renode / renode

Renode - Antmicro's open source simulation and virtual development framework for complex embedded systems
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macOS keyboard shortcuts `⌘C` and `⌘V` are not working for copy and paste #588

Open paulz opened 3 months ago

paulz commented 3 months ago


Cmd-C and Cmd-V are doing anything in Renode window on Mac.

Expected behaviour

  1. Cmd-C to Copy
  2. Cmd-V to Paste

like any macOS app.

How to reproduce?

  1. Open Renode app
  2. Select some text within the window by dragging cursor
  3. Cmd-C to copy selected text
  4. Switch to TextEdit and Cmd-V to paste
  5. Notice nothing was copied from Renode window
  6. Expected behavior - text should easily be copied between macOS windows


Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 6 50 13 PM

Please, provide the following information:

Do you plan to address this issue and file a PR?

Need support, can contribute if cause is known.

paulz commented 3 months ago

Turns out ⌃⇧C is working for Copy and ⌃⇧V for Paste.

Is there any way to change that to be standard ⌘C and ⌘V?

dzid26 commented 1 month ago

btw, ctrl+c, ctrl+v doesn't work on Windows either