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bug report? Is it considered a bug when a stm32f4 based open-source software can't boot in renode? #608

Open davidbuzz opened 1 week ago

davidbuzz commented 1 week ago


this software/firmware, which runs almost entirely in STM32F4 and higher, and doesn't run under renode: ready-to-use binaries available here: custom on-demand binaries can also be built here: It runs [almost entirely] on "chibios" as its RTOS, and has a very long list of supported-out-of-the-box STM32 hardware defined here:

Expected behaviour

It would be a game-changer the the entire ardupilot/drone community if all/some of the boards it supports could be simulated at the hardware layer, running the same binary.

How to reproduce?

Using one of the popular 'ardupilot' board/s called 'CubeBlack' as an example:

This is stm32f4 / STM32F427 , so we can get a binary, eg here: You can also compile it yourself to enable --debug flags, which i did.. is the "dev" guide that has all the git clone and whatnot but it ends with.. ./waf configure --board=CubeBlack --debug ; ./waf copter

how to reproduce the issue:

I made a fork, and put the binary, startup script, gdbinit here: clone my repo, build it the usual way then run: ./renode cubeblack.resc [ the full output of this command is provided in my repo above as "boot.log" ]

it clearly boots a long way into the ArduPilot code, as I see a lot of function calls starting with "AP_", and theres a bunch of chibios calls in there too... search log for ChibiOS or ' ch'...

Aparently chibios does a few things on boot, such as waiting for the RCC to stabilise that might not be implemented in emulator?

ardupilot/chibios also uses an external oscillator in most of its default setup/s , although that can be turned off in a built-it-yourself if needed.

ardupilot aparently runs chibios in "tickless" mode, I'm not the expert on that ,but relying on timers for scheduling might also be related.?

I dont understand your test infrastructure yet, so couldn't set it up as "real test".

[ I tried building arducopter so it uses the internal oscilator instead of the external one, and provide a .no-oscillator-test. binary variant, but it seems to behave similar-enough to the other one. ]


Please, provide the following information:

Do you plan to address this issue and file a PR?

I dont have adequate knowledge/skills to address this myself.

davidbuzz commented 1 week ago

Oh, the binaries in the above repo have debug symbols. the one/s available for general download probably dont.

I also tried with/without the content of this PR as its related to a F4 peripheral, and I couldn't see any difference:

davidbuzz commented 1 week ago

I've also [ as a second commit ], added a 1000x simplified binary that just demonstrates starting the the ArduPilot HAL (ontop of chibios ) , and printing out all the uarts.... and this doesn't work either..

run the simlified test like this: ./renode cubeblack.UART_test.resc

src here:

how to build [ArduPilot/ArduPilot] ./waf configure --board=CubeBlack --debug ./waf build --target examples/UART_test

... also over in