renzuzu / renzu_evidence

Fivem - Police Evidence. Fingerprint, Bullet Case, Magazines, Vehicle Fragments/Bullets and more ESX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 12 forks source link

Evidence no complete #7

Open EduardoJGilA opened 1 year ago

EduardoJGilA commented 1 year ago

I tried the evidence with my friend and we cant get the bullets or something else. image We hare this error in console when someone starts to connect into the server and this is de evicedence. image

renzuzu commented 1 year ago

the error was from player login or logout, havent got a time, but those wont cause any bug to resource.

EduardoJGilA commented 1 year ago

the error was from player login or logout, havent got a time, but those wont cause any bug to resource.

But I don't find any evidence like Bullets or something else because when I shoot my friend and use the fingerprints item doesn't found anything and when I entered in a car and used that I only found the fingerprints but anything else. :(

renzuzu commented 1 year ago

bullets can be found only when you shoot as not a police job.

and police jobs can search using flashlight.

vehicle bullets can be found when someone fire a gun to the vehicle as not policejob

sorry no documentation since this is still ongoing resource.

EduardoJGilA commented 1 year ago

bullets can be found only when you shoot as not a police job.

and police jobs can search using flashlight.

vehicle bullets can be found when someone fire a gun to the vehicle as not policejob

sorry no documentation since this is still ongoing resource.

So if I want the bullets to appear, the suspect must not be a policeman and use the flashlight, can I remove the condition that it must be a policeman and also in the vehicle? are the bullets seen, are they picked up automatically? Should there be a victim or can it also be with NPC?

EduardoJGilA commented 1 year ago

image Evidence is empty in this part.

for type_,data in pairs(evidence or {}) do
                    for k,v in pairs(data) do
                        local indist = #(v.coord - coord) < 1.2
                        if indist and not textui then
                            textui = true
                            lib.showTextUI('[E] - Pick evidence ('..type_..')', {
                                position = "top-right",
                                icon = 'hand',
                                style = {
                                    borderRadius = 0,
                                    backgroundColor = '#48BB78',
                                    color = 'white'
                        if indist and not v.invehicle then
                            if IsControlJustReleased(0,38) then
                                TakeEvidence({info = v, type = type_, index = k})
                                evidence = GlobalState.Evidence
                        if indist then
                            DrawMarker(0,v.coord.x,v.coord.y,z+0.25,0.0,180.0,180.0,0,180.0,180.0,0.35,0.35,0.5,255,55,11,55,false,true,2, nil, nil, false)
                        if #(v.coord - coord) < 15 then
                            DrawMarker(3,v.coord.x,v.coord.y,z+0.25,0.0,180.0,180.0,0,180.0,180.0,0.15,0.15,0.2,66,135,245,255,true,true,2, nil, nil, false)
renzuzu commented 1 year ago

try setting the chance to 100 to all evidence. in config. and not this wont work on NPC.. should i make this as optional? bullets should work in NPC, but not the bloods.

EduardoJGilA commented 1 year ago

try setting the chance to 100 to all evidence. in config. and not this wont work on NPC.. should i make this as optional? bullets should work in NPC, but not the bloods.

I put all in 100 and I delete the condition about not isjob for the police job, and I have the same problem :(

renzuzu commented 1 year ago


possible issue is when you login the xPlayer error thrown from playerloaded.

renzuzu commented 1 year ago

try the new update.

it seems old logic of player handler does not work properly.