renyuneyun / Easer

User-defined explicit automation for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improving the usage example #459

Open danboid opened 2 years ago

danboid commented 2 years ago

I have just attempted to set up my first easer profile, following

I'm not sure if it has worked yet (UPDATE - it hasn't worked despite easer saying it ran - it says Status: Satisfied) and I had the following questions:

On the main Outline page where it shows the run status, if I click 'See Details' I have an Operation called 'Run commands' which has its check box ticked but it doesn't have a green tick next to the check box. Does this mean that any events that I create that try to run legit shell commands will fail?

Do I need to install busybox or something to use the 'Run commands' event and get a green tick next to it? You should label the two columns of ticks on that page. What do the two columns mean? My guess is that the left column of ticks on this page is if the correct permissions are enabled the the right column is to enable and disable that operation for all profiles? Hmm, I'm not sure that makes sense to me so it can't be that.

When creating a timer we have the option to create an inexact timer instead of an exact one. Why would anyone want to choose to create an inexact timer?

Similarly, when creating a script event I can set it to being volatile or persistent. What is the difference? Volatile sounds risky.

Something not mentioned in this guide at all that I think I've seen you say elsewhere in the docs is that you seem to indicate we can't trigger profiles/events more frequently than once every 3 minutes? Is that correct? That would seem to clash with it seeming to support creating profiles that would run once every second. What is the minimum allowed time to repeat executing profiles/events?

The guide says "Move to Event page" but this is a bit unclear, it should say something like "open the hamburger / side menu, select Data then open the Event tab.

I may rewrite the whole guide if I can get easer working for my use case.


danboid commented 2 years ago

The command I want easer to run is

mv /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/* /storage/6AFF-CE63/DCIM/Camera/

Every 15 minutes.

I have tested this command in an Android terminal emulator and it works fine without having to be root so it must be an easer/Android permissions problem, a bug or maybe I've just not configured it correctly?