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Support different Python versions for mono repo when same dependency update in one pull request #20615

Open hongbo-miao opened 1 year ago

hongbo-miao commented 1 year ago

How are you running Renovate?

Mend Renovate hosted app on

Was this something which used to work for you, and then stopped?

It never worked

Describe the bug

This is a mono repo:

Renovate uses same Python version for both projects.

Each projects should use its own Python version defined in pyproject.toml.

In this case,

Relevant debug logs

Logs ``` DEBUG: No dangling containers to remove INFO: Repository started { "renovateVersion": "34.152.4" } DEBUG: Using localDir: /mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version DEBUG: PackageFiles.clear() - Package files deleted DEBUG: initRepo("Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version") DEBUG: Using queue:, concurrency=10 DEBUG: Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version default branch = main DEBUG: Using app token for git init DEBUG: RepoCacheBase.load() - expecting data of type 'string' received 'object' instead - skipping DEBUG: Resetting npmrc DEBUG: checkOnboarding() DEBUG: isOnboarded() DEBUG: findFile(renovate.json) DEBUG: Initializing git repository into /mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version DEBUG: Performing blobless clone DEBUG: git clone completed { "durationMs": 906 } DEBUG: latest repository commit { "latestCommit": { "hash": "61ed04784dcaa32656e6df5588f6796df4b1e292", "date": "2023-02-25T01:40:37+09:00", "message": "docs", "refs": "HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD", "body": "", "author_name": "Hongbo Miao", "author_email": "" } } DEBUG: findFile(renovate.json5) DEBUG: Config file exists, fileName: renovate.json5 DEBUG: Retrieving issueList DEBUG: Retrieved 0 issues DEBUG: Repo is onboarded DEBUG: Found renovate.json5 config file DEBUG: Repository config { "fileName": "renovate.json5", "config": { "extends": [ "config:base" ] } } DEBUG: migrateAndValidate() DEBUG: No config migration necessary DEBUG: massaged config { "config": { "extends": [ "github>whitesource/merge-confidence:beta", "config:base" ] } } DEBUG: migrated config { "config": { "extends": [ "github>whitesource/merge-confidence:beta", "config:base" ] } } DEBUG: Setting hostRules from config DEBUG: Found repo ignorePaths { "ignorePaths": [ "**/node_modules/**", "**/bower_components/**", "**/vendor/**", "**/examples/**", "**/__tests__/**", "**/test/**", "**/tests/**", "**/__fixtures__/**" ] } DEBUG: Using queue:, concurrency=10 DEBUG: No vulnerability alerts found DEBUG: No vulnerability alerts found DEBUG: findIssue(Dependency Dashboard) DEBUG: No baseBranches DEBUG: extract() DEBUG: Setting current branch to main DEBUG: latest commit { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2023-02-25T01:40:37+09:00" } DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)tasks/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)galaxy\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.tool-versions$ for manager asdf DEBUG: Using file match: azure.*pipelines?.*\.ya?ml$ for manager azure-pipelines DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect(-bundle)?\.yml$ for manager batect DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect$ for manager batect-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)WORKSPACE(|\.bazel)$ for manager bazel DEBUG: Using file match: \.bzl$ for manager bazel DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)\.bazelversion$ for manager bazelisk DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.?bitbucket-pipelines\.ya?ml$ for manager bitbucket-pipelines DEBUG: Using file match: buildkite\.ya?ml for manager buildkite DEBUG: Using file match: \.buildkite/.+\.ya?ml$ for manager buildkite DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Gemfile$ for manager bundler DEBUG: Using file match: \.cake$ for manager cake DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Cargo\.toml$ for manager cargo DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.circleci/config\.yml$ for manager circleci DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)cloudbuild\.ya?ml for manager cloudbuild DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Podfile$ for manager cocoapods DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)composer\.json$ for manager composer DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)conanfile\.(txt|py)$ for manager conan DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)(?:deps|bb)\.edn$ for manager deps-edn DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)(?:docker-)?compose[^/]*\.ya?ml$ for manager docker-compose DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/|\.)Dockerfile$ for manager dockerfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Dockerfile[^/]*$ for manager dockerfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.drone\.yml$ for manager droneci DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)fleet\.ya?ml for manager fleet DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)flux-system\/(?:.+\/)?gotk-components\.yaml$ for manager flux DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)\.fvm\/fvm_config\.json$ for manager fvm DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.gitmodules$ for manager git-submodules DEBUG: Using file match: ^(workflow-templates|\.github\/workflows)\/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager github-actions DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)action\.ya?ml$ for manager github-actions DEBUG: Using file match: \.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci DEBUG: Using file match: \.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci-include DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)go\.mod$ for manager gomod DEBUG: Using file match: \.gradle(\.kts)?$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)gradle\.properties$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)gradle\/.+\.toml$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: \.versions\.toml$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)versions.props$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)versions.lock$ for manager gradle DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper\.properties$ for manager gradle-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.yaml$ for manager helm-requirements DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)values\.yaml$ for manager helm-values DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)helmfile\.yaml$ for manager helmfile DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Chart\.yaml$ for manager helmv3 DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)bin/hermit$ for manager hermit DEBUG: Using file match: ^Formula/[^/]+[.]rb$ for manager homebrew DEBUG: Using file match: \.html?$ for manager html DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)plugins\.(txt|ya?ml)$ for manager jenkins DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)jsonnetfile\.json$ for manager jsonnet-bundler DEBUG: Using file match: ^.+\.main\.kts$ for manager kotlin-script DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)kustomization\.ya?ml$ for manager kustomize DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)project\.clj$ for manager leiningen DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/|\.)pom\.xml$ for manager maven DEBUG: Using file match: ^(((\.mvn)|(\.m2))/)?settings\.xml$ for manager maven DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/).mvn/wrapper/$ for manager maven-wrapper DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package\.js$ for manager meteor DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)Mintfile$ for manager mint DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)mix\.exs$ for manager mix DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)flake\.nix$ for manager nix DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.node-version$ for manager nodenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package\.json$ for manager npm DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:cs|fs|vb)proj$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:props|targets)$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)dotnet-tools\.json$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)global\.json$ for manager nuget DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.nvmrc$ for manager nvm DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)src/main/features/.+\.json$ for manager osgi DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)requirements\.(txt|pip)$ for manager pip_requirements DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)setup\.py$ for manager pip_setup DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Pipfile$ for manager pipenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pyproject\.toml$ for manager poetry DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$ for manager pre-commit DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pubspec\.ya?ml$ for manager pub DEBUG: Using file match: (^|\/)Puppetfile$ for manager puppet DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.python-version$ for manager pyenv DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.ruby-version$ for manager ruby-version DEBUG: Using file match: \.sbt$ for manager sbt DEBUG: Using file match: project/[^/]*.scala$ for manager sbt DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)setup\.cfg$ for manager setup-cfg DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Package\.swift for manager swift DEBUG: Using file match: \.tf$ for manager terraform DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terraform-version$ for manager terraform-version DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)terragrunt\.hcl$ for manager terragrunt DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terragrunt-version$ for manager terragrunt-version DEBUG: Using file match: \.tflint\.hcl$ for manager tflint-plugin DEBUG: Using file match: ^\.travis\.yml$ for manager travis DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.vela\.ya?ml$ for manager velaci DEBUG: Using file match: ^\.woodpecker(?:\/[^/]+)?\.ya?ml$ for manager woodpecker DEBUG: Matched 2 file(s) for manager poetry: api-python/pyproject.toml, hm-locust/pyproject.toml DEBUG: Found poetry package files DEBUG: Found 2 package file(s) INFO: Dependency extraction complete { "baseBranch": "main", "stats": { "managers": { "poetry": { "fileCount": 2, "depCount": 15 } }, "total": { "fileCount": 2, "depCount": 15 } } } DEBUG: Using queue:, concurrency=10 DEBUG: PackageFiles.add() - Package file saved for base branch { "baseBranch": "main" } DEBUG: Package releases lookups complete { "baseBranch": "main" } DEBUG: branchifyUpgrades DEBUG: detectSemanticCommits() DEBUG: getCommitMessages DEBUG: semanticCommits: detected "unknown" DEBUG: semanticCommits: disabled DEBUG: 2 flattened updates found: python-dotenv, python-dotenv DEBUG: Returning 1 branch(es) DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true DEBUG: packageFiles with updates { "baseBranch": "main", "config": { "poetry": [ { "deps": [ { "depName": "Flask", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "2.2.3", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "2.2.3", "packageName": "flask", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "registryUrl": "", "homepage": "", "changelogUrl": "", "currentVersion": "2.2.3", "fixedVersion": "2.2.3" }, { "depName": "Flask-APScheduler", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "1.12.4", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "1.12.4", "packageName": "flask-apscheduler", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "1.12.4", "fixedVersion": "1.12.4" }, { "depName": "Flask-Cors", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "3.0.10", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "3.0.10", "packageName": "flask-cors", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "3.0.10", "fixedVersion": "3.0.10" }, { "depName": "confluent-kafka", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "2.0.2", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "2.0.2", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 3, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "2.0.2", "fixedVersion": "2.0.2" }, { "depName": "flask-sock", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "0.6.0", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "0.6.0", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 4, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "0.6.0", "fixedVersion": "0.6.0" }, { "depName": "gunicorn", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "20.1.0", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "20.1.0", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 5, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "homepage": "", "currentVersion": "20.1.0", "fixedVersion": "20.1.0" }, { "depName": "python-dotenv", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "0.21.1", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "0.21.1", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 6, "updates": [ { "bucket": "major", "newVersion": "1.0.0", "newValue": "1.0.0", "releaseTimestamp": "2023-02-24T06:46:36.000Z", "newMajor": 1, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "major", "branchName": "renovate/python-dotenv-1.x" } ], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "0.21.1", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "0.21.1" }, { "depName": "sentry-sdk", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "1.15.0", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": true }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "1.15.0", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 7, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "changelogUrl": "", "currentVersion": "1.15.0", "fixedVersion": "1.15.0" }, { "depName": "poethepoet", "depType": "dev", "currentValue": "0.18.1", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "0.18.1", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 8, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "0.18.1", "fixedVersion": "0.18.1" }, { "depName": "pytest", "depType": "dev", "currentValue": "7.2.1", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "7.2.1", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 9, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "homepage": "", "changelogUrl": "", "currentVersion": "7.2.1", "fixedVersion": "7.2.1" }, { "depName": "pytest-cov", "depType": "dev", "currentValue": "4.0.0", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "4.0.0", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 10, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "changelogUrl": "", "currentVersion": "4.0.0", "fixedVersion": "4.0.0" } ], "lockFiles": [ "api-python/poetry.lock" ], "packageFile": "api-python/pyproject.toml", "constraints": { "python": "3.11.x" } }, { "deps": [ { "depName": "locust", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "2.14.2", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "2.14.2", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 0, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "homepage": "", "currentVersion": "2.14.2", "fixedVersion": "2.14.2" }, { "depName": "python-dotenv", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "0.21.1", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "0.21.1", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 1, "updates": [ { "bucket": "major", "newVersion": "1.0.0", "newValue": "1.0.0", "releaseTimestamp": "2023-02-24T06:46:36.000Z", "newMajor": 1, "newMinor": 0, "updateType": "major", "branchName": "renovate/python-dotenv-1.x" } ], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "0.21.1", "isSingleVersion": true, "fixedVersion": "0.21.1" }, { "depName": "python-magic", "depType": "dependencies", "currentValue": "0.4.27", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "0.4.27", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 2, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "0.4.27", "fixedVersion": "0.4.27" }, { "depName": "poethepoet", "depType": "dev", "currentValue": "0.18.1", "managerData": { "nestedVersion": false }, "datasource": "pypi", "lockedVersion": "0.18.1", "versioning": "pep440", "depIndex": 3, "updates": [], "warnings": [], "sourceUrl": "", "registryUrl": "", "currentVersion": "0.18.1", "fixedVersion": "0.18.1" } ], "lockFiles": [ "hm-locust/poetry.lock" ], "packageFile": "hm-locust/pyproject.toml", "constraints": { "python": "3.10.x" } } ] } } DEBUG: detectSemanticCommits() DEBUG: semanticCommits: returning "disabled" from cache DEBUG: processRepo() DEBUG: Processing 1 branch: renovate/python-dotenv-1.x DEBUG: Calculating hourly PRs remaining DEBUG: getPrList success { "pullsTotal": 0, "requestsTotal": 1, "apiQuotaAffected": true } DEBUG: currentHourStart=2023-02-24T16:00:00.000+00:00 DEBUG: PR hourly limit remaining: 2 DEBUG: Calculating prConcurrentLimit (10) DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, open) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, closed) DEBUG: 0 PRs are currently open DEBUG: PR concurrent limit remaining: 10 DEBUG: Calculated maximum PRs remaining this run: 2 DEBUG: PullRequests limit = 2 DEBUG: Calculating hourly PRs remaining DEBUG: currentHourStart=2023-02-24T16:00:00.000+00:00 DEBUG: PR hourly limit remaining: 2 DEBUG: Calculating branchConcurrentLimit (10) DEBUG: 0 already existing branches found: DEBUG: Branch concurrent limit remaining: 10 DEBUG: Calculated maximum branches remaining this run: 2 DEBUG: Branches limit = 2 DEBUG: syncBranchState()(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: syncBranchState(): Branch cache not found, creating minimal branchState(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: dependencyDashboardCheck=undefined(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: recreateClosed is false(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, Update dependency python-dotenv to v1, !open)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: prAlreadyExisted=false(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, null)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Setting current branch to main(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "branchName": "main", "latestCommitDate": "2023-02-25T01:40:37+09:00" } DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles() reuseExistingBranch=false(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Starting search at index 175(packageFile="hm-locust/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "depName": "python-dotenv" } DEBUG: Found match at index 175(packageFile="hm-locust/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "depName": "python-dotenv" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="hm-locust/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "depName": "python-dotenv" } DEBUG: Value is not updated(packageFile="api-python/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "manager": "poetry", "expectedValue": "1.0.0", "foundValue": "0.21.1" } DEBUG: Starting search at index 329(packageFile="api-python/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "depName": "python-dotenv" } DEBUG: Found match at index 329(packageFile="api-python/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "depName": "python-dotenv" } DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="api-python/pyproject.toml", branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "depName": "python-dotenv" } DEBUG: poetry.updateArtifacts(hm-locust/pyproject.toml)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Updating hm-locust/poetry.lock(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Using python constraint from config(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Setting CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR to /tmp/containerbase(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Using docker to execute(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "image": "sidecar" } DEBUG: Resolved stable matching version(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "toolName": "python", "constraint": "3.11.x", "resolvedVersion": "3.11.1" } DEBUG: Resolved stable matching version(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "toolName": "poetry", "constraint": null, "resolvedVersion": "1.3.2" } DEBUG: containerbaseDir is separate from cacheDir(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Resolved tag constraint(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "image": "" } DEBUG: Docker image is already prefetched:"renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Executing command(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "command": "docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"" } DEBUG: rawExec err(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "err": { "name": "ExecError", "cmd": "/bin/sh -c docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"", "stderr": "The currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n", "stdout": "installing v2 tool python v3.11.1\nlinking tool python v3.11.1\nPython 3.11.1\npip 23.0.1 from /opt/buildpack/tools/python/3.11.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 24 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: f2b5ed7e935f\ninstalling v2 tool poetry v1.3.2\nlinking tool poetry v1.3.2\nPoetry (version 1.3.2)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 57 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: f2b5ed7e935f\n", "options": { "cwd": "/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust", "encoding": "utf-8", "env": { "PIP_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/renovate-cache/others/pip", "HOME": "/home/ubuntu", "PATH": "/home/ubuntu/.local/bin:/home/ubuntu/bin:/opt/buildpack/tools/python/3.9.3/bin:/home/ubuntu/.npm-global/bin:/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8", "LANG": "C.UTF-8", "BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/containerbase", "CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/containerbase" }, "maxBuffer": 10485760, "timeout": 900000 }, "exitCode": 1, "message": "Command failed: docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"\nThe currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n", "stack": "ExecError: Command failed: docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"\nThe currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n\n at ChildProcess. (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/util/exec/common.js:87:24)\n at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:525:35)\n at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:489:12)\n at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:293:12)" } } DEBUG: Failed to update hm-locust/poetry.lock file(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "err": { "name": "ExecError", "cmd": "/bin/sh -c docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"", "stderr": "The currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n", "stdout": "installing v2 tool python v3.11.1\nlinking tool python v3.11.1\nPython 3.11.1\npip 23.0.1 from /opt/buildpack/tools/python/3.11.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 24 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: f2b5ed7e935f\ninstalling v2 tool poetry v1.3.2\nlinking tool poetry v1.3.2\nPoetry (version 1.3.2)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 57 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: f2b5ed7e935f\n", "options": { "cwd": "/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust", "encoding": "utf-8", "env": { "PIP_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/renovate-cache/others/pip", "HOME": "/home/ubuntu", "PATH": "/home/ubuntu/.local/bin:/home/ubuntu/bin:/opt/buildpack/tools/python/3.9.3/bin:/home/ubuntu/.npm-global/bin:/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8", "LANG": "C.UTF-8", "BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/containerbase", "CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/containerbase" }, "maxBuffer": 10485760, "timeout": 900000 }, "exitCode": 1, "message": "Command failed: docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"\nThe currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n", "stack": "ExecError: Command failed: docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/hm-locust\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"\nThe currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n\n at ChildProcess. (/home/ubuntu/renovateapp/node_modules/renovate/dist/util/exec/common.js:87:24)\n at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:525:35)\n at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:489:12)\n at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:293:12)" } } DEBUG: poetry.updateArtifacts(api-python/pyproject.toml)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Updating api-python/poetry.lock(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Using python constraint from config(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Setting CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR to /tmp/containerbase(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Using docker to execute(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "image": "sidecar" } DEBUG: Resolved stable matching version(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "toolName": "python", "constraint": "3.11.x", "resolvedVersion": "3.11.1" } DEBUG: Resolved stable matching version(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "toolName": "poetry", "constraint": null, "resolvedVersion": "1.3.2" } DEBUG: containerbaseDir is separate from cacheDir(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Resolved tag constraint(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "image": "" } DEBUG: Docker image is already prefetched:"renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Executing command(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "command": "docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\":\"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version\" -v \"/tmp/renovate-cache\":\"/tmp/renovate-cache\" -v \"/tmp/containerbase\":\"/tmp/containerbase\" -e PIP_CACHE_DIR -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w \"/mnt/renovate/gh/Hongbo-Miao/bug-renovate-poetry-python-version/api-python\" bash -l -c \"install-tool python 3.11.1 && install-tool poetry 1.3.2 && poetry update --lock --no-interaction python-dotenv\"" } DEBUG: exec completed(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "durationMs": 93990, "stdout": "installing v2 tool python v3.11.1\nlinking tool python v3.11.1\nPython 3.11.1\npip 23.0.1 from /opt/buildpack/tools/python/3.11.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 28 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: 7a3a44c0202f\ninstalling v2 tool poetry v1.3.2\nlinking tool poetry v1.3.2\nPoetry (version 1.3.2)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 55 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: 7a3a44c0202f\nUpdating dependencies\nResolving dependencies...\n\nWriting lock file\n • Installing tzdata (2022.7)\n • Installing h11 (0.14.0)\n • Installing markupsafe (2.1.2)\n • Installing pytz-deprecation-shim (0.1.0.post0)\n • Installing attrs (22.2.0)\n • Installing click (8.1.3)\n • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)\n • Installing itsdangerous (2.1.2)\n • Installing jinja2 (3.1.2)\n • Installing packaging (23.0)\n • Installing pluggy (1.0.0)\n • Updating setuptools (67.1.0 -> 67.3.2)\n • Installing pytz (2022.7.1)\n • Installing tzlocal (4.2)\n • Installing six (1.16.0)\n • Installing werkzeug (2.2.3)\n • Installing wsproto (1.2.0)\n • Installing apscheduler (3.10.0)\n • Installing blinker (1.5)\n • Installing pastel (0.2.1)\n • Installing certifi (2022.12.7)\n • Installing coverage (7.1.0)\n • Installing simple-websocket (0.9.0)\n • Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)\n • Installing urllib3 (1.26.14)\n • Installing pytest (7.2.1)\n • Installing tomli (2.0.1)\n • Installing flask (2.2.3)\n • Installing confluent-kafka (2.0.2)\n • Installing flask-sock (0.6.0)\n • Installing flask-cors (3.0.10)\n • Installing flask-apscheduler (1.12.4)\n • Installing pytest-cov (4.0.0)\n • Installing poethepoet (0.18.1)\n • Installing sentry-sdk (1.15.0)\n • Installing gunicorn (20.1.0)\n • Installing python-dotenv (1.0.0)\n", "stderr": "Creating virtualenv hm-api-python-S1coFyZ6-py3.11 in /home/ubuntu/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs\n" } DEBUG: Returning updated api-python/poetry.lock(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Updated 2 package files(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Updated 1 lock files(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "updatedArtifacts": [ "api-python/poetry.lock" ] } DEBUG: Branch timestamp: 2023-02-24T06:46:36.000Z(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: PR is older than 2 hours, raise PR with lock file errors(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: 3 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Preparing files for committing to branch renovate/python-dotenv-1.x(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Setting git author name: Renovate Bot(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Setting git author email:"renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: git commit(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "deletedFiles": [], "ignoredFiles": [], "result": { "author": null, "branch": "renovate/python-dotenv-1.x", "commit": "8252fd5097b473c3b3d27fa834d0419612f782ae", "root": false, "summary": { "changes": 3, "insertions": 7, "deletions": 7 } } } DEBUG: resetToCommit(61ed04784dcaa32656e6df5588f6796df4b1e292)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Fetching branch renovate/python-dotenv-1.x(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "commitSha": "90e17b3e7ab94e79e0ea0042a4eb4437f0968a85" } DEBUG: Updating status check state to failed(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Setting branch status(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "context": "renovate/artifacts", "state": "red" } DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, open)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, closed)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: getPrCache()(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Forcing PR because of artifact errors(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Fetching changelog: (0.21.1 -> 1.0.0)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Fetching changelog: (0.21.1 -> 1.0.0)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "prTitle": "Update dependency python-dotenv to v1" } DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "title": "Update dependency python-dotenv to v1", "head": "Hongbo-Miao:renovate/python-dotenv-1.x", "base": "main", "draft": false } DEBUG: PR created(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "pr": 1, "draft": false } DEBUG: Adding labels '' to #1(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") INFO: PR created(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "pr": 1, "prTitle": "Update dependency python-dotenv to v1" } DEBUG: addParticipants(pr=1)(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: setPrCache()(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Created Pull Request #1(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") WARN: artifactErrors(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "artifactErrors": [ { "lockFile": "hm-locust/poetry.lock", "stderr": "installing v2 tool python v3.11.1\nlinking tool python v3.11.1\nPython 3.11.1\npip 23.0.1 from /opt/buildpack/tools/python/3.11.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 24 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: f2b5ed7e935f\ninstalling v2 tool poetry v1.3.2\nlinking tool poetry v1.3.2\nPoetry (version 1.3.2)\nInstalled v2 /usr/local/buildpack/tools/v2/ in 57 seconds\nskip cleanup, not a docker build: f2b5ed7e935f\n\nThe currently activated Python version 3.11.1 is not supported by the project (3.10.x).\nTrying to find and use a compatible version. \n\nPoetry was unable to find a compatible version. If you have one, you can explicitly use it via the \"env use\" command.\n" } ] } DEBUG: Getting comments for #1(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Found 0 comments(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: Ensuring comment "⚠ Artifact update problem" in #1(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") INFO: Comment added(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") { "issueNo": 1, "topic": "⚠ Artifact update problem" } DEBUG: setBranchCommit()(branch="renovate/python-dotenv-1.x") DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x) DEBUG: findPr(renovate/python-dotenv-1.x, undefined, open) DEBUG: Found PR #1 DEBUG: branch.isBehindBase(): using cached result "false" DEBUG: isBranchConflicted(main, renovate/python-dotenv-1.x) DEBUG: branch.isConflicted(): using cached result "false" DEBUG: getPrCache() DEBUG: Ensuring Dependency Dashboard DEBUG: ensureIssue(Dependency Dashboard) INFO: Issue created DEBUG: Removing any stale branches DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true DEBUG: Branch lists { "branchList": [ "renovate/python-dotenv-1.x" ], "renovateBranches": [ "renovate/python-dotenv-1.x" ] } DEBUG: remainingBranches= DEBUG: No branches to clean up DEBUG: Retrieving issueList DEBUG: Retrieved 1 issues DEBUG: Cleaning up Renovate refs: refs/renovate/* DEBUG: PackageFiles.clear() - Package files deleted DEBUG: Branch summary { "baseBranches": [ { "branchName": "main", "sha": "61ed04784dcaa32656e6df5588f6796df4b1e292" } ], "branches": [ { "automerge": false, "baseBranch": "main", "baseBranchSha": "61ed04784dcaa32656e6df5588f6796df4b1e292", "branchName": "renovate/python-dotenv-1.x", "branchSha": "90e17b3e7ab94e79e0ea0042a4eb4437f0968a85", "isModified": false, "isPristine": true } ], "inactiveBranches": [] } DEBUG: Renovate repository PR statistics { "stats": { "total": 1, "open": 1, "closed": 0, "merged": 0 } } DEBUG: Repository result: done, status: onboarded, enabled: true, onboarded: true DEBUG: Repository timing splits (milliseconds) { "splits": { "init": 4435, "extract": 2153, "lookup": 1222, "onboarding": 2, "update": 190502 }, "total": 200613 } DEBUG: Package cache statistics { "get": { "count": 17, "avgMs": 159, "medianMs": 180, "maxMs": 336 }, "set": { "count": 3, "avgMs": 59, "medianMs": 43, "maxMs": 104 } } DEBUG: http statistics { "urls": { " (POST,200)": 4, " (GET,200)": 2, " (GET,200)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (GET,200)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (GET,200)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (POST,201)": 1, " (GET,200)": 1, " (GET,200)": 1, " (GET,200)": 1 }, "hostStats": { "": { "requestCount": 17, "requestAvgMs": 419, "queueAvgMs": 0 }, "": { "requestCount": 2, "requestAvgMs": 596, "queueAvgMs": 0 } }, "totalRequests": 19 } DEBUG: dns cache { "hosts": [ "", "" ] } INFO: Repository finished { "cloned": true, "durationMs": 200613 } ```

Have you created a minimal reproduction repository?

I have linked to a minimal reproduction repository in the bug description

rarkins commented 1 year ago

As a workaround, split the projects by using additionalBranchPrefix={{parentDir}}

viceice commented 1 year ago

i don't think this is a renovate bug. renovate doesn't support multiple different constraints inside one PR. it's a renovate limitation.

so we can probably open a feature request to support different tool version constraints inside a single repo.

@rarkins WDYT?

hongbo-miao commented 1 year ago

Thanks @rarkins I am aware of this flag. Thanks for sharing! (Maybe I should use it, however, then my repo will have many times of pull requests which takes more time/resource for GitHub Action runs) Hi @viceice I agree it may be a new feature request. I had one similar "feature request" to Node.js before at 😃

hongbo-miao commented 1 year ago

I ended up following @rarkins 's recommendation.

This will make Renovate create more pull requests, however, I also met case that two projects use same dependency, but one has to stay at a low version temporally. It does fix that issue too. 😃

My current renovate.json5

  $schema: '',
  extends: [
  lockFileMaintenance: {
    enabled: true,
    commitMessageExtra: '({{packageFile}})',
  additionalBranchPrefix: '{{parentDir}}-',
  semanticCommitScope: '{{#if parentDir}}{{parentDir}}{{else}}deps{{/if}}',

So feel free to close this ticket, or leave it open in case someone else need this in future. Thanks!

rarkins commented 1 year ago

Reproduction forked to

hongbo-miao commented 1 year ago

Hmm, just add a new scenario I met which is because of same thing 😃 I was thinking to update all lock files at once, but also got same issue