renovatebot / renovate

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package.json updated, but no changes in yarn.lock #11276

Closed DawidJanczak closed 3 years ago

DawidJanczak commented 3 years ago

How are you running Renovate?

WhiteSource Renovate hosted app on

Please select which platform you are using if self-hosting.

No response

If you're self-hosting Renovate, tell us what version of Renovate you run.

No response

Describe the bug

Renovate PR on branch renovate/all opened with a Update all dependencies Docker tags name updated package.json, but made no changes to yarn.lock. I don't see any errors in the debug logs so I'm not sure what should be pasted in the section below. Job ID is 429014320. Our config in case something's off there:

  "extends": [
  "ignoreDeps": ["postgres"],
  "ignorePaths": ["vendor/**"],
  "lockFileMaintenance": { "enabled": true },
  "ruby-version": { "enabled": false },
  "schedule": [
    "before 5am on Monday"

Relevant debug logs

Logs ``` DEBUG: No dangling containers to remove INFO: Repository started { "renovateVersion": "25.74.0" } DEBUG: Using localDir: /mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions DEBUG: Repository cache is valid DEBUG: initRepo("ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions") DEBUG: Overriding default GitHub endpoint { "endpoint": "" } DEBUG: ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions default branch = master DEBUG: Using app token for git init DEBUG: resetMemCache() DEBUG: Resetting npmrc DEBUG: checkOnboarding() DEBUG: isOnboarded() DEBUG: Checking cached config file name DEBUG: Existing config file confirmed DEBUG: Repo is onboarded DEBUG: migrateAndValidate() DEBUG: No config migration necessary DEBUG: massaged config { "config": { "extends": [ "github>whitesource/merge-confidence:beta", "group:all" ], "ignoreDeps": [ "postgres" ], "ignorePaths": [ "vendor/**" ], "lockFileMaintenance": { "enabled": true }, "ruby-version": { "enabled": false }, "schedule": [ "before 5am on Monday" ] } } DEBUG: migrated config { "config": { "extends": [ "github>whitesource/merge-confidence:beta", "group:all" ], "ignoreDeps": [ "postgres" ], "ignorePaths": [ "vendor/**" ], "lockFileMaintenance": { "enabled": true }, "ruby-version": { "enabled": false }, "schedule": [ "before 5am on Monday" ] } } DEBUG: Found repo ignorePaths { "ignorePaths": [ "vendor/**" ] } DEBUG: detectSemanticCommits() DEBUG: GitHub vulnerability details { "alerts": { "npm/glob-parent": { "< 5.1.2": "5.1.2" } } } DEBUG: alert package rules { "alertPackageRules": [ { "matchDatasources": [ "npm" ], "matchPackageNames": [ "glob-parent" ], "matchCurrentVersion": "= 3.1.0", "matchFiles": [ "webpack/yarn.lock" ], "allowedVersions": "5.1.2", "prBodyNotes": [ "### GitHub Vulnerability Alerts", "#### [CVE-2020-28469](\n\nThis affects the package glob-parent before 5.1.2. The enclosure regex used to check for strings ending in enclosure containing path separator." ], "isVulnerabilityAlert": true, "force": { "groupName": null, "schedule": [], "dependencyDashboardApproval": false, "rangeStrategy": "update-lockfile", "commitMessageSuffix": "[SECURITY]", "branchTopic": "{{{datasource}}}-{{{depName}}}-vulnerability", "prCreation": "immediate" } } ] } DEBUG: No baseBranches DEBUG: extract() DEBUG: Setting current branch to master DEBUG: Initializing git repository into /mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions DEBUG: git clone completed { "durationMs": 3787 } DEBUG: latest repository commit { "latestCommit": { "hash": "e559f43a3c0d88bebc8db3fb0a304510222893b8", "date": "2021-08-16T11:48:17+10:00", "message": "Merge pull request #555 from ygt/amend-specs-for-new-voucher-codes", "refs": "HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD", "body": "Amend app spec with new voucher codes", "author_name": "Nick Hibberd", "author_email": "" } } DEBUG: Setting git author name { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: Setting branchPrefix: renovate/ DEBUG: latest commit { "branchName": "master", "latestCommitDate": "2021-08-16T11:48:17+10:00" } DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)tasks/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)galaxy\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy DEBUG: Using file match: azure.*pipelines?.*\.ya?ml$ for manager azure-pipelines DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect(-bundle)?\.yml$ for manager batect DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect$ for manager batect-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)WORKSPACE(|\.bazel)$ for manager bazel DEBUG: Using file match: \.bzl$ for manager bazel DEBUG: Using file match: buildkite\.ya?ml for manager buildkite DEBUG: Using file match: \.buildkite/.+\.ya?ml$ for manager buildkite DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Gemfile$ for manager bundler DEBUG: Using file match: \.cake$ for manager cake DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Cargo.toml$ for manager cargo DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).circleci/config.yml$ for manager circleci DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)cloudbuild.ya?ml for manager cloudbuild DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Podfile$ for manager cocoapods DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)composer.json$ for manager composer DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)deps\.edn$ for manager deps-edn DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)docker-compose[^/]*\.ya?ml$ for manager docker-compose DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/|\.)Dockerfile$ for manager dockerfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Dockerfile\.[^/]*$ for manager dockerfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).drone.yml$ for manager droneci DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).gitmodules$ for manager git-submodules DEBUG: Using file match: ^(workflow-templates|\.github\/workflows)\/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager github-actions DEBUG: Using file match: \.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci DEBUG: Using file match: ^\.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci-include DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)go.mod$ for manager gomod DEBUG: Using file match: \.gradle(\.kts)?$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager gradle-lite DEBUG: Using file match: \.gradle(\.kts)?$ for manager gradle-lite DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)gradle/wrapper/$ for manager gradle-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.yaml$ for manager helm-requirements DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)values.yaml$ for manager helm-values DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)helmfile.yaml$ for manager helmfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Chart.yaml$ for manager helmv3 DEBUG: Using file match: ^Formula/[^/]+[.]rb$ for manager homebrew DEBUG: Using file match: \.html?$ for manager html DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)plugins\.(txt|ya?ml)$ for manager jenkins DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)kustomization\.yaml for manager kustomize DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)project\.clj$ for manager leiningen DEBUG: Using file match: \.pom\.xml$ for manager maven DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pom\.xml$ for manager maven DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package.js$ for manager meteor DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)mix\.exs$ for manager mix DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).node-version$ for manager nodenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package.json$ for manager npm DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:cs|fs|vb)proj$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:props|targets)$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: \.config\/dotnet-tools\.json$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.nvmrc$ for manager nvm DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)requirements\.(txt|pip)$ for manager pip_requirements DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager pip_setup DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Pipfile$ for manager pipenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pyproject\.toml$ for manager poetry DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$ for manager pre-commit DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pubspec\.ya?ml$ for manager pub DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).python-version$ for manager pyenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.ruby-version$ for manager ruby-version DEBUG: Using file match: \.sbt$ for manager sbt DEBUG: Using file match: project/[^/]*.scala$ for manager sbt DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)setup\.cfg$ for manager setup-cfg DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Package\.swift for manager swift DEBUG: Using file match: \.tf$ for manager terraform DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terraform-version$ for manager terraform-version DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)terragrunt\.hcl$ for manager terragrunt DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terragrunt-version$ for manager terragrunt-version DEBUG: Using file match: ^.travis.yml$ for manager travis DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager ansible-galaxy: deployment/voucher-redemptions/requirements.yaml DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager bundler: Gemfile DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager cloudbuild: cloudbuild.yaml DEBUG: Matched 2 file(s) for manager docker-compose:, docker-compose.yml DEBUG: Matched 2 file(s) for manager dockerfile: Dockerfile, webpack/Dockerfile DEBUG: Matched 2 file(s) for manager github-actions: .github/workflows/db_changes.yml, .github/workflows/linter.yml DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager helm-requirements: deployment/voucher-redemptions/requirements.yaml DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager helm-values: deployment/voucher-redemptions/values.yaml DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager helmv3: deployment/voucher-redemptions/Chart.yaml DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager npm: webpack/package.json DEBUG: ruby-version is disabled DEBUG: docker-compose.extractPackageFile() DEBUG: Unsupported Chart apiVersion. Only v2 is supported. { "fileName": "deployment/voucher-redemptions/Chart.yaml" } DEBUG: npm file webpack/package.json has name "sb-voucher-redemptions" DEBUG: Found Gemfile.lock file(packageFile="Gemfile") DEBUG: docker-compose.extractPackageFile() DEBUG: Detecting pnpm Workspaces DEBUG: Detecting Lerna and Yarn Workspaces DEBUG: Finding locked versions DEBUG: Found bundler package files DEBUG: Found cloudbuild package files DEBUG: Found docker-compose package files DEBUG: Found dockerfile package files DEBUG: Found github-actions package files DEBUG: Found helm-requirements package files DEBUG: Found helm-values package files DEBUG: Found npm package files DEBUG: Found 11 package file(s) INFO: Dependency extraction complete { "baseBranch": "master", "stats": { "managers": { "bundler": { "fileCount": 1, "depCount": 23 }, "cloudbuild": { "fileCount": 1, "depCount": 6 }, "docker-compose": { "fileCount": 2, "depCount": 4 }, "dockerfile": { "fileCount": 2, "depCount": 2 }, "github-actions": { "fileCount": 2, "depCount": 4 }, "helm-requirements": { "fileCount": 1, "depCount": 1 }, "helm-values": { "fileCount": 1, "depCount": 1 }, "npm": { "fileCount": 1, "depCount": 12 } }, "total": { "fileCount": 11, "depCount": 53 } } } DEBUG: Dependency has unsupported value latest DEBUG: Dependency has unsupported value latest DEBUG: Dependency is ignored (postgres)(dependency="postgres") DEBUG: Dependency is ignored (postgres)(dependency="postgres") DEBUG: Dependency gcloud-sqlproxy has unsupported value >= 0.5.0 DEBUG: Dependency has unsupported value latest DEBUG: getLabels(, docker/compose, latest) DEBUG: getLabels(, library/ruby, latest) DEBUG: getLabels(, library/node, latest) DEBUG: Package releases lookups complete { "baseBranch": "master" } DEBUG: branchifyUpgrades DEBUG: Using group branchName template DEBUG: Dependency node is part of group all dependencies DEBUG: Using group branchName template DEBUG: Dependency simple-datatables is part of group all dependencies DEBUG: Using group branchName template DEBUG: Dependency webpack is part of group all dependencies DEBUG: Using group branchName template DEBUG: Dependency webpack-cli is part of group all dependencies DEBUG: 6 flattened updates found: node, simple-datatables, webpack, webpack-cli DEBUG: Returning 2 branch(es) DEBUG: Fetching changelog: (4.7.2 -> 4.8.0) DEBUG: Fetching changelog: (5.49.0 -> 5.50.0) DEBUG: Fetching changelog: (3.0.2 -> 3.1.0) DEBUG: Fetching changelog: (16.6.1 -> 16.6.2) DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true DEBUG: packageFiles with updates { "config": { "bundler": [ { "packageFile": "Gemfile", "registryUrls": [ "" ], "deps": [ { "depName": "activesupport", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 4 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "6.1.4", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "airbrake", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 5 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "11.0.3", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "dry-monads", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 6 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "1.4.0", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "dry-struct", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 7 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "1.4.0", "depIndex": 3, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "dry-validation", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 8 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "1.6.0", "depIndex": 4, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "google-cloud-datastore", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 9 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "2.2.1", "depIndex": 5, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "iap-verifier", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 10 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "0.3.0", "depIndex": 6, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "pg", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 11 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "1.2.3", "depIndex": 7, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "puma", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 12 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "5.4.0", "depIndex": 8, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "rake", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 13 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "13.0.6", "depIndex": 9, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "sendgrid-ruby", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 14 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "6.4.0", "depIndex": 10, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "sequel", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 15 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "5.47.0", "depIndex": 11, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "sinatra", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 16 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "2.1.0", "depIndex": 12, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "sinatra-contrib", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 17 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "2.1.0", "depIndex": 13, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "sinatra-flash", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 18 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "0.3.0", "depIndex": 14, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "stripe", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 19 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "5.37.0", "depIndex": 15, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "tilt", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 20 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "lockedVersion": "2.0.10", "depIndex": 16, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "guard", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 23 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "depTypes": [ "development", "test" ], "lockedVersion": "2.18.0", "depIndex": 17, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "guard-rspec", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 24 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "depTypes": [ "development", "test" ], "lockedVersion": "4.7.3", "depIndex": 18, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "pry", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 25 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "depTypes": [ "development", "test" ], "lockedVersion": "0.14.1", "depIndex": 19, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "rack-test", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 26 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "depTypes": [ "development", "test" ], "lockedVersion": "1.1.0", "depIndex": 20, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "rspec", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 27 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "depTypes": [ "development", "test" ], "lockedVersion": "3.10.0", "depIndex": 21, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "shotgun", "managerData": { "lineNumber": 28 }, "skipReason": "no-version", "depTypes": [ "development", "test" ], "lockedVersion": "0.9.2", "depIndex": 22, "updates": [] } ], "lockFiles": [ "Gemfile.lock" ], "constraints": { "bundler": "2.1.4" } } ], "cloudbuild": [ { "packageFile": "cloudbuild.yaml", "deps": [ { "depName": "", "currentValue": "latest", "replaceString": "", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "skipReason": "invalid-value" }, { "skipReason": "contains-variable", "replaceString": "$PROJECT_ID/spabreaks/voucher-redemptions-webpack:latest", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [] }, { "depName": "", "currentValue": "latest", "replaceString": "", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "skipReason": "invalid-value" }, { "depName": "docker/compose", "currentValue": "1.29.2", "replaceString": "docker/compose:1.29.2", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 3, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "1.29.2", "fixedVersion": "1.29.2" }, { "skipReason": "contains-variable", "replaceString": "$PROJECT_ID/helm-secrets", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 4, "updates": [] }, { "skipReason": "contains-variable", "replaceString": "$PROJECT_ID/helm-secrets", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 5, "updates": [] } ] } ], "docker-compose": [ { "packageFile": "", "deps": [ { "depName": "postgres", "currentValue": "9.6", "replaceString": "postgres:9.6", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "skipReason": "ignored" }, { "depName": "", "replaceString": "", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "skipReason": "invalid-value" } ] }, { "packageFile": "docker-compose.yml", "deps": [ { "depName": "postgres", "currentValue": "9.6", "replaceString": "postgres:9.6", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "skipReason": "ignored" }, { "depName": "sb-voucher-redemptions-web-app", "replaceString": "sb-voucher-redemptions-web-app", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "skipReason": "invalid-value" } ] } ], "dockerfile": [ { "packageFile": "Dockerfile", "deps": [ { "depName": "ruby", "currentValue": "2.7.2-alpine3.11", "replaceString": "ruby:2.7.2-alpine3.11", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "final", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "currentVersion": "2.7.2", "fixedVersion": "2.7.2-alpine3.11" } ] }, { "packageFile": "webpack/Dockerfile", "deps": [ { "depName": "node", "currentValue": "16.6.1-alpine", "replaceString": "node:16.6.1-alpine", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "final", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [ { "bucket": "latest", "newVersion": "16.6.2", "newValue": "16.6.2-alpine", "newMajor": 16, "newMinor": 6, "updateType": "patch", "branchName": "renovate/all" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "16.6.1", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "16.6.1-alpine" } ] } ], "github-actions": [ { "packageFile": ".github/workflows/db_changes.yml", "deps": [ { "depName": "actions/checkout", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "actions/checkout@v2", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v2", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v2", "fixedVersion": "v2" }, { "depName": "actions/github-script", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "actions/github-script@v4", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v4", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v4", "fixedVersion": "v4" } ] }, { "packageFile": ".github/workflows/linter.yml", "deps": [ { "depName": "actions/checkout", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "actions/checkout@v2", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v2", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v2", "fixedVersion": "v2" }, { "depName": "ruby/setup-ruby", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "ruby/setup-ruby@v1", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v1", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v1", "fixedVersion": "v1" } ] } ], "helm-requirements": [ { "packageFile": "deployment/voucher-redemptions/requirements.yaml", "deps": [ { "depName": "gcloud-sqlproxy", "currentValue": ">= 0.5.0", "registryUrls": [ "" ], "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "semver", "skipReason": "invalid-value" } ], "datasource": "helm" } ], "helm-values": [ { "packageFile": "deployment/voucher-redemptions/values.yaml", "deps": [ { "depName": "", "currentValue": "latest", "datasource": "docker", "replaceString": "latest", "versioning": "docker", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{newValue}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "skipReason": "invalid-value" } ] } ], "npm": [ { "packageFile": "webpack/package.json", "deps": [ { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "autoprefixer", "currentValue": "10.3.1", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "10.3.1", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "10.3.1", "fixedVersion": "10.3.1" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "compression-webpack-plugin", "currentValue": "8.0.1", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "8.0.1", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "8.0.1", "fixedVersion": "8.0.1" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "css-loader", "currentValue": "6.2.0", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "6.2.0", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "6.2.0", "fixedVersion": "6.2.0" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "mini-css-extract-plugin", "currentValue": "2.2.0", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "2.2.0", "depIndex": 3, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "2.2.0", "fixedVersion": "2.2.0" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", 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[], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "3.0.2", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "3.0.2" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "style-loader", "currentValue": "3.2.1", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "3.2.1", "depIndex": 7, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "3.2.1", "fixedVersion": "3.2.1" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "tailwindcss", "currentValue": "2.2.7", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "2.2.7", "depIndex": 8, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "homepage": "", "currentVersion": "2.2.7", "fixedVersion": "2.2.7" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "webpack", "currentValue": "5.49.0", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "5.49.0", "depIndex": 9, "updates": [ { "bucket": "latest", "newVersion": "5.50.0", "newValue": "5.50.0", "releaseTimestamp": "2021-08-10T18:32:10.097Z", "newMajor": 5, "newMinor": 50, "updateType": "minor", "branchName": "renovate/all" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "5.49.0", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "5.49.0" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "webpack-cli", "currentValue": "4.7.2", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "4.7.2", "depIndex": 10, "updates": [ { "bucket": "latest", "newVersion": "4.8.0", "newValue": "4.8.0", "releaseTimestamp": "2021-08-15T20:05:41.159Z", "newMajor": 4, "newMinor": 8, "updateType": "minor", "branchName": "renovate/all" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "4.7.2", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "4.7.2" }, { "depType": "devDependencies", "depName": "webpack-dev-server", "currentValue": "3.11.2", "datasource": "npm", "prettyDepType": "devDependency", "lockedVersion": "3.11.2", "depIndex": 11, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "npm", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "3.11.2", "fixedVersion": "3.11.2" } ], "packageJsonName": "sb-voucher-redemptions", "packageFileVersion": "1.0.0", "packageJsonType": "app", "yarnLock": "webpack/yarn.lock", "managerData": {}, "skipInstalls": true, "constraints": {}, "lockFiles": [ "webpack/yarn.lock" ] } ] } } DEBUG: processRepo() DEBUG: Processing 2 branches: renovate/all, renovate/lock-file-maintenance DEBUG: Calculated maximum PRs remaining this run { "prsRemaining": 99 } DEBUG: PullRequests limit = 99 DEBUG: Calculated maximum branches remaining this run { "branchesRemaining": 99 } DEBUG: Branches limit = 99 DEBUG: Setting current branch to master(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/all") { "branchName": "master", "latestCommitDate": "2021-08-16T11:48:17+10:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/all)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/all, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Retrieving PR list(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Retrieved 9 Pull Requests(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/all, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: recreateClosed is true(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Checking schedule(before 5am on Monday, null)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Checking 1 schedule(s)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Checking schedule "before 5am on Monday"(branch="renovate/all") { "parsedSchedule": { "schedules": [ { "t_b": [ 18000 ], "d": [ 2 ] } ], "exceptions": [], "error": -1 } } DEBUG: Matches schedule before 5am on Monday(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Starting search at index 5(packageFile="webpack/Dockerfile", branch="renovate/all") { "depName": "node" } DEBUG: Found match at index 5(packageFile="webpack/Dockerfile", branch="renovate/all") { "depName": "node" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="webpack/Dockerfile", branch="renovate/all") { "depName": "node" } DEBUG: npm.updateDependency(): devDependencies.simple-datatables = 3.1.0(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Updating simple-datatables in webpack/package.json(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: npm.updateDependency(): devDependencies.webpack = 5.50.0(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Updating webpack in webpack/package.json(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: npm.updateDependency(): devDependencies.webpack-cli = 4.8.0(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Updating webpack-cli in webpack/package.json(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Updated 2 package files(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Getting updated lock files(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Writing package.json files(branch="renovate/all") { "packageFiles": [ "webpack/package.json" ] } DEBUG: Writing any updated package files(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Writing webpack/package.json(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Using cache directory from admin config(branch="renovate/all") { "cacheDir": "/tmp/renovate-cache/others/npm" } DEBUG: Using cache directory from admin config(branch="renovate/all") { "cacheDir": "/tmp/renovate-cache/others/yarn" } DEBUG: Using cache directory from admin config(branch="renovate/all") { "cacheDir": "/tmp/renovate-cache/others/berry" } DEBUG: Using cache directory from admin config(branch="renovate/all") { "cacheDir": "/tmp/renovate-cache/others/pnpm" } DEBUG: No npmrc file found in repository(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Writing updated .npmrc file to /mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions/webpack/.npmrc(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Generating yarn.lock for webpack(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Spawning yarn install to create /mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions/webpack/yarn.lock(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Updating yarn.lock only - skipping node_modules(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: No node constraint found - using latest(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Using docker to execute(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: No tag or tagConstraint specified(branch="renovate/all") { "image": "" } DEBUG: Docker image is already prefetched:"renovate/all") DEBUG: Executing command(branch="renovate/all") { "command": [ "docker run --rm --name=renovate_node --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -e NPM_CONFIG_CACHE -e npm_config_store -e CI -e YARN_CACHE_FOLDER -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions\" bash -l -c \"npm i -g yarn && sed -i 's/ steps,/ steps.slice(0,1),/' /home/ubuntu/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn/lib/cli.js && yarn install --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --network-timeout 100000 --ignore-scripts\"" ] } DEBUG: exec completed(branch="renovate/all") { "cmd": "docker run --rm --name=renovate_node --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -e NPM_CONFIG_CACHE -e npm_config_store -e CI -e YARN_CACHE_FOLDER -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/ygt/sb-voucher-redemptions\" bash -l -c \"npm i -g yarn && sed -i 's/ steps,/ steps.slice(0,1),/' /home/ubuntu/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn/lib/cli.js && yarn install --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --network-timeout 100000 --ignore-scripts\"", "durationMs": 5343, "stdout": "\n> yarn@1.22.11 preinstall /home/ubuntu/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn\n> :; (node ./preinstall.js > /dev/null 2>&1 || true)\n\n/home/ubuntu/.npm-global/bin/yarn -> /home/ubuntu/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn/bin/yarn.js\n/home/ubuntu/.npm-global/bin/yarnpkg -> /home/ubuntu/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn/bin/yarn.js\n+ yarn@1.22.11\nadded 1 package in 1.574s\nyarn install v1.22.11\ninfo No lockfile found.\n[1/4] Resolving packages...\nsuccess Saved lockfile.\nDone in 0.10s.\n", "stderr": "" } DEBUG: yarn.lock hasn't changed(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: 2 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/all(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/all") { "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/all", "commit": "15b40c2", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 2, "insertions": 4, "deletions": 4 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/all") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/all", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/all" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/all", "remote": "renovate/all", "remoteName": "origin" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/all' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/all") { "commitSha": "15b40c2" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/all)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/all, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/all, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/all") { "prTitle": "Update all dependencies Docker tags" } DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/all") { "title": "Update all dependencies Docker tags", "head": "ygt:renovate/all", "base": "master", "draft": false } DEBUG: PR created(branch="renovate/all") { "pr": 556, "draft": false } DEBUG: Adding labels '' to #556(branch="renovate/all") INFO: PR created(branch="renovate/all") { "pr": 556, "prTitle": "Update all dependencies Docker tags" } DEBUG: Created Pull Request #556(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: PR is not configured for automerge(branch="renovate/all") DEBUG: Setting current branch to master(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "branchName": "master", "latestCommitDate": "2021-08-16T11:48:17+10:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: branchExists=true(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: recreateClosed is true(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Checking if PR has been edited(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Last commit author does not match git author email - branch has been modified(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "branchName": "renovate/lock-file-maintenance", "lastAuthor": "", "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, !open)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Found PR #552(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Found old PR matching this branch - will override it(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "oldPrNumber": 552, "oldPrSha": "e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef", "branchSha": "e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef" } DEBUG: Checking schedule(before 5am on monday, null)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Checking 1 schedule(s)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Checking schedule "before 5am on monday"(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "parsedSchedule": { "schedules": [ { "t_b": [ 18000 ], "d": [ 2 ] } ], "exceptions": [], "error": -1 } } DEBUG: Matches schedule before 5am on monday(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Branch already exists(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Found branch protection(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Branch protection: PRs must be up-to-date before merging(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: IsBranchStale=true(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "isStale": true, "branches": { "all": [ "origin/master", "origin/renovate/all" ], "branches": { "origin/master": { "current": false, "name": "origin/master", "commit": "e559f43", "label": "Merge pull request #555 from ygt/amend-specs-for-new-voucher-codes" }, "origin/renovate/all": { "current": false, "name": "origin/renovate/all", "commit": "15b40c2", "label": "Update all dependencies Docker tags" } }, "current": "", "detached": false }, "currentBranch": "master", "currentBranchSha": "e559f43a3c0d88bebc8db3fb0a304510222893b8" } DEBUG: Branch is stale and needs rebasing(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Cannot rebase branch as it has been modified(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: true(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=true(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: No package files need updating(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Getting updated lock files(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Skipping lockFileMaintenance update(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: No files to commit(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Checking if we can automerge branch(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: mergeStatus=no automerge(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "prTitle": "Lock file maintenance" } DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "title": "Lock file maintenance", "head": "ygt:renovate/lock-file-maintenance", "base": "master", "draft": false } DEBUG: 422 Error thrown from GitHub(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "err": { "name": "HTTPError", "timings": { "start": 1629080257001, "socket": 1629080257001, "lookup": 1629080257001, "connect": 1629080257012, "secureConnect": 1629080257022, "upload": 1629080257022, "response": 1629080257357, "end": 1629080257357, "phases": { "wait": 0, "dns": 0, "tcp": 11, "tls": 10, "request": 0, "firstByte": 335, "download": 0, "total": 356 } }, "message": "Response code 422 (Unprocessable Entity)", "stack": "HTTPError: Response code 422 (Unprocessable Entity)\n at Request. (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/index.js:117:42)\n at runMicrotasks ()\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)", "options": { "headers": { "user-agent": "Renovate Bot (GitHub App 2740)", "accept": "application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json", "authorization": "***********", "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": "1200", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br" }, "url": "", "username": "", "password": "", "method": "POST", "http2": false }, "response": { "statusCode": 422, "statusMessage": "Unprocessable Entity", "body": { "message": "Validation Failed", "errors": [ { "resource": "PullRequest", "code": "custom", "message": "No commits between master and renovate/lock-file-maintenance" } ], "documentation_url": "" }, "headers": { "server": "", "date": "Mon, 16 Aug 2021 02:17:37 GMT", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-length": "247", "x-github-media-type": "github.v3; param=machine-man-preview; format=json", "x-ratelimit-limit": "5900", "x-ratelimit-remaining": "5888", "x-ratelimit-reset": "1629080820", "x-ratelimit-used": "12", "x-ratelimit-resource": "core", "access-control-expose-headers": "ETag, Link, Location, Retry-After, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Used, X-RateLimit-Resource, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval, X-GitHub-Media-Type, Deprecation, Sunset", "access-control-allow-origin": "*", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload", "x-frame-options": "deny", "x-content-type-options": "nosniff", "x-xss-protection": "0", "referrer-policy": "origin-when-cross-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "content-security-policy": "default-src 'none'", "vary": "Accept-Encoding, Accept, X-Requested-With", "x-github-request-id": "D6D8:9F7C:79068:922B8:6119CAC1", "connection": "close" }, "httpVersion": "1.1" } } } DEBUG: Pull request creation error(branch="renovate/lock-file-maintenance") { "err": { "hostType": "github", "err": { "name": "HTTPError", "timings": { "start": 1629080257001, "socket": 1629080257001, "lookup": 1629080257001, "connect": 1629080257012, "secureConnect": 1629080257022, "upload": 1629080257022, "response": 1629080257357, "end": 1629080257357, "phases": { "wait": 0, "dns": 0, "tcp": 11, "tls": 10, "request": 0, "firstByte": 335, "download": 0, "total": 356 } }, "message": "Response code 422 (Unprocessable Entity)", "stack": "HTTPError: Response code 422 (Unprocessable Entity)\n at Request. (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/index.js:117:42)\n at runMicrotasks ()\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)", "options": { "headers": { "user-agent": "Renovate Bot (GitHub App 2740)", "accept": "application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json", "authorization": "***********", "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": "1200", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br" }, "url": "", "username": "", "password": "", "method": "POST", "http2": false }, "response": { "statusCode": 422, "statusMessage": "Unprocessable Entity", "body": { "message": "Validation Failed", "errors": [ { "resource": "PullRequest", "code": "custom", "message": "No commits between master and renovate/lock-file-maintenance" } ], "documentation_url": "" }, "headers": { "server": "", "date": "Mon, 16 Aug 2021 02:17:37 GMT", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-length": "247", "x-github-media-type": "github.v3; param=machine-man-preview; format=json", "x-ratelimit-limit": "5900", "x-ratelimit-remaining": "5888", "x-ratelimit-reset": "1629080820", "x-ratelimit-used": "12", "x-ratelimit-resource": "core", "access-control-expose-headers": "ETag, Link, Location, Retry-After, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Used, X-RateLimit-Resource, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval, X-GitHub-Media-Type, Deprecation, Sunset", "access-control-allow-origin": "*", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload", "x-frame-options": "deny", "x-content-type-options": "nosniff", "x-xss-protection": "0", "referrer-policy": "origin-when-cross-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "content-security-policy": "default-src 'none'", "vary": "Accept-Encoding, Accept, X-Requested-With", "x-github-request-id": "D6D8:9F7C:79068:922B8:6119CAC1", "connection": "close" }, "httpVersion": "1.1" } }, "message": "external-host-error", "stack": "Error: external-host-error\n at handleGotError (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/util/http/github.js:85:15)\n at GithubHttp.request (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/util/http/github.js:161:13)\n at runMicrotasks ()\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)\n at async GithubHttp.requestJson (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/util/http/index.js:151:21)\n at async Proxy.createPr (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/platform/github/index.js:1156:17)\n at async Object.ensurePr (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/workers/pr/index.js:347:22)\n at async Object.processBranch (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/workers/branch/index.js:480:37)\n at async Object.writeUpdates (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/workers/repository/process/write.js:25:21)\n at async Object.update (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/workers/repository/process/extract-update.js:110:15)\n at async Object.renovateRepository (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/workers/repository/index.js:68:21)\n at async renovateRepository (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/app/worker/index.js:422:26)\n at async /home/ubuntu/renovateapp/app/worker/index.js:660:5" } } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/all) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/all, undefined, open) DEBUG: Found PR #556 DEBUG: Returning from graphql open PR list DEBUG: Error getting branch parent sha { "err": { "task": { "commands": [ "rev-parse", "e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef^" ], "format": "utf-8" }, "message": "e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef^\nfatal: ambiguous argument 'e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef^': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.\nUse '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n'git [...] -- [...]'\n", "stack": "Error: e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef^\nfatal: ambiguous argument 'e751d48839faa74d2b571fbec204527119886aef^': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.\nUse '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n'git [...] -- [...]'\n\n at Object.action (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/simple-git/src/lib/plugins/error-detection.plugin.js:30:33)\n at PluginStore.exec (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/simple-git/src/lib/plugins/plugin-store.js:21:33)\n at /home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/simple-git/src/lib/runners/git-executor-chain.js:95:45\n at new Promise ()\n at GitExecutorChain.handleTaskData (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/simple-git/src/lib/runners/git-executor-chain.js:93:16)\n at GitExecutorChain. (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/simple-git/src/lib/runners/git-executor-chain.js:77:46)\n at ()\n at fulfilled (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/simple-git/src/lib/runners/git-executor-chain.js:5:58)\n at runMicrotasks ()\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)" } } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, open) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/lock-file-maintenance, undefined, closed) DEBUG: Removing any stale branches DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true DEBUG: Branch lists { "branchList": [ "renovate/all", "renovate/lock-file-maintenance" ], "renovateBranches": [ "renovate/all", "renovate/lock-file-maintenance" ] } DEBUG: remainingBranches= DEBUG: No branches to clean up DEBUG: Retrieving issueList DEBUG: Retrieved 0 issues DEBUG: Repository timing splits (milliseconds) { "splits": { "init": 1595, "extract": 9602, "lookup": 3640, "update": 14717 }, "total": 31245 } DEBUG: http statistics { "hostStats": [ ", 14 requests, 842ms request average, 0ms queue average", ", 1 request, 1459ms request average, 0ms queue average" ], "totalRequests": 15 } INFO: Repository finished { "durationMs": 31245 } ```

Have you created a minimal reproduction repository?

No reproduction repository

rarkins commented 3 years ago

You need to locate the logs or else we need to close this. Use the timestamp of the GitHub commit to locate the correct job ID.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

Help us by making a minimal reproduction repository.

Before we can start work on your issue we first need to know exactly what's causing the current behavior. A minimal reproduction helps us with this.

To get started, please read our guide on creating a minimal reproduction to understand what is needed.

We may close the issue if you (or someone else) have not provided a minimal reproduction within two weeks. If you need more time, or are stuck, please ask for help or more time in a comment.

Good luck,

The Renovate team

DawidJanczak commented 3 years ago

You need to locate the logs or else we need to close this. Use the timestamp of the GitHub commit to locate the correct job ID.

@rarkins I edited the post, please find the logs attached. I didn't paste them originally because the issue template said not to paste the whole log, hope that's OK.

rarkins commented 3 years ago

That's right - please avoid including the whole log to respect the time of those reading it. You should look for the relevant parts and paste those instead. Please edit again and include relevant/trimmed logs.

DawidJanczak commented 3 years ago

@rarkins Understood and changed. My problem was that there is no errors in the logs so I wasn't sure which parts are relevant, but I figured just narrowing it down to lines containing package.json or yarn.lock will be helpful. There is a line there saying DEBUG: yarn.lock hasn't changed(branch="renovate/all") towards the end, but that shouldn't be the case given there's a change in package.json.

tim-field commented 3 years ago

Same issue and have now added logs to FYI

rarkins commented 3 years ago

Thanks. The fact that yarn was run but Renovate decided yarn.lock hasn't changed is very important information to narrow it down. It indicates most likely either:

I triggered a PR in this repo to check in case yarn.lock updating was somehow completely broken but the file is updated as expected:

This implies there is some particular characteristic about your repos (but maybe also many others too, for all we know) which is triggering the bug, such as yarn version, workspaces use, etc.

rarkins commented 3 years ago

Also helpful to confirm:

History of changes to the relevant file:

DawidJanczak commented 3 years ago

Thank you @rarkins. Last week everything updated correctly: we had one PR for updating all dependencies and one for lockfile maintentance. In fact there's a bit more weirdness this week:

  1. We got this one (broken) PR that is opened on a renovate/all branch, but the description of the PR is not just "Update all dependencies" as it was last week, it's "Update all dependencies Docker tags". Not sure why "Docker tags" is singled out?
  2. Furthermore we did not get a lockfile dependency PR despite the fact that some of our Ruby dependencies should change.

So last time it worked was last week and we had two PRs: one opened on Aug 9 01:43 GMT (that's renovate/all) and one Aug 9 01:44 GMT (renovate/lock-file-maintenance).

There were a few changes to renovate config over the last few weeks:

  1. ignoreDeps and ignorePaths options that you see in the config above were added last week so it could potentially be the culprit, but it seems innocent enough.
  2. We enabled lockfile maintenance, but that change was made 14 days ago and like I said last week's upgrades went through smoothly.

If you need anything else please let me know, thank you for looking into this!

rarkins commented 3 years ago

Can you double check that the latest working commit in those PRs matches the timestamps of the PR creation? Commits can be pushed after the PR was created

esetnik commented 3 years ago

I am facing the same issue. Seems that a recent change to renvoate has stopped updating the lockfile for yarn projects. For my project I have 5 PRs opened by renovate in the last 6 days with changes to package.json but no associated changes to yarn.lock. I am also unable to view my logs on renovate dashboard for that particular project although I'm not sure if it's related.

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
rarkins commented 3 years ago

Can you each describe everything we need to know about how you use Yarn? e.g. is it Yarn v1, v2 or v3, and do you have anything in .yarn or .yarnrc.yml, etc? Are your package.json in subdirectories?

@viceice @ylemkimon wondering if this is related to the recent changes.

viceice commented 3 years ago

I looks like the same issue as #11279 which is fixed by #11282. For the logs i found that the lockfile was in webpack subdir:

        "packageJsonName": "sb-voucher-redemptions",
        "packageFileVersion": "1.0.0",
        "packageJsonType": "app",
        "yarnLock": "webpack/yarn.lock",
        "managerData": {},
        "skipInstalls": true,
        "constraints": {},
        "lockFiles": [
viceice commented 3 years ago

maybe caused by #11093 in v25.72.2

rarkins commented 3 years ago has been put live into the app now. Could someone tick the rebase/retry checkbox in an affected PR?

Unlikely to help unless your package.json is in a subdirectory

DawidJanczak commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that indeed fixed it for us, thanks!

Hades32 commented 3 years ago

Fixed it here, too 👍

rarkins commented 3 years ago

Thanks everyone for your patience plus help narrowing it down. If this proves to be the root cause for everyone, FYI it was because we were running yarn in the wrong directory (pretty sure it would be the root directory instead of the subdirectory which was the one updated). This issue is pending closure, hoping to hear back from others first.

esetnik commented 3 years ago

Fixed it for me as well. Thanks for the quick resolution @rarkins.

ylemkimon commented 3 years ago

@rarkins IMHO, some kinds of integration or E2E tests would be nice.