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Renovate removes additional variables from version when bumping Docker image versions #12420

Closed JustArchi closed 2 years ago

JustArchi commented 2 years ago

How are you running Renovate?

WhiteSource Renovate hosted app on

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No response

If you're self-hosting Renovate, tell us what version of Renovate you run.

No response

Describe the bug

Please check out for reproduction example.

I have a FROM Dockerfile clause that includes optional variable:

FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM${IMAGESUFFIX} AS build-dotnet

${IMAGESUFFIX} allows users to easily specify -alpine if they wanted to create Alpine build instead of the default Debian one. It's quite useful as it doesn't force me to build several dockerfiles with exactly the same declaration.

Unfortunately, renovate isn't aware of such situation existing, and I'm not surprised, it's amazing it didn't outright crash with that. In any case, it tried to update 5.0${IMAGESUFFIX} -> 6.0, which is technically correct, but removes the argument that existed there before.

I know this is rather a very specific case, but I think it'd be cool if renovate was aware of variables existing in Dockerfile, in particular next to the version itself. From my analysis of the debug log (attached below), renovate is unaware of ${IMAGESUFFIX} being a variable, which results in treating whole 5.0${IMAGESUFFIX} block as a version. A very simple logic of ignoring ${...} blocks, so variables, when parsing the version would fix my problem entirely. With that logic, Renovate would update 5.0${IMAGESUFFIX} -> 6.0${IMAGESUFFIX}.


            "depName": "",
            "currentValue": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}",
            "replaceString": "${IMAGESUFFIX}",
            "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}"

Should be:

            "depName": "",
            "currentValue": "5.0",
            "replaceString": "",
            "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}"

If by any chance my provided info is not enough and you'd prefer to isolate this in standalone repo, this simple Dockerfile should be enough:


FROM${IMAGESUFFIX} AS build-dotnet
RUN echo repro

Unfortunately I'm not skilled in ts enough to fix it on my own in a PR.

Thank you in advance for considering this issue.

Relevant debug logs

Logs ``` DEBUG: No dangling containers to remove INFO: Repository started { "renovateVersion": "28.20.0" } DEBUG: Using localDir: /mnt/renovate/gh/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm DEBUG: Repository cache is valid DEBUG: initRepo("JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm") DEBUG: Overriding default GitHub endpoint { "endpoint": "" } DEBUG: JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm default branch = main DEBUG: Using app token for git init DEBUG: resetMemCache() DEBUG: Resetting npmrc DEBUG: detectSemanticCommits() DEBUG: checkOnboarding() DEBUG: isOnboarded() DEBUG: Checking cached config file name DEBUG: Existing config file confirmed DEBUG: Repo is onboarded DEBUG: migrateAndValidate() DEBUG: No config migration necessary DEBUG: massaged config { "config": { "$schema": "", "extends": [ "github>whitesource/merge-confidence:beta", "config:base", ":assignee(JustArchi)", ":automergeBranch", ":automergeDigest", ":automergeMinor", ":disableDependencyDashboard", ":disableRateLimiting", ":label(🤖 Automatic)" ], "git-submodules": { "enabled": true }, "packageRules": [ { "allowedVersions": "<= 3.1", "matchPackageNames": [ "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json", "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration" ] }, { "allowedVersions": "<= 2.2.4", "groupName": "MSTest packages", "matchPackagePatterns": [ "^MSTest\\..+" ] } ] } } DEBUG: migrated config { "config": { "$schema": "", "extends": [ "github>whitesource/merge-confidence:beta", "config:base", ":assignee(JustArchi)", ":automergeBranch", ":automergeDigest", ":automergeMinor", ":disableDependencyDashboard", ":disableRateLimiting", ":label(🤖 Automatic)" ], "git-submodules": { "enabled": true }, "packageRules": [ { "allowedVersions": "<= 3.1", "matchPackageNames": [ "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json", "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration" ] }, { "allowedVersions": "<= 2.2.4", "groupName": "MSTest packages", "matchPackagePatterns": [ "^MSTest\\..+" ] } ] } } DEBUG: Setting hostRules from config DEBUG: Found repo ignorePaths { "ignorePaths": [ "**/node_modules/**", "**/bower_components/**", "**/vendor/**", "**/examples/**", "**/__tests__/**", "**/test/**", "**/tests/**", "**/__fixtures__/**" ] } DEBUG: No vulnerability alerts found DEBUG: No vulnerability alerts found DEBUG: No baseBranches DEBUG: extract() DEBUG: Setting current branch to main DEBUG: Initializing git repository into /mnt/renovate/gh/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm DEBUG: Performing blobless clone DEBUG: git clone completed { "durationMs": 2566 } DEBUG: latest repository commit { "latestCommit": { "hash": "392fdcb633a3188ec2b78aa40b23db9a8091bd2c", "date": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00", "message": "Add DebugFast target", "refs": "HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD", "body": "Useful for faster compilation before we get down to warnings and code improvements\n", "author_name": "Archi", "author_email": "" } } DEBUG: latest commit { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)tasks/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)galaxy\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy DEBUG: Using file match: azure.*pipelines?.*\.ya?ml$ for manager azure-pipelines DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect(-bundle)?\.yml$ for manager batect DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect$ for manager batect-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)WORKSPACE(|\.bazel)$ for manager bazel DEBUG: Using file match: \.bzl$ for manager bazel DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.?bitbucket-pipelines\.ya?ml$ for manager bitbucket-pipelines DEBUG: Using file match: buildkite\.ya?ml for manager buildkite DEBUG: Using file match: \.buildkite/.+\.ya?ml$ for manager buildkite DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Gemfile$ for manager bundler DEBUG: Using file match: \.cake$ for manager cake DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Cargo.toml$ for manager cargo DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).circleci/config.yml$ for manager circleci DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)cloudbuild.ya?ml for manager cloudbuild DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Podfile$ for manager cocoapods DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)composer.json$ for manager composer DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)deps\.edn$ for manager deps-edn DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)docker-compose[^/]*\.ya?ml$ for manager docker-compose DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/|\.)Dockerfile$ for manager dockerfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Dockerfile\.[^/]*$ for manager dockerfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).drone.yml$ for manager droneci DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).gitmodules$ for manager git-submodules DEBUG: Using file match: ^(workflow-templates|\.github\/workflows)\/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager github-actions DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)action\.ya?ml$ for manager github-actions DEBUG: Using file match: \.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci DEBUG: Using file match: \.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci-include DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)go.mod$ for manager gomod DEBUG: Using file match: \.gradle(\.kts)?$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)gradle\.properties$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)gradle\/.+\.toml$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: \.versions\.toml$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)gradle/wrapper/$ for manager gradle-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.yaml$ for manager helm-requirements DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)values.yaml$ for manager helm-values DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)helmfile.yaml$ for manager helmfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Chart.yaml$ for manager helmv3 DEBUG: Using file match: ^Formula/[^/]+[.]rb$ for manager homebrew DEBUG: Using file match: \.html?$ for manager html DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)plugins\.(txt|ya?ml)$ for manager jenkins DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)kustomization\.yaml for manager kustomize DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)project\.clj$ for manager leiningen DEBUG: Using file match: \.pom\.xml$ for manager maven DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pom\.xml$ for manager maven DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package.js$ for manager meteor DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)mix\.exs$ for manager mix DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).node-version$ for manager nodenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package.json$ for manager npm DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:cs|fs|vb)proj$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:props|targets)$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: \.config\/dotnet-tools\.json$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: (^|//)global\.json$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.nvmrc$ for manager nvm DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)requirements\.(txt|pip)$ for manager pip_requirements DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager pip_setup DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Pipfile$ for manager pipenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pyproject\.toml$ for manager poetry DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$ for manager pre-commit DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pubspec\.ya?ml$ for manager pub DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).python-version$ for manager pyenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.ruby-version$ for manager ruby-version DEBUG: Using file match: \.sbt$ for manager sbt DEBUG: Using file match: project/[^/]*.scala$ for manager sbt DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)setup\.cfg$ for manager setup-cfg DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Package\.swift for manager swift DEBUG: Using file match: \.tf$ for manager terraform DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terraform-version$ for manager terraform-version DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)terragrunt\.hcl$ for manager terragrunt DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terragrunt-version$ for manager terragrunt-version DEBUG: Using file match: ^.travis.yml$ for manager travis DEBUG: Matched 2 file(s) for manager dockerfile: Dockerfile, Dockerfile.Service DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager git-submodules: .gitmodules DEBUG: Matched 8 file(s) for manager github-actions: .github/workflows/ci.yml, .github/workflows/docker-ci.yml, .github/workflows/docker-publish-latest.yml, .github/workflows/docker-publish-main.yml, .github/workflows/docker-publish-released.yml, .github/workflows/lock-threads.yml, .github/workflows/publish.yml, .github/workflows/translations.yml DEBUG: Matched 4 file(s) for manager html: ArchiSteamFarm/overlay/all/Changelog.html, ArchiSteamFarm/overlay/all/ConfigGenerator.html, ArchiSteamFarm/overlay/all/Manual.html, ArchiSteamFarm/overlay/all/UI.html DEBUG: Matched 7 file(s) for manager nuget: ArchiSteamFarm.CustomPlugins.ExamplePlugin/ArchiSteamFarm.CustomPlugins.ExamplePlugin.csproj, ArchiSteamFarm.CustomPlugins.PeriodicGC/ArchiSteamFarm.CustomPlugins.PeriodicGC.csproj, ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.SteamTokenDumper/ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.SteamTokenDumper.csproj, ArchiSteamFarm.Tests/ArchiSteamFarm.Tests.csproj, ArchiSteamFarm/ArchiSteamFarm.csproj, Directory.Build.props, Directory.Packages.props DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Found dockerfile package files DEBUG: Found git-submodules package files DEBUG: Found github-actions package files DEBUG: Found nuget package files DEBUG: Found 18 package file(s) INFO: Dependency extraction complete { "baseBranch": "main", "stats": { "managers": { "dockerfile": { "fileCount": 2, "depCount": 6 }, "git-submodules": { "fileCount": 1, "depCount": 2 }, "github-actions": { "fileCount": 8, "depCount": 59 }, "nuget": { "fileCount": 7, "depCount": 82 } }, "total": { "fileCount": 18, "depCount": 149 } } } DEBUG: Dependency node has unsupported value lts${IMAGESUFFIX} DEBUG: Dependency node has unsupported value lts${IMAGESUFFIX} DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency JustArchiNET.Madness has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.Composition.AttributedModel has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency SteamKit2 has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Newtonsoft.Json has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.Composition.AttributedModel has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency ConfigureAwaitChecker.Analyzer has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency JustArchiNET.Madness has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.Composition.AttributedModel has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency SteamKit2 has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Newtonsoft.Json has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency MSTest.TestFramework has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency MSTest.TestAdapter has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency ConfigureAwaitChecker.Analyzer has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency ConfigureAwaitChecker.Analyzer has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency JetBrains.Annotations has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency ConfigureAwaitChecker.Analyzer has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency JustArchiNET.Madness has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency zxcvbn-core has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.Linq.Async has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency System.Composition has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Newtonsoft has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Swashbuckle.AspNetCore has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency SteamKit2 has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency NLog.Web.AspNetCore has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Nito.AsyncEx.Coordination has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Newtonsoft.Json has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Markdig.Signed has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency JetBrains.Annotations has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency Humanizer has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency CryptSharpStandard has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency ConfigureAwaitChecker.Analyzer has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: Dependency AngleSharp.XPath has unsupported value undefined DEBUG: getLabels(, dotnet/sdk, latest) DEBUG: getLabels(, dotnet/aspnet, latest) DEBUG: Found no results from datasource that look like a version (wiki)(dependency="wiki") { "result": { "sourceUrl": "", "releases": [] } } DEBUG: Found no results from datasource that look like a version (ASF-ui)(dependency="ASF-ui") { "result": { "sourceUrl": "", "releases": [] } } DEBUG: No registry auth required { "registryHost": "" } DEBUG: Falling back to npm semver syntax for allowedVersions { "depName": "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration" } DEBUG: Falling back to npm semver syntax for allowedVersions { "depName": "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json" } DEBUG: getLabels(, dotnet/runtime-deps, latest) DEBUG: getManifestResponse(, dotnet/runtime-deps, latest) DEBUG: No registry auth required { "registryHost": "" } DEBUG: getManifestResponse(, dotnet/runtime-deps, sha256:b92d9c02e7ee37c33aa3ab12abeade6643c99e19e9567a3d295347dbaee53647) DEBUG: No registry auth required { "registryHost": "" } DEBUG: No registry auth required { "registryHost": "" } DEBUG: Falling back to npm semver syntax for allowedVersions { "depName": "MSTest.TestAdapter" } DEBUG: Falling back to npm semver syntax for allowedVersions { "depName": "MSTest.TestFramework" } DEBUG: Package releases lookups complete { "baseBranch": "main" } DEBUG: branchifyUpgrades DEBUG: 8 flattened updates found:,,,,,,, DEBUG: Returning 6 branch(es) DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true DEBUG: packageFiles with updates { "config": { "dockerfile": [ { "packageFile": "Dockerfile", "deps": [ { "depName": "node", "currentValue": "lts${IMAGESUFFIX}", "replaceString": "node:lts${IMAGESUFFIX}", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "stage", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "skipReason": "invalid-value" }, { "depName": "", "currentValue": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "replaceString": "${IMAGESUFFIX}", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "stage", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [ { "bucket": "non-major", "newVersion": "5.0", "newValue": "5.0", "newMajor": 5, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "patch", "branchName": "renovate/" }, { "bucket": "major", "newVersion": "6.0", "newValue": "6.0", "newMajor": 6, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "major", "branchName": "renovate/" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "currentVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}" }, { "depName": "", "currentValue": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "replaceString": "${IMAGESUFFIX}", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "final", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [ { "bucket": "non-major", "newVersion": "5.0", "newValue": "5.0", "newMajor": 5, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "patch", "branchName": "renovate/" }, { "bucket": "major", "newVersion": "6.0", "newValue": "6.0", "newMajor": 6, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "major", "branchName": "renovate/" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "currentVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}" } ] }, { "packageFile": "Dockerfile.Service", "deps": [ { "depName": "node", "currentValue": "lts${IMAGESUFFIX}", "replaceString": "node:lts${IMAGESUFFIX}", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "stage", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "skipReason": "invalid-value" }, { "depName": "", "currentValue": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "replaceString": "${IMAGESUFFIX}", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "stage", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [ { "bucket": "non-major", "newVersion": "5.0", "newValue": "5.0", "newMajor": 5, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "patch", "branchName": "renovate/" }, { "bucket": "major", "newVersion": "6.0", "newValue": "6.0", "newMajor": 6, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "major", "branchName": "renovate/" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "currentVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}" }, { "depName": "", "currentValue": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "replaceString": "${IMAGESUFFIX}", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}{{#if newValue}}:{{newValue}}{{/if}}{{#if newDigest}}@{{newDigest}}{{/if}}", "datasource": "docker", "depType": "final", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [ { "bucket": "non-major", "newVersion": "5.0", "newValue": "5.0", "newMajor": 5, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "patch", "branchName": "renovate/" }, { "bucket": "major", "newVersion": "6.0", "newValue": "6.0", "newMajor": 6, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "major", "branchName": "renovate/" } ], "warnings": [], "versioning": "docker", "currentVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "5.0${IMAGESUFFIX}" } ] } ], "git-submodules": [ { "packageFile": ".gitmodules", "deps": [ { "depName": "ASF-ui", "lookupName": "", "currentValue": "main", "currentDigest": "240819d7a1497e4c66d8b23dff6b8eaf8f794f4a", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "git", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "main", "fixedVersion": "main" }, { "depName": "wiki", "lookupName": "", "currentValue": "master", "currentDigest": "659fdc33672ead0dda3668d19e03e38c31f13935", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "versioning": "git", "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "master", "fixedVersion": "master" } ], "datasource": "git-refs" } ], "github-actions": [ { "packageFile": ".github/workflows/ci.yml", "deps": [ { "depName": "actions/checkout", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "actions/checkout@v2.3.5", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v2.3.5", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v2.3.5", "fixedVersion": "v2.3.5" }, { "depName": "actions/setup-dotnet", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "actions/setup-dotnet@v1.8.2", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v1.8.2", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v1.8.2", "fixedVersion": "v1.8.2" }, { "depName": "crowdin/github-action", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "crowdin/github-action@1.4.0", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "1.4.0", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "1.4.0", "fixedVersion": "1.4.0" } ] }, { "packageFile": ".github/workflows/docker-ci.yml", "deps": [ { "depName": "actions/checkout", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", "versioning": "docker", "depType": "action", "replaceString": "actions/checkout@v2.3.5", "autoReplaceStringTemplate": "{{depName}}@{{#if newDigest}}{{newDigest}}{{#if newValue}} # renovate: tag={{newValue}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#unless newDigest}}{{newValue}}{{/unless}}", "currentValue": "v2.3.5", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "currentVersion": "v2.3.5", "fixedVersion": "v2.3.5" }, { "depName": "docker/setup-buildx-action", "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}} action", "datasource": "github-tags", 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processRepo() DEBUG: Processing 6 branches: renovate/, renovate/, renovate/, renovate/, renovate/, renovate/ DEBUG: Calculated maximum PRs remaining this run { "prsRemaining": 99 } DEBUG: PullRequests limit = 99 DEBUG: Calculated maximum branches remaining this run { "branchesRemaining": 99 } DEBUG: Branches limit = 99 DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Retrieving PR list(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Retrieved 17 Pull Requests(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, Update Docker tag to v5.0, !open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Starting search at index 2952(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 2952(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Updated 1 package files(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: 1 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: Setting git author name(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/", "commit": "1576b49e", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 1, "insertions": 1, "deletions": 0 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/", "remote": "renovate/", "remoteName": "origin" }, "ref": { "local": "refs/remotes/origin/renovate/" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/") { "commitSha": "1576b49e" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: resolveBranchStatus(branchName=renovate/, ignoreTests=false)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchStatus(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: branch status check result(branch="renovate/") { "state": "pending", "statuses": [] } DEBUG: No check runs found(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "total_count": 0, "check_runs": [] } } DEBUG: Branch status yellow(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch is configured for branch automerge, branch status) is: yellow(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking how long this branch has been pending(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, Update Docker tag to v5.0, !open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Starting search at index 3107(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 3107(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Updated 1 package files(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: 1 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: Setting git author name(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/", "commit": "ef3f3e99", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 1, "insertions": 1, "deletions": 1 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/", "remote": "renovate/", "remoteName": "origin" }, "ref": { "local": "refs/remotes/origin/renovate/" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/") { "commitSha": "ef3f3e99" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: resolveBranchStatus(branchName=renovate/, ignoreTests=false)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchStatus(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: branch status check result(branch="renovate/") { "state": "pending", "statuses": [] } DEBUG: No check runs found(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "total_count": 0, "check_runs": [] } } DEBUG: Branch status yellow(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch is configured for branch automerge, branch status) is: yellow(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking how long this branch has been pending(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, Update Docker tag to v5.0, !open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Starting search at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Starting search at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Updated 2 package files(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: 2 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: Setting git author name(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/", "commit": "48631b8b", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 2, "insertions": 2, "deletions": 0 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/", "remote": "renovate/", "remoteName": "origin" }, "ref": { "local": "refs/remotes/origin/renovate/" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/") { "commitSha": "48631b8b" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: resolveBranchStatus(branchName=renovate/, ignoreTests=false)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchStatus(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: branch status check result(branch="renovate/") { "state": "pending", "statuses": [] } DEBUG: No check runs found(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "total_count": 0, "check_runs": [] } } DEBUG: Branch status yellow(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch is configured for branch automerge, branch status) is: yellow(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking how long this branch has been pending(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, Update Docker tag to v6, !open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Starting search at index 2952(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 2952(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Updated 1 package files(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: 1 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: Setting git author name(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/", "commit": "b5b6be62", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 1, "insertions": 1, "deletions": 1 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/", "remote": "renovate/", "remoteName": "origin" }, "ref": { "local": "refs/remotes/origin/renovate/" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/") { "commitSha": "b5b6be62" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/") { "prTitle": "Update Docker tag to v6" } DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/") { "title": "Update Docker tag to v6", "head": "JustArchiNET:renovate/", "base": "main", "draft": false } DEBUG: PR created(branch="renovate/") { "pr": 2438, "draft": false } DEBUG: Adding labels '🤖 Automatic' to #2438(branch="renovate/") INFO: PR created(branch="renovate/") { "pr": 2438, "prTitle": "Update Docker tag to v6" } DEBUG: Adding assignees 'JustArchi' to #2438(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Added assignees(branch="renovate/") { "assignees": [ "JustArchi" ] } DEBUG: Created Pull Request #2438(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: PR is not configured for automerge(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, Update Docker tag to v6, !open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Starting search at index 3107(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 3107(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Updated 1 package files(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: 1 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: Setting git author name(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/", "commit": "2b1955b8", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 1, "insertions": 1, "deletions": 0 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/", "remote": "renovate/", "remoteName": "origin" }, "ref": { "local": "refs/remotes/origin/renovate/" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/") { "commitSha": "2b1955b8" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/") { "prTitle": "Update Docker tag to v6" } DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/") { "title": "Update Docker tag to v6", "head": "JustArchiNET:renovate/", "base": "main", "draft": false } DEBUG: PR created(branch="renovate/") { "pr": 2439, "draft": false } DEBUG: Adding labels '🤖 Automatic' to #2439(branch="renovate/") INFO: PR created(branch="renovate/") { "pr": 2439, "prTitle": "Update Docker tag to v6" } DEBUG: Adding assignees 'JustArchi' to #2439(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Added assignees(branch="renovate/") { "assignees": [ "JustArchi" ] } DEBUG: Created Pull Request #2439(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: PR is not configured for automerge(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2021-11-01T00:47:15+01:00" } DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, Update Docker tag to v6, !open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistinbranch=false(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Starting search at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile.Service", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Starting search at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found match at index 285(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Found a multistage build stage name(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-node" } DEBUG: Skipping alias COPY --from(branch="renovate/") { "image": "build-dotnet" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="Dockerfile", branch="renovate/") { "depName": "" } DEBUG: Updated 2 package files(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: 2 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: Setting git author name(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot" } DEBUG: Setting git author email(branch="renovate/") { "gitAuthorEmail": "" } DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/", "commit": "979d98dc", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 2, "insertions": 2, "deletions": 2 } } } DEBUG: git push(branch="renovate/") { "result": { "pushed": [ { "deleted": false, "tag": false, "branch": true, "new": true, "alreadyUpdated": false, "local": "refs/heads/renovate/", "remote": "refs/heads/renovate/" } ], "branch": { "local": "renovate/", "remote": "renovate/", "remoteName": "origin" }, "ref": { "local": "refs/remotes/origin/renovate/" }, "remoteMessages": { "all": [ "Create a pull request for 'renovate/' on GitHub by visiting:", "" ], "pullRequestUrl": "" } } } INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/") { "commitSha": "979d98dc" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/"renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/") { "prTitle": "Update Docker tag to v6" } DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/") { "title": "Update Docker tag to v6", "head": "JustArchiNET:renovate/", "base": "main", "draft": false } DEBUG: PR created(branch="renovate/") { "pr": 2440, "draft": false } DEBUG: Adding labels '🤖 Automatic' to #2440(branch="renovate/") INFO: PR created(branch="renovate/") { "pr": 2440, "prTitle": "Update Docker tag to v6" } DEBUG: Adding assignees 'JustArchi' to #2440(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: Added assignees(branch="renovate/") { "assignees": [ "JustArchi" ] } DEBUG: Created Pull Request #2440(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: PR is not configured for automerge(branch="renovate/") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/ DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed) DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/ DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed) DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/ DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, closed) DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/ DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open) DEBUG: Found PR #2438 DEBUG: Returning from graphql open PR list DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/ DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open) DEBUG: Found PR #2439 DEBUG: Returning from graphql open PR list DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/ DEBUG: findPr(renovate/, undefined, open) DEBUG: Found PR #2440 DEBUG: Returning from graphql open PR list DEBUG: Closing Dependency Dashboard DEBUG: Retrieving issueList DEBUG: Retrieved 1 issues DEBUG: Removing any stale branches DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true DEBUG: Branch lists { "branchList": [ "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/" ], "renovateBranches": [ "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/", "renovate/" ] } DEBUG: remainingBranches= DEBUG: No branches to clean up DEBUG: Repository timing splits (milliseconds) { "splits": { "init": 2567, "extract": 6139, "lookup": 15791, "update": 33661 }, "total": 60535 } DEBUG: http statistics { "urls": { " (POST)": 4, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (POST)": 1, " (POST)": 1, " (POST)": 1, " (POST)": 1, " (POST)": 1, " (POST)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (POST)": 3, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 9, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1, " (GET)": 1 }, "hostStats": { "": { "requestCount": 35, "requestAvgMs": 1374, "queueAvgMs": 0 }, "": { "requestCount": 68, "requestAvgMs": 959, "queueAvgMs": 0 }, "": { "requestCount": 5, "requestAvgMs": 2097, "queueAvgMs": 0 } }, "totalRequests": 108 } INFO: Repository finished { "durationMs": 60535 } ```

Have you created a minimal reproduction repository?

No reproduction, but I have linked to a public repo where it occurs

rarkins commented 2 years ago

@olegkrivtsov can you try to reproduce and fix? This type of tag should just be skipped

olegkrivtsov commented 2 years ago

Hi @rarkins I've addressed this issue in

renovate-release commented 2 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 28.21.5 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket: