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Allow Codespaces/Gitpod container startup, even if site build fails the `--strict` mode tests #463

Closed HonkingGoose closed 1 month ago

HonkingGoose commented 5 months ago

What would you like to be able to do?

A recent Codespaces container creation failed with:

devcontainer process exited with exit code 1
Failed to create container.
Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c .devcontainer/
Error code: 1302 (UnifiedContainersErrorFatalCreatingContainer)
Container creation failed.

Creating recovery container

The Codespace I'm trying to start is the one where I'm deleting the file, as we're moving that to the main repository. The mkdocs build fails, as it should, and warns me about the broken links: :upside_down_face:

poetry run mkdocs build
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Building documentation to directory:
INFO    -  Downloading external file:
WARNING -  Doc file '' contains a link
           './', but the target '' is not
           found among documentation files.
WARNING -  Doc file '' contains a link
           './', but the target '' is not
           found among documentation files.
WARNING -  Doc file 'getting-started/' contains a link
           '../', but the target '' is not found among
           documentation files.

Here's the full log (except the recovery container logs, as those are not relevant here).

Select me to see logs ``` Host information ---------------- OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (stable release) Image details: ---------------- Configuration starting... Cloning... $ df /var/lib/docker Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/loop3 32847680 21432056 9721528 69% /var/lib/docker df process exited with exit code 0 $ git -C "/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace" clone --branch "docs/move-homepage-to-main-repo" --depth 1 "/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/" Cloning into '/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/'... git process exited with exit code 0 $ git -C "/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/" config --local remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* git process exited with exit code 0 Creating container... $ devcontainer up --id-label Type=codespaces --workspace-folder /var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/ --mount type=bind,source=/.codespaces/agent/mount/cache,target=/vscode --user-data-folder /var/lib/docker/codespacemount/.persistedshare --container-data-folder .vscode-remote/data/Machine --container-system-data-folder /var/vscode-remote --log-level trace --log-format json --update-remote-user-uid-default never --mount-workspace-git-root false --omit-config-remote-env-from-metadata --skip-non-blocking-commands --skip-post-create --config "/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/" --override-config /root/.codespaces/shared/merged_devcontainer.json --default-user-env-probe loginInteractiveShell --container-session-data-folder /workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache --secrets-file /root/.codespaces/shared/user-secrets-envs.json [281 ms] @devcontainers/cli 0.56.1. Node.js v18.19.0. linux 6.2.0-1019-azure x64. [1790 ms] Start: Run: docker buildx build --load --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 -f /tmp/devcontainercli-root/container-features/0.56.1-1714481397330/Dockerfile-with-features -t --target dev_containers_target_stage --build-arg _DEV_CONTAINERS_BASE_IMAGE=dev_container_auto_added_stage_label /var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/ #0 building with "default" instance using docker driver #1 [internal] load .dockerignore #1 ... #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile-with-features #2 transferring dockerfile: 1.46kB done #2 DONE 0.4s #1 [internal] load .dockerignore #1 transferring context: 2B done #1 DONE 0.5s #3 [internal] load metadata for #3 ... #4 [auth] containerbase/devcontainer:pull token for #4 DONE 0.0s #3 [internal] load metadata for #3 DONE 1.5s #5 [dev_container_auto_added_stage_label 1/2] FROM #5 resolve #5 resolve 0.2s done #5 sha256:2f409bbdf2cf401baee65a0424a56185c647c2e9756a9ce2f80db4733cbf66d1 2.67kB / 2.67kB done #5 sha256:c5255d56d26e8f4fd14fb646a46157aa0650fcc7e9e252d4022f77ce4bba310e 6.91kB / 6.91kB done #5 sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 0B / 29.53MB 0.0s #5 sha256:be9face288702895be509ee8635d90441d93e83572e75acdfaa3bafec452ac78 685B / 685B done #5 sha256:e88ce7c3098b1f8ee89f5491a35cf6f3bbc75694b45c7bcc5a3786fe3916aab4 0B / 374B 0.1s #5 sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 0B / 21.24MB 0.2s #5 sha256:e88ce7c3098b1f8ee89f5491a35cf6f3bbc75694b45c7bcc5a3786fe3916aab4 374B / 374B 0.4s done #5 sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 9.44MB / 29.53MB 0.6s #5 sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 7.34MB / 21.24MB 0.6s #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 0B / 30.83MB 0.6s #5 sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 18.87MB / 29.53MB 0.9s #5 sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 17.83MB / 21.24MB 0.9s #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 4.19MB / 30.83MB 0.9s #5 sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 24.12MB / 29.53MB 0.9s #5 sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 21.24MB / 21.24MB 0.9s #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 8.39MB / 30.83MB 0.9s #5 sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 29.53MB / 29.53MB 1.1s #5 sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 21.24MB / 21.24MB 1.1s done #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 20.97MB / 30.83MB 1.1s #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 25.17MB / 30.83MB 1.2s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 0B / 91.00MB 1.2s #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 30.83MB / 30.83MB 1.4s #5 sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 29.53MB / 29.53MB 1.4s done #5 sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 30.83MB / 30.83MB 1.7s done #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 15.22MB / 91.00MB 1.8s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 20.97MB / 91.00MB 1.9s #5 extracting sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 0.1s #5 sha256:bea3a71b0a33f58ed1837a649f7d0255f3160e60704e39d7c45e0627ea5f1292 0B / 189B 1.9s #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 0B / 22.34MB 1.9s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 29.36MB / 91.00MB 2.0s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 34.60MB / 91.00MB 2.1s #5 sha256:bea3a71b0a33f58ed1837a649f7d0255f3160e60704e39d7c45e0627ea5f1292 189B / 189B 2.1s done #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 39.85MB / 91.00MB 2.3s #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 3.15MB / 22.34MB 2.3s #5 sha256:8eb64bb746ad7be96dc4d2a59a06495b1343140880320b39565dcb6a71586938 0B / 158B 2.3s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 46.14MB / 91.00MB 2.3s #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 7.34MB / 22.34MB 2.3s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 51.38MB / 91.00MB 2.4s #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 12.58MB / 22.34MB 2.4s #5 sha256:8eb64bb746ad7be96dc4d2a59a06495b1343140880320b39565dcb6a71586938 158B / 158B 2.4s done #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 17.83MB / 22.34MB 2.5s #5 sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 0B / 18.02MB 2.5s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 60.82MB / 91.00MB 2.7s #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 22.34MB / 22.34MB 2.7s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 73.40MB / 91.00MB 2.9s #5 sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 22.34MB / 22.34MB 2.8s done #5 sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 2.98MB / 18.02MB 2.9s #5 sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 8.39MB / 18.02MB 3.0s #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 0B / 48.03MB 3.0s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 82.84MB / 91.00MB 3.0s #5 sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 12.58MB / 18.02MB 3.0s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 91.00MB / 91.00MB 3.3s #5 sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 18.02MB / 18.02MB 3.3s #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 4.19MB / 48.03MB 3.4s #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 7.34MB / 48.03MB 3.5s #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 16.78MB / 48.03MB 3.5s #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 25.50MB / 48.03MB 3.7s #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 31.46MB / 48.03MB 3.8s #5 sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 91.00MB / 91.00MB 3.8s done #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 36.70MB / 48.03MB 3.9s #5 sha256:c3214f8d61cb9f38888e9d2b813c46da9e0c9e0ed16bdfd72b6fc3981b97b92f 0B / 283B 3.9s #5 extracting sha256:e311a697a4031e52691ab1b5a8c325a448280fef9fc03d89dd97ab40f4245bce 2.2s done #5 sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 18.02MB / 18.02MB 4.1s done #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 46.14MB / 48.03MB 4.1s #5 sha256:c3214f8d61cb9f38888e9d2b813c46da9e0c9e0ed16bdfd72b6fc3981b97b92f 283B / 283B 4.3s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 0B / 102.32MB 4.3s #5 extracting sha256:e88ce7c3098b1f8ee89f5491a35cf6f3bbc75694b45c7bcc5a3786fe3916aab4 #5 sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 48.03MB / 48.03MB 4.6s done #5 sha256:c3214f8d61cb9f38888e9d2b813c46da9e0c9e0ed16bdfd72b6fc3981b97b92f 283B / 283B 4.7s done #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 8.39MB / 102.32MB 4.7s #5 extracting sha256:e88ce7c3098b1f8ee89f5491a35cf6f3bbc75694b45c7bcc5a3786fe3916aab4 done #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 14.68MB / 102.32MB 4.9s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 20.97MB / 102.32MB 5.0s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 26.21MB / 102.32MB 5.1s #5 extracting sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 32.51MB / 102.32MB 5.3s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 38.80MB / 102.32MB 5.5s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 47.19MB / 102.32MB 5.6s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 53.48MB / 102.32MB 5.7s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 62.91MB / 102.32MB 5.9s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 77.59MB / 102.32MB 6.3s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 83.89MB / 102.32MB 6.4s #5 extracting sha256:1ca8028d0988cb4a7848e5099086bcbf70d02c97a9773827fffd1e5e6eebbfb7 1.1s done #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 92.27MB / 102.32MB 6.5s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 102.32MB / 102.32MB 7.0s #5 sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 102.32MB / 102.32MB 7.2s done #5 extracting sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a #5 extracting sha256:96511ffc04d33e6b75c07c8649c848dfedb5b6fead9e61ed79d198f5b780897a 0.9s done #5 extracting sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 #5 extracting sha256:4e9f196760834ddafdee86c06f3a6cbe7c45bcedcb813d621076296a3d31d179 2.7s done #5 extracting sha256:bea3a71b0a33f58ed1837a649f7d0255f3160e60704e39d7c45e0627ea5f1292 #5 extracting sha256:bea3a71b0a33f58ed1837a649f7d0255f3160e60704e39d7c45e0627ea5f1292 done #5 extracting sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df #5 extracting sha256:bd84c686bdb8b39eb412359ee600f7abdd7e989609f3229a57b4323dbccd43df 1.0s done #5 extracting sha256:8eb64bb746ad7be96dc4d2a59a06495b1343140880320b39565dcb6a71586938 #5 extracting sha256:8eb64bb746ad7be96dc4d2a59a06495b1343140880320b39565dcb6a71586938 done #5 extracting sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 #5 extracting sha256:57f77f0a9e77f206c987c636802baca1f1a485c74e16d265ee0f9a45865535e1 0.3s done #5 extracting sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 #5 extracting sha256:a2abd475e65e76f0b61eab7e9605d07be678f903ad9aa644c75064994db599b8 2.4s done #5 extracting sha256:c3214f8d61cb9f38888e9d2b813c46da9e0c9e0ed16bdfd72b6fc3981b97b92f #5 extracting sha256:c3214f8d61cb9f38888e9d2b813c46da9e0c9e0ed16bdfd72b6fc3981b97b92f done #5 extracting sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce #5 extracting sha256:9d5df82f32739d5320a76dd29b8ee85ab00fee49274d2face7569918dfa201ce 5.1s done #5 DONE 31.1s #6 [dev_container_auto_added_stage_label 2/2] RUN install-tool poetry 1.8.2 #6 0.957 [12:50:32.103] INFO (1): Installing tool poetry@1.8.2... #6 0.990 installing v2 tool poetry v1.8.2 #6 10.64 linking tool poetry v1.8.2 #6 11.00 Poetry (version 1.8.2) #6 12.02 [12:50:42.213] INFO (1): Installed tool poetry in 10.1s. #6 DONE 12.6s #7 preparing layers for inline cache #7 DONE 2.2s #8 exporting to image #8 exporting layers done #8 writing image sha256:0f0b8ad2ecc2a5a7bf38a2cd175c27e53c03c2ae47fde9f5938199df4c5b0bf0 0.0s done #8 naming to 0.0s done #8 DONE 0.1s [49096 ms] Stop: Run: docker buildx build --load --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 -f /tmp/devcontainercli-root/container-features/0.56.1-1714481397330/Dockerfile-with-features -t --target dev_containers_target_stage --build-arg _DEV_CONTAINERS_BASE_IMAGE=dev_container_auto_added_stage_label /var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/ [50909 ms] Start: Run: docker run --sig-proxy=false -a STDOUT -a STDERR --mount type=bind,src=/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace,dst=/workspaces --mount source=/root/.codespaces/shared,target=/workspaces/.codespaces/shared,type=bind --mount source=/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/.persistedshare,target=/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare,type=bind --mount source=/.codespaces/agent/mount,target=/.codespaces/bin,type=bind --mount source=/mnt/containerTmp,target=/tmp,type=bind --mount type=bind,src=/.codespaces/agent/mount/cache,dst=/vscode -l Type=codespaces -e CODESPACES=******** -e ContainerVersion=13 -e --label ContainerVersion=13 --hostname codespaces-d07a1b --add-host codespaces-d07a1b: --cap-add sys_nice --network host --init --entrypoint /bin/sh -c echo Container started Container started Outcome: success User: vscode WorkspaceFolder: /workspaces/ devcontainer process exited with exit code 0 Running blocking commands... $ devcontainer up --id-label Type=codespaces --workspace-folder /var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/ --mount type=bind,source=/.codespaces/agent/mount/cache,target=/vscode --user-data-folder /var/lib/docker/codespacemount/.persistedshare --container-data-folder .vscode-remote/data/Machine --container-system-data-folder /var/vscode-remote --log-level trace --log-format json --update-remote-user-uid-default never --mount-workspace-git-root false --omit-config-remote-env-from-metadata --skip-non-blocking-commands --expect-existing-container --config "/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace/" --override-config /root/.codespaces/shared/merged_devcontainer.json --default-user-env-probe loginInteractiveShell --container-session-data-folder /workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache --secrets-file /root/.codespaces/shared/user-secrets-envs.json [297 ms] @devcontainers/cli 0.56.1. Node.js v18.19.0. linux 6.2.0-1019-azure x64. Running the postCreateCommand from devcontainer.json... .devcontainer/ Fixing permissions of /tmp for GitHub Codespaces... Submodule 'renovate' (********/renovatebot/renovate.git) registered for path 'deps/renovate' Cloning into '/workspaces/'... Submodule path 'deps/renovate': checked out '09a093d7228231950cf04e4641e577ce0e7d5415' pnpm install --frozen-lockfile Scope: all 2 workspace projects Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped deps/cache-decoder | Progress: resolved 1, reused 0,deps/cache-decoder | +181 ++++++++++++++++++ deps/cache-decoder | Progress: resolved 1, reused 0,Packages: +305 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ deps/cache-decoder | Progress: resolved 1, reused 0,Downloading @parcel/rust@2.12.0: 65.58 MB/65.58 MB, doneDownloading @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu@1.4.13: 16.58 MB/16.58 MB, donedeps/cache-decoder | Progress: resolved 181, reused Downloading @swc/core-linux-x64-musl@1.4.13: 20.63 MB/20.63 MB, donedeps/cache-decoder | Progress: resolved 181, reused deps/cache-decoder | Progress: resolved 181, reused Progress: resolved 305, reused 0, downloaded 270, added 305, done Downloading typescript@5.4.5: 5.83 MB/5.83 MB, done devDependencies: + @testing-library/cypress 10.0.1 + cypress 13.8.0 + husky 9.0.11 + lint-staged 15.2.2 + prettier 3.2.5 + prettier-plugin-packagejson 2.5.0 + typescript 5.4.5 node_modules/.pnpm/cypress@13.8.0/node_modules/cypress: Running postinstalnode_modules/.pnpm/cypress@13.8.0/node_modules/cypress: Running postinstall script, done in 14.2s . prepare$ husky └─ Done in 110ms Done in 24.2s poetry install --no-root Creating virtualenv docs-renovatebot-com-R9lsSN1w-py3.12 in /home/vscode/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs Installing dependencies from lock file Package operations: 33 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Installing six (1.16.0) - Installing markupsafe (2.1.5) - Installing mergedeep (1.3.4) - Installing platformdirs (4.2.1) - Installing python-dateutil (2.9.0.post0) - Installing pyyaml (6.0.1) - Installing bracex (2.4) - Installing certifi (2024.2.2) - Installing charset-normalizer (3.3.2) - Installing click (8.1.7) - Installing ghp-import (2.1.0) - Installing idna (3.7) - Installing jinja2 (3.1.3) - Installing markdown (3.6) - Installing mkdocs-get-deps (0.2.0) - Installing packaging (24.0) - Installing pathspec (0.12.1) - Installing pyyaml-env-tag (0.1) - Installing urllib3 (2.2.1) - Installing watchdog (4.0.0) - Installing babel (2.14.0) - Installing colorama (0.4.6) - Installing mkdocs (1.6.0) - Installing mkdocs-material-extensions (1.3.1) - Installing natsort (8.4.0) - Installing paginate (0.5.6) - Installing pygments (2.17.2) - Installing pymdown-extensions (10.8.1) - Installing regex (2024.4.28) - Installing requests (2.31.0) - Installing wcmatch (8.5.1) - Installing mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin (2.9.2) - Installing mkdocs-material (9.5.20) bash bin/ Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped Packages: +1340 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Downloading @ls-lint/ls-lint@2.2.3: 5.96 MB/5.96 MB, done Downloading @swc/core-linux-x64-gnu@1.4.17: 16.64 MB/16.64 MB, done Downloading @swc/core-linux-x64-musl@1.4.17: 20.60 MB/20.60 MB, done Downloading openpgp@5.11.1: 5.42 MB/5.42 MB, done Downloading emojibase-data@15.3.0: 6.11 MB/6.11 MB, done Progress: resolved 1340, reused 212, downloaded 1128, added 1340, done node_modules/.pnpm/@swc+core@1.4.17/node_modules/@swc/core: Running postinstall script... node_modules/.pnpm/core-js-pure@3.37.0/node_modules/core-js-pure: Running node_modules/.pnpm/@swc+core@1.4.17/node_modules/@swc/core: Running postinstall script, done in 263mspure@3.37.0/node_modules/core-js-pure: Running node_modules/.pnpm/better-sqlite3@9.5.0/node_modules/better-sqlite3: Runninode_modules/.pnpm/re2@1.20.10/node_modules/re2: Running install script, done in 2.3s The following dependencies have build scripts that were ignored: dtrace-provider dependencies: + @aws-sdk/client-codecommit 3.563.0 + @aws-sdk/client-ec2 3.563.0 + @aws-sdk/client-ecr 3.563.0 + @aws-sdk/client-rds 3.563.0 + @aws-sdk/client-s3 3.563.0 + @aws-sdk/credential-providers 3.563.0 + @breejs/later 4.2.0 + @cdktf/hcl2json 0.20.7 + @opentelemetry/api 1.8.0 + @opentelemetry/context-async-hooks 1.23.0 + @opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http 0.50.0 + @opentelemetry/instrumentation 0.50.0 + @opentelemetry/instrumentation-bunyan 0.37.0 + @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http 0.50.0 + @opentelemetry/resources 1.23.0 + @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base 1.23.0 + @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node 1.23.0 + @opentelemetry/semantic-conventions 1.23.0 + @qnighy/marshal 0.1.3 + @renovatebot/kbpgp 3.0.1 + @renovatebot/osv-offline 1.5.4 + @renovatebot/pep440 3.0.20 + @renovatebot/ruby-semver 3.0.23 + @sindresorhus/is 4.6.0 + @types/better-sqlite3 7.6.10 + @types/ms 0.7.34 + @types/tmp 0.2.6 + @yarnpkg/core 4.0.3 + @yarnpkg/parsers 3.0.0 + agentkeepalive 4.5.0 + aggregate-error 3.1.0 + auth-header 1.0.0 + aws4 1.12.0 + azure-devops-node-api 13.0.0 + better-sqlite3 9.5.0 + bunyan 1.8.15 + cacache 18.0.2 + cacheable-lookup 5.0.4 + chalk 4.1.2 + changelog-filename-regex 2.0.1 + clean-git-ref 2.0.1 + commander 12.0.0 + conventional-commits-detector 1.0.3 + cron-parser 4.9.0 + deepmerge 4.3.1 + dequal 2.0.3 + detect-indent 6.1.0 + editorconfig 2.0.0 + email-addresses 5.0.0 + emoji-regex 10.3.0 + emojibase 15.3.0 + emojibase-regex 15.3.0 + extract-zip 2.0.1 + find-packages 10.0.4 + find-up 5.0.0 + fs-extra 11.2.0 + git-url-parse 14.0.0 + github-url-from-git 1.5.0 + glob 10.3.12 + global-agent 3.0.0 + good-enough-parser 1.1.23 + google-auth-library 9.8.0 + got 11.8.6 + graph-data-structure 3.5.0 + handlebars 4.7.8 + ignore 5.3.1 + ini 4.1.2 + js-yaml 4.1.0 + json-dup-key-validator 1.0.3 + json-stringify-pretty-compact 3.0.0 + json5 2.2.3 + jsonata 2.0.4 + klona 2.0.6 + lru-cache 10.2.0 + luxon 3.4.4 + markdown-it 13.0.2 + markdown-table 2.0.0 + minimatch 9.0.4 + moo 0.5.2 + ms 2.1.3 + nanoid 3.3.7 + node-html-parser 6.1.13 + p-all 3.0.0 + p-map 4.0.0 + p-queue 6.6.2 + p-throttle 4.1.1 + parse-link-header 2.0.0 + prettier 3.2.5 + redis 4.6.13 + remark 13.0.0 + remark-github 10.1.0 + safe-stable-stringify 2.4.3 + semver 7.6.0 + semver-stable 3.0.0 + semver-utils 1.1.4 + shlex 2.1.2 + simple-git 3.24.0 + slugify 1.6.6 + source-map-support 0.5.21 + toml-eslint-parser 0.9.3 + traverse 0.6.9 + tslib 2.6.2 + upath 2.0.1 + url-join 4.0.1 + validate-npm-package-name 5.0.0 + vuln-vects 1.1.0 + xmldoc 1.3.0 + zod 3.23.4 optionalDependencies: + openpgp 5.11.1 + re2 1.20.10 devDependencies: + @hyrious/marshal 0.3.3 + @jest/environment 29.7.0 + @jest/globals 29.7.0 + @jest/reporters 29.7.0 + @jest/test-result 29.7.0 + @jest/types 29.6.3 + @ls-lint/ls-lint 2.2.3 + @openpgp/web-stream-tools 0.0.14 + @renovate/eslint-plugin <- @renovatebot/eslint-plugin + @semantic-release/exec 6.0.3 + @swc/core 1.4.17 + @types/auth-header 1.0.6 + @types/aws4 1.11.6 + @types/breejs__later 4.1.5 + @types/bunyan 1.8.11 + @types/cacache 17.0.2 + @types/callsite 1.0.34 + @types/changelog-filename-regex 2.0.2 + @types/clean-git-ref 2.0.2 + @types/common-tags 1.8.4 + @types/conventional-commits-detector 1.0.2 + @types/diff 5.2.0 + @types/eslint 8.56.10 + @types/fs-extra 11.0.4 + @types/git-url-parse 9.0.3 + @types/github-url-from-git 1.5.3 + @types/global-agent 2.1.3 + @types/ini 4.1.0 + @types/js-yaml 4.0.9 + @types/json-dup-key-validator 1.0.2 + @types/linkify-markdown 1.0.3 + @types/lodash 4.17.0 + @types/luxon 3.4.2 + @types/markdown-it 13.0.7 + @types/markdown-table 2.0.0 + @types/marshal 0.5.3 + @types/mdast 3.0.15 + @types/moo 0.5.9 + @types/node 18.19.31 + @types/parse-link-header 2.0.3 + @types/semver 7.5.8 + @types/semver-stable 3.0.2 + @types/semver-utils 1.1.3 + @types/tar 6.1.13 + @types/traverse 0.6.36 + @types/unist 2.0.10 + @types/url-join 4.0.3 + @types/validate-npm-package-name 4.0.2 + @types/xmldoc 1.1.9 + @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 7.7.1 + @typescript-eslint/parser 7.7.1 + aws-sdk-client-mock 4.0.0 + callsite 1.0.0 + common-tags 1.8.2 + conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits 7.0.2 + diff 5.2.0 + emojibase-data 15.3.0 + eslint 8.57.0 + eslint-formatter-gha 1.4.3 + eslint-import-resolver-typescript 3.6.1 + eslint-plugin-import 2.29.1 + eslint-plugin-jest 27.9.0 + eslint-plugin-jest-formatting 3.1.0 + eslint-plugin-promise 6.1.1 + eslint-plugin-typescript-enum 2.1.0 + expect 29.7.0 + expect-more-jest 5.5.0 + graphql 16.8.1 + husky 9.0.11 + jest 29.7.0 + jest-extended 4.0.2 + jest-mock 29.7.0 + jest-mock-extended 3.0.6 + jest-snapshot 29.7.0 + markdownlint-cli2 0.13.0 + memfs 4.8.2 + nock 13.5.4 + npm-run-all2 6.1.2 + nyc 15.1.0 + pretty-format 29.7.0 + rimraf 5.0.5 + semantic-release 22.0.12 + tar 6.2.1 + tmp-promise 3.0.3 + ts-jest 29.1.2 + ts-node 10.9.2 + type-fest 4.18.0 + typescript 5.4.5 + unified 9.2.2 . prepare$ run-s 'prepare:*' │ > renovate@0.0.0-semantic-release prepare:husky /workspaces/renovatebot.git… │ > husky [2 lines collapsed]│4> renovate@0.0.0-semantic-release prepare:generate /workspaces/renovateb│7> renovate@0.0.0-semantic-release generate:imports /workspaces/renovateb│ > data/debian-distro-info.json│ > data/kubernetes-api.json5│ > data/node-js-schedule.json │ > data/ubuntu-distro-info.json │ > node_modules/emojibase-data/en/shortcodes/github.json │ generating hashes │ > renovate@0.0.0-semantic-release prepare:re2 /workspaces/renovatebot.githu…renovate@0.0.0-semantic-release prepare:re2 /workspaces/│ > node tools/check-re2.mjs│ Checking re2 ... └─ Done in 2.6s Done in 21.9s > renovate@0.0.0-semantic-release build:docs /workspaces/ > ts-node tools/generate-docs.ts INFO: generating docs INFO: * static INFO: * fetching open GitHub issues INFO: * platforms INFO: * versionings INFO: * datasources INFO: * managers INFO: * managers/asdf/supported-plugins INFO: * presets INFO: * templates INFO: * configuration-options INFO: * self-hosted-configuration INFO: * json-schema bash bin/ Scope: all 2 workspace projects Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped Packages: +181 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Progress: resolved 181, reused 181, downloaded 0, added 0, done node_modules/.pnpm/msgpackr-extract@3.0.2/node_modules/msgpackr-extract: Rnode_modules/.pnpm/msgpackr-extract@3.0.2/node_modules/msgpackr-extract: Running install script, done in 163ms node_modules/.pnpm/@swc+core@1.4.13/node_modules/@swc/core: Running postinnode_modules/.pnpm/@swc+core@1.4.13/node_modules/@swc/core: Running postinstall script, done in 494ms ../.. prepare$ husky └─ Done in 83ms node_modules/.pnpm/lmdb@2.8.5/node_modules/lmdb: Running install script, done in 124ms Done in 2.9s > repo-cache-decoder@ build /workspaces/ > parcel build --dist-dir=../../docs/cache-decoder --public-url /cache-decoder ✨ Built in 2.65s ../../docs/cache-decoder/index.html 1023 B 1.25s ../../docs/cache-decoder/index.fabe2729.js 116.58 KB 1.18s ../../docs/cache-decoder/index.d67eca4e.js 116.57 KB 1.18s poetry run mkdocs build INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: /workspaces/ INFO - Downloading external file: WARNING - Doc file '' contains a link './', but the target '' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file '' contains a link './', but the target '' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'getting-started/' contains a link '../', but the target '' is not found among documentation files. INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file:,300i,400,400i,700,700i%7CRoboto+Mono:400,400i,700,700i&display=fallback INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: INFO - Downloading external file: Aborted with 3 warnings in strict mode! make: *** [Makefile:19: build-docs] Error 1 [102658 ms] postCreateCommand failed with exit code 2. Skipping any further user-provided commands. {"outcome":"error","message":"Command failed: /bin/sh -c .devcontainer/","description":"The postCreateCommand in the devcontainer.json failed.","containerId":"837f288d0b43dee75c7f585661bf4fffe0e704c24da41ef7be652d22ea3666f2"} Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c .devcontainer/ at wY (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:235:130) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async nl (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:227:4393) at async tl (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:227:3738) at async rl (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:227:2942) at async fs (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:227:2386) at async q$ (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:464:1488) at async iK (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:464:960) at async gAA (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:481:3660) at async BC (/.codespaces/agent/bin/node_modules/@devcontainers/cli/dist/spec-node/devContainersSpecCLI.js:481:4775) devcontainer process exited with exit code 1 Failed to create container. Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c .devcontainer/ Error code: 1302 (UnifiedContainersErrorFatalCreatingContainer) Container creation failed. Creating recovery container ... ```

I think the main thing we should change is make it so that the devcontainer/codespace is always alllowed to start, even if there are problems with the docs site generation.

Did you already have any implementation ideas?

I think we need to make it so the --strict mode of mkdocs does not apply to the Codespaces/Gitpod/Devcontainer startup sequence.

We should keep the strict mode on for the official builds, and for the checks we run on any incoming PRs!

Do you want to write this feature yourself?
