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Don't cache HTTP request errors/exceptions #17767

Closed aisamu closed 1 year ago

aisamu commented 2 years ago

What would you like Renovate to be able to do?

HTTP requests have an opt-out caching behavior for all GET and HEAD requests. It appears that errors are also being cached (e.g. when the request ends up failing/throwing), preventing retries to go through down the line.

If you have any ideas on how this should be implemented, please tell us here.

Full context: The above PR evicts the cache entry for a given request when the request ends up failing/throwing, allowing a retry to go through down the line (e.g. on another renovate run).

The following is a delineation of the reasoning leading us there. The goal of the verbosity is to make incorrect assumptions as explicit as possible:

  1. Error message from Renovate logs:

    DEBUG: Failed to look up dependency @xxx/yyy (@xxx/yyy) (packageFile="package.json", dependency="@xxx/yyy")
    DEBUG: Unknown npm lookup error
  2. Single occurrence of that error string on the codebase:

    logger.debug({ err }, 'Unknown npm lookup error');
  3. First line of the containing try-catch block making an HTTP call (as the error message contains a status code)

    const raw = await http.getJson<NpmResponse>(packageUrl);
  4. getJson defers to requestJson, which defers to request:

    getJson<T = unknown>(
        return this.requestJson<T>(url, { ...options });
    private async requestJson<T = unknown>(
        const res = await this.request<T>(url, {
  5. request reads all get and head requests from the cache unless opted out:

     // Cache GET requests unless useCache=false
    if (
      (options.method === 'get' || options.method === 'head') &&
      options.useCache !== false
    ) {
      resPromise = memCache.get(cacheKey);
  6. We didn't find useCache being set/overridden on the npm datasource:

  7. request caches all get and head promises:

      if (options.method === 'get' || options.method === 'head') {
        memCache.set(cacheKey, resPromise); // always set if it's a get or a head
  8. request uses the cached promise if it's non-falsy:

        if (!resPromise) {
  9. A rejected promise is non-falsy on node:

    > Promise.reject(new Error()) ? true : false
  10. 500 requests are thrown by the http abstraction:

     await expect(http.get('')).rejects.toThrow('500');

The combination of the above would reasonably explain the issue observed on the PR (i.e. never-ending 504s caused by caching a failed response).

Is this a feature you are interested in implementing yourself?


viceice commented 2 years ago

THisis only a per repo memory cache, so renovate should continue on next run without any issues. so temporary registry issues shouldn't be a problem

aisamu commented 2 years ago

Oh, I see! Would retries on the same repo clear the cache?

viceice commented 2 years ago

not on current run. it will be cleared after each repo.

rarkins commented 2 years ago

It's possible that values are saved to the package cache

viceice commented 2 years ago

It's possible that values are saved to the package cache

i don't think we cache there on error