renyard / validity

A Google Chrome extension for validating HTML.
Apache License 2.0
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Using wildcards for util.containsHost() #9

Closed lukearmstrong closed 10 years ago

lukearmstrong commented 13 years ago

This is a feature request.

When I am working on my websites I host them on a development server, accessible via

I hoped putting in *.local in the "Automatically Validate Hosts" options would ensure any domain that ends in .local would automatically be validated, but after looking at the code it just looks for exact matches.

I would implement it, but I'm not very good at JavaScript so I'm not sure of the most elegant solution.

Another nice feature would be to have a list of IP addresses that are automatically validated, so I could enter the IP address of my live server.

Possibly introduce a checkbox to automatically validate domains that resolve to a local network (, 192.168.., etc)

lukearmstrong commented 11 years ago

Looks like this has been implemented by a Pull Request, please merge.


renyard commented 10 years ago

Regular expressions are supported in v2.0, which will be in the Web Store soon. While regular expressions are more complex, this should fulfil all use cases in this issue.

Unless there is strong user feedback in favour of wildcards, only regular expressions will be supported in order not to over complicate the implementation.