renoise / tools

Scripting tools written by the Renoise team
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added playback_pos.sequence + playback_pos.line #133

Closed esaruoho closed 6 years ago

esaruoho commented 6 years ago

as per Raul's request, added playback_pos.sequence + playback_pos.line & description of what pos_beats is.

bjorn-nesby commented 6 years ago

added playback_pos.sequence + playback_pos.line

These properties are already explained in the renoise.SongPos part. I think it's a bad idea, as we would need to duplicate this information in other places as well (I'm counting 7 other places atm)

description of what pos_beats is

Good idea, but I'm not sure where. Suggestions welcome ;-)

esaruoho commented 6 years ago

@bjorn-nesby I modified this PR to only add one line of comments above pos_beats --Playback position of the line at the given the beat position.

Hope that's fine