Watch the includes directory, so the preview updates when you edit the file
Material for MkDocs reached another funding goal [^3], so we get access to new features. :partying_face:
There's a privacy plugin [^2], but that only works with fully qualified URLs, and we autogenerate a lot of stuff with scripts. So I don't know if the Privacy Plugin would work properly.
directory, so the preview updates when you edit
Material for MkDocs reached another funding goal [^3], so we get access to new features. :partying_face:
There's a privacy plugin [^2], but that only works with fully qualified URLs, and we autogenerate a lot of stuff with scripts. So I don't know if the Privacy Plugin would work properly.
[^1]: Material for MkDocs, automatic light / dark mode [^2]: Material for MkDocs, privacy plugin [^3]: Material for MkDocs, $14,000 Goat's Horn features