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Make the Github-URL for fetching dependeny changelogs configurable #12042

Open dprilmueller opened 3 years ago

dprilmueller commented 3 years ago

What would you like Renovate to be able to do?

I would like to make use of the changelog fetching feature in a gitlab-renovate-runner project. The problem is, that direct access to the internet is not possible. Instead all requests have to be proxied via nexus. To make this possible, a custom base-url for the changelog requests would be an option.

Current state when fetching changelog for dependency mapstruct for example: Fetching changelog: (1.4.0.Final -> 1.4.2.Final) (repository=***/rvs-node-dependency-upgrades-poc) "url": "",

The part (and/or the would be replaced with the proxy-url.

If you have any ideas on how this should be implemented, please tell us here.


Is this a feature you are interested in implementing yourself?


rarkins commented 3 years ago

Can you show a before/after example of the URLs?

dprilmueller commented 3 years ago

Before: After: http(s)://

Of course the "mapstruct/mapstruct" part is just an example for a dependency on github.

rarkins commented 3 years ago

So there's a dedicated proxyurl host which only proxies Or is there a path prefix not shown in your example?

dprilmueller commented 3 years ago

"" is the part of the URL that should be configurable.

Otherwise fetching changelogs is not possible due to network restrictions. In our case, our gitlab instance is not allowed to access external services like github. We have to use an internal proxy therefore. (We do the same for the npm-registry, in this case renovate supports custom registries which solves the problem).

I guess others have the same problem and need to set fetchReleaseNotes to false in this case, but thats no soluation.

rarkins commented 3 years ago

And you can't use a HTTPS_PROXY?

thor commented 3 years ago

To chime in, @rarkins: we have a similar use-case, except it's not Nexus we're using. In our case, perhaps similarly to @dprilmueller's, we cannot use a HTTPS_PROXY.

In our case the URLs look something like$GITHUB_ENDPOINT.

Alternatively, we'd need to look closer into "solving" the problem of missing HTTPS_PROXY for us to use.

rarkins commented 3 years ago

Does your alternative URL support the full API of As in it's essentially a full transparent proxy?

thor commented 2 years ago

Yes and no: in terms of making simple reading-based requests, I'd say yes. In terms of altering any content or pushing any updates, I'm not sure: I've never tried to POST through it. When it comes to fetching, it does feel as though it is a fully transparent proxy. We've never had issues with any typically read-based method like LIST, GET or OPTIONS.

EDIT: We do have some API gateways too that can work as fully transparent proxies if need be. The service we use is Artifactory, which is similar to Nexus. We point all of our internal registryUrls to it for the different datasources we have available.

rarkins commented 2 years ago

You'd need token authentication for too, otherwise you'd hit rate limiting very quickly. How is that handled?

thor commented 2 years ago

Artifactory handles that on its side; we configure Artifactory to use the specified token for communication with If multiple teams need access to the extent that we need multiple tokens, we could/would create some/api/path/new-team/github and allow users to point to that. Currently we only use the one some/api/path/github where we have a read token.

If it's a straightforward Bearer token (IIRC) it could be used to transparently authenticate to the API proxy endpoint that Artifactory provides, except it'd be a token for the specific Artifactory endpoint, rather than necessarily being for the GitHub API (as that would be handled inside Artifactory).

rarkins commented 2 years ago

We could potentially solve this with a new config option as part of hostRules, e.g. called replaceHost or similar.

Can someone give a more concrete example, for example what would the URL be replaced with?

And do you have a separate proxy endpoint for too?

dprilmueller commented 2 years ago

The URL would be replaced with something like:

Yes, if renovate also accesses (not only we need a seperate proxy endpoint for that as well.

rarkins commented 2 years ago

So the new option could be called hostProxy and accepts a URL like or

It would be somewhat similar to insecureRegistry in that it changes the URL ( although should be implemented in lib/util/http.

Maybe also needs some code changes made so that we don't automatically disable changelog lookups when a token is not found (although you could potentially just configure a dummy token which will never be used).

I'm marking this as "status:ready" but it will need a community contribution from someone who needs this.. including because it should be tested in a real environment before merge.

gaving commented 8 months ago

Also interested in this functionality since direct net access is being shut down in favour of everything going through Nexus.