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Support for 10.2" Pervasive Displays (EZ102CT011) #45

Open edundias opened 8 years ago

edundias commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to connect a 10.2" display from Pervasive Displays (model EZ102CT011) and when I use the epd-fuse and set EPD_SIZE to 10.2 it does not work. I haven't been able to display anything. Can I request some support please? Thank you very much in advance.

shawaj commented 8 years ago

As far as I know, this code will only support screen sizes from 1.44" up to 2.71 inch listed here -

hxw commented 8 years ago

The open source code is limited to panels smaller than three inches owing to Patent and/or NDA requirements for datashets and timing patterns. Therfore, please contact Pervasive directly to ask about any code or eval kits for greater than 2.7" displays.

shawaj commented 8 years ago

@hxw do you know if there are any future plans to support open source on the larger ones?

repaper commented 8 years ago

Like @hxw mentioned, the will focus on sub 3 inch open source only and always. Please contact Pervasive Displays for 4 inch above.