Closed oniGino closed 4 years ago
Hi @oniGino !
When you reload zsh, does the error go away?
You mention "random". How often do you open a session and the error is there?
What way did you use to install typewritten?
Yes reloading a new shell fixes the error, and if i have multiple shells it only effects the one
I followed the manual install instructions
Interesting 🤔
I'll reinstall it on my side using the manual instruction and see it that pops up.
It seems that the async worker initialized at startup could not do it properly.
Maybe try to install it using npm
or another way. I'll try to debug this this week.
Thanks for taking the time to file this bug request!
OK I think I found out how to trigger this, looks like something when I'm copy and pasting from my clipboard
I'm running sway in wayland and using konsole, however I was able to repeat this inside of visual studio code
was able to reproduce reliably just by ls
on my .config directory This only works in visual studio code shell, but not reproducible in konsole with this method
❯ .config
❯ ls .config
AdBlockadblockrc discord kcmkmailsummaryrc kprivacyrc plasma-workspace
'Android Open Source Project' discoverrc kcmknotessummaryrc krdcrc plasma_calendar_holiday_regions
Ankama dolphinrc kcmsambarc kritadisplayrc plasmanotifyrc
'Ankama Launcher' drkonqirc kcmshell5rc kritarc plasmarc
Audaciousrc elisarc kconf_updaterc krunnerrc plasmashellrc
Bitcoin emaildefaults kcookiejarrc kscreenlockerrc plasmavaultrc
Bracia enchant kservicemenurc powerdevil.notifyrc
Code environment.d kdebugrc ksmserverrc powerdevilrc
GNS3 eventviewsrc kdeconnect ksplashrc powermanagementprofilesrc
GNS3rc kded5rc ksysguardrc print-manager
ImageMagick filelightrc kded_device_automounterrc ksystemlogrc pulse
KDE filetypesrc kdeglobals ktimerrc qt5ct
Kitware kdenliverc ktimezonedrc qtchooser
MusicBrainz foldermailarchiverc kdeveloprc ktnefrc ranger
Musiquerc fontconfig kdfrc ktorrent_infowidgetrc retroarch
Picardrc fontforge kdialogrc ktorrent_ipfilterrc
QSyncthingTray freshwrapper-data keditbookmarksrc ktorrentrc sddmthemeinstallerrc
QtEmu ghb keditfiletyperc ktrashrc session
QtProject glib-2.0 keepassx kuriikwsfilterrc showfotorc
QtProject.conf globalnotesettings kfontinstuirc kwalletmanager5rc skypeforlinux
Signal google-chrome kfontviewrc kwalletrc snes9x
Slack gtk-2.0 kgammarc kwin_dialogsrc soffice.binrc
Trolltech.conf gtk-3.0 kglobalshortcutsrc kwinrc specialmailcollectionsrc
VSCodium gtkrc kglobalshortcutsrc-backu kwinrulesrc spectaclerc
VanDyke gtkrc-2.0 kglobalshortcutsrc-new kwriterc startupconfig
VirtualBoxrc gwenviewrc kgpgrc kxkbrc startupconfigfiles
Webcamoid headerthemeeditorrc khotkeysrc libkleopatrarc startupconfigkeys
akregatorrc htop khtmlrc libreoffice storageservicemanagerrc
amarokrc i3blocks kimagemapeditorrc lo_kde5filepickerrc sway
ankama importwizardrc kinfocenterrc swaylock
arkrc incidenceeditorrc kio_httprc mailtransports syncthing
auroraerc kaccessrc kiorc mailviewerrc syncthingtray.ini
autostart kactivitymanagerd-pluginsrc kioslaverc mako systemmonitorrc
autostart-scripts kactivitymanagerd-statsrc kleopatracertificateselectiondialogrc marblerc systemsettingsrc
awesome kactivitymanagerd-switcher kleopatrarc menus templatesconfigurationrc
baloofileinformationrc kactivitymanagerdrc klipperrc mimeapps.list thefuck
baloofilerc kaddressbookrc kmail2rc mkchromecast touchpadrc
baloorc kalarmrc kmailsearchindexingrc oktetarc transmission
blogilorc kamerkarc kmenueditrc okularpartrc trashrc
bluedevilglobalrc katemetainfos kmetainformationrc okularrc user-dirs.dirs
bluedevilreceiverrc katepartrc kmixctrlrc org.kde.gwenviewrc viewnior
breezerc katerc kmixrc oxygenrc vlc
calligrawordsrc kateschemarc knotesrc partitionmanagerrc vlcrc
cef_user_data katesyntaxhighlightingrc knotifyrc pavucontrol.ini volti
chromium katevirc konq_history phishingurlrc webengineurlinterceptoradblockrc
cmst kbackuprc konquerorrc pimpluginsrc weston.ini
configstore kcalcrc konsolerc pip xsettingsd
coonsden kcharselectrc kontact_summaryrc zaap
dconf kcmdisplayrc kontactrc plasma-localerc zoomus.conf
device_automounter_kcmrc kcmfonts korgacrc plasma-nm
digikamrc kcminputrc korganizerrc plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
❯ .config
❯ ls .config
AdBlockadblockrc discord kcmkmailsummaryrc kprivacyrc plasma-workspace
'Android Open Source Project' discoverrc kcmknotessummaryrc krdcrc plasma_calendar_holiday_regions
Ankama dolphinrc kcmsambarc kritadisplayrc plasmanotifyrc
'Ankama Launcher' drkonqirc kcmshell5rc kritarc plasmarc
Audaciousrc elisarc kconf_updaterc krunnerrc plasmashellrc
Bitcoin emaildefaults kcookiejarrc kscreenlockerrc plasmavaultrc
Bracia enchant kservicemenurc powerdevil.notifyrc
Code environment.d kdebugrc ksmserverrc powerdevilrc
GNS3 eventviewsrc kdeconnect ksplashrc powermanagementprofilesrc
GNS3rc kded5rc ksysguardrc print-manager
ImageMagick filelightrc kded_device_automounterrc ksystemlogrc pulse
KDE filetypesrc kdeglobals ktimerrc qt5ct
Kitware kdenliverc ktimezonedrc qtchooser
MusicBrainz foldermailarchiverc kdeveloprc ktnefrc ranger
Musiquerc fontconfig kdfrc ktorrent_infowidgetrc retroarch
Picardrc fontforge kdialogrc ktorrent_ipfilterrc
QSyncthingTray freshwrapper-data keditbookmarksrc ktorrentrc sddmthemeinstallerrc
QtEmu ghb keditfiletyperc ktrashrc session
QtProject glib-2.0 keepassx kuriikwsfilterrc showfotorc
QtProject.conf globalnotesettings kfontinstuirc kwalletmanager5rc skypeforlinux
Signal google-chrome kfontviewrc kwalletrc snes9x
Slack gtk-2.0 kgammarc kwin_dialogsrc soffice.binrc
Trolltech.conf gtk-3.0 kglobalshortcutsrc kwinrc specialmailcollectionsrc
VSCodium gtkrc kglobalshortcutsrc-backu kwinrulesrc spectaclerc
VanDyke gtkrc-2.0 kglobalshortcutsrc-new kwriterc startupconfig
VirtualBoxrc gwenviewrc kgpgrc kxkbrc startupconfigfiles
Webcamoid headerthemeeditorrc khotkeysrc libkleopatrarc startupconfigkeys
akregatorrc htop khtmlrc libreoffice storageservicemanagerrc
amarokrc i3blocks kimagemapeditorrc lo_kde5filepickerrc sway
ankama importwizardrc kinfocenterrc swaylock
arkrc incidenceeditorrc kio_httprc mailtransports syncthing
auroraerc kaccessrc kiorc mailviewerrc syncthingtray.ini
autostart kactivitymanagerd-pluginsrc kioslaverc mako systemmonitorrc
autostart-scripts kactivitymanagerd-statsrc kleopatracertificateselectiondialogrc marblerc systemsettingsrc
awesome kactivitymanagerd-switcher kleopatrarc menus templatesconfigurationrc
baloofileinformationrc kactivitymanagerdrc klipperrc mimeapps.list thefuck
baloofilerc kaddressbookrc kmail2rc mkchromecast touchpadrc
baloorc kalarmrc kmailsearchindexingrc oktetarc transmission
blogilorc kamerkarc kmenueditrc okularpartrc trashrc
bluedevilglobalrc katemetainfos kmetainformationrc okularrc user-dirs.dirs
bluedevilreceiverrc katepartrc kmixctrlrc org.kde.gwenviewrc viewnior
breezerc katerc kmixrc oxygenrc vlc
calligrawordsrc kateschemarc knotesrc partitionmanagerrc vlcrc
cef_user_data katesyntaxhighlightingrc knotifyrc pavucontrol.ini volti
chromium katevirc konq_history phishingurlrc webengineurlinterceptoradblockrc
cmst kbackuprc konquerorrc pimpluginsrc weston.ini
configstore kcalcrc konsolerc pip xsettingsd
coonsden kcharselectrc kontact_summaryrc zaap
dconf kcmdisplayrc kontactrc plasma-localerc zoomus.conf
device_automounter_kcmrc kcmfonts korgacrc plasma-nm
digikamrc kcminputrc korganizerrc plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
❯ cd .. .config
async_worker_eval: no such async worker: _worker
async_job: no such async worker: _worker
async_job: no such async worker: _worker
async_job: no such async worker: _worker
here is my zshrc btw
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/grey/.zshrc'
autoload -Uz compinit
#Typewritten Theme
autoload -U promptinit; promptinit
prompt typewritten
bindkey "^A" vi-beginning-of-line
bindkey "^E" vi-end-of-line
bindkey -e
bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
setopt autocd
setopt nullglob
source ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
source /home/grey/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
alias grep='grep --colour=always'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
eval $(keychain --eval --agents ssh,gpg -q)
#export PATH=/home/grey/.cargo/bin:/home/grey/.local/bin:/home/grey/workspace/go/bin:/home/grey/workspace/Android/SDK/platform-tools:$PATH
export $(/usr/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/30-systemd-environment-d-generator)
export GOPATH=/home/grey/workspace/go
export BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox
@oniGino Thanks for all the info! Will have a look tomorrow using your setup
Just letting you know that I'm getting this same error too. Clean install from a few days ago with oh-my-zsh. Happens consistently after a few minutes of normal terminal use.
Thanks for letting me know @frdrk !
I have a fix in mind right now. I'm pretty sure it's related to
I'm not able to reproduce the error, though. So it's pretty hard for me to debug.
If you would like to help, there is one comment that mentions that a temporary workaround would be to initialize the worker on the precmd
Could you add these lines just after _prompt_precmd() {
on line 94? :
async_start_worker _worker -n
async_register_callback _worker _prompt_callback
The file is at ~/.zsh/typewritten/typewritten.zsh
Then reload zsh
and see if the error still happens. Thanks!
Thanks @reobin ! Been running for a few hours now with no issues. It seem to have done the trick.
@frdrk cool!
It's definitely not a viable fix to package in the theme, but I'm glad it worked for now.
What I'll end up doing is check for errors on the async callback function, and if there are any, reinitialize the worker.
I'll keep this open and work on it soon. I'll probably need some quick testing if you're up for it! I'll keep this issue up to date.
No worries. I'm no power user but I'll help out any way I can.
@frdrk I pushed to a branch called fix/workers
If you could pull it and use it for a while, it would be greatly appreciated.
What's new is a check for return code in the callback function. When the return code is equal to some values, the workers are reinitialized and the async functions called again.
For now, when the workers die, a message about it is displayed, and they get reinitialize. I'll leave the messages to help you identify when it happens, and if it gets reinitialized correctly. Then, before pushing to master, we'll remove them.
@all-contributors please add @oniGino for bug
I've put up a pull request to add @oniGino! :tada:
@all-contributors please add @frdrk for bug, and userTesting
I've put up a pull request to add @frdrk! :tada:
Not sure how to reproduce this it happens randomly it seems
I have to exist and restart the shell to get it to go away, it will print this error after every command