
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I this repo useful for Run mvg and mvs faster ? #19

Closed SabraHashemi closed 2 years ago

SabraHashemi commented 2 years ago

I want to use mvs and mvg for dense and sparse ply reconstruction, so i have to go through mvs and mvg, but in between these two i had to write my data down then import it to another that this take so long time, so i should somehow make these progress in ram(without reading and writing) These repo can do this ?

rennu commented 2 years ago

So you wish to skip openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS step? If so then no, it's not possible by using this repository.

SabraHashemi commented 2 years ago

So you wish to skip openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS step? If so then no, it's not possible by using this repository.

no, I wish to skip any writing and reading between these two or after them , when you write down a ply and then in the next stage read it again, it will cost much time, did you get what I mean?

rennu commented 2 years ago

I see. No, you can't skip writing and reading to disk between steps by using contents of this repo.

SabraHashemi commented 2 years ago

so what is blow command for? isn't this for running faster? openmvs = parser.add_argument_group("OpenMVS") openmvs.add_argument("--output-obj", action = "store_true", help = "Output mesh files as obj instead of ply")

SabraHashemi commented 2 years ago

and I wonder that why pipeline doesn't have command like openMVG_main_PointsFiltering

rennu commented 2 years ago

so what is blow command for? isn't this for running faster? openmvs = parser.add_argument_group("OpenMVS") openmvs.add_argument("--output-obj", action = "store_true", help = "Output mesh files as obj instead of ply")

No, it's only for saving mesh files in obj format in openmvs instead of ply (default). I haven't done any testing on whether it's faster or slower.

and I wonder that why pipeline doesn't have command like openMVG_main_PointsFiltering

I think point filtering was previously part of openMVG_main_ComputeMatches but apparently now is it's own binary.

I actually did some fixes yesterday because the was broken due to changes in openmvg pipeline and the fix includes openMVG_main_PointsFiltering step.

SabraHashemi commented 2 years ago

thanks, i checked your update and i got : ERROR: [sequential_SfM.cpp:110] Unable to choose an initial pair, since there is no defined intrinsic data. INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:173] Cannot find a valid initial pair - stop reconstruction. Failed while executing: /opt/openmvg/bin/openMVG_main_SfM -s INCREMENTAL -i /datasets/output/matches/sfm_data.json -m /datasets/output/matches -o /datasets/output/reconstruction_global

SabraHashemi commented 2 years ago

i think this problem is related to sensor_width_camera_database.txt that doesn't contain configuration for most cameras, I can send you one to update if you want

rennu commented 2 years ago

You might want to take a look at the actual openmvg repo for that.