renzuzu / renzu_shops

Fivem Advanced Shops with stocks and player owned shops using ox_inventory , ox_lib. Item metadata supports and item customisation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
80 stars 38 forks source link

error after delivery #147

Open dim62 opened 1 year ago

dim62 commented 1 year ago

SCRIPT ERROR: @renzu_shops/client/main.lua:1526: attempt to concatenate a nil value (field '?')

fn (@renzu_shops/client/main.lua:1526)

I looked at the problem with deliveries trucks spawn as 'item' all the time type == 'vehicle' doesn't work for the vehicle shop we need 'vehicle' and not 'item'. if anyone knows how to fix this if I find the solution I'll post it here

help us renzuzu please

self.StartDelivery = function(var) self.deliverydata = var CreateThread(function() local data = local success = lib.callback.await('renzu_shops:startdelivery', false, var) if success == 'alreadyongoing' then self.SetNotify({ title = 'Store Business', description = 'You have ongoing Delivery', type = 'error' }) return end local type = var.type or 'item' self.shoptype = type local label = self.Items[] or data.item.label local spawn = shared.shipping.spawn local model = shared.shipping.model[type] if var.selfdeliver then spawn = var.selfdeliver.coord model = var.selfdeliver.model end lib.requestModel(model) SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model) self.Vehicle = CreateVehicle(model, spawn.x,spawn.y,spawn.z, spawn.w, true, true) -- Spawns a networked self.Vehicle on your current coords while not DoesEntityExist(self.Vehicle) do Wait(1) end if type == 'vehicle' then self.pickupzone = self.Add(data.point,'Pick Up '..label,self.DelivertoVehicleShop,false,var,false) else self.pickupzone = self.Add(data.point,'Pick Up '..label,self.DelivertoStore,false,var,false) end shared.VehicleKeys(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(self.Vehicle)) truckblip = AddBlipForEntity(self.Vehicle) self.SetBlip(truckblip,477,26,'My Delivery Truck') DoScreenFadeIn(333) SetNewWaypoint(vec3(data.point[1],data.point[2],data.point[3])) deliveryblip = AddBlipForCoord(data.point[1],data.point[2],data.point[3]) self.SetBlip(deliveryblip,358,26,'My Pick Up Point') SetBlipRoute(deliveryblip,true) SetBlipRouteColour(deliveryblip,3) self.SetNotify({ title = 'Store Business', description = 'Go to the Pick Up Location and Pick Up The Item', type = 'inform' }) Wait(1000) end) end