renovatebot / app-support

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renovate-bot failed to propose google-cloud-shared-dependencies update in 2 repos #100

Closed stephaniewang526 closed 4 years ago

stephaniewang526 commented 4 years ago

We had to make below manual updates ourselves since renovate-bot did not propose these updates:

googleapis/java-webrisk#277 googleapis/java-translate#344 v0.14.1 and v0.15.0 were both missed in the above two repos. However, we did get renovate-bot updates in our other 70+ Google-provided repos.

Could you investigate and let us know why the bot did not work?

Thank you! (related to point 4 in this comment)

cc @chingor

viceice commented 4 years ago

I think we would need the logs to investigate. 🤔

Maybe this is related to the other maven repo issues we have

rarkins commented 4 years ago

Using as an example, we can hopefully fork, clone and check out and see if it reproduces.

rarkins commented 4 years ago

In forked repo, problem is not reproduced as PR is created:

rarkins commented 4 years ago

Turns out our backend thinks this repo disabled: image

I have manually flipped it to enabled and a new job ran and created PRs. I will monitor that it doesn't flip itself back to disabled again.

rarkins commented 4 years ago

Also, I noticed other googleapis repos were in a similar state (installed but disabled) so I've reset them all so that they get enqueued in the next hourly scheduled runs.

stephaniewang526 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for looking into this!